Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 455: Genius

"Are you sure you want to use the black flames of the sky to kill all the soul beasts of the original?"

When Qin Shaofeng was proud, the sound of the ball suddenly rang in Qin Shaofeng's ears.

However, at this moment, the tone of Xiaoqiuqiu was a little weird, and it seemed to be a little gloating.

Qin Shaofeng didn't hear it for a while, and nodded directly: "Of course, this is the most labor-saving way, and it is also the most sure way for me. I will do it naturally!"

But as soon as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, Xiaoqiuqiu smiled weirdly, and said, "Hey, for this matter, wait for you to see where the four yuan spirit beasts disappeared, and then talk!"


Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a moment, but in the next moment, he seemed to be thinking about something, and he suddenly lowered his head to look at the place where the four yuan spirit beasts had been burned by the sky.

But at this look, Qin Shaofeng's face was twitchy.


There is no more!

Under normal circumstances, after the four yuan spirit beasts were killed, there would be four spiritual essences.

But now the ground is empty and there is no hair at all.

Looking at this scene, Qin Shaofeng naturally knew why the small ball club would gloat for himself in such a way.

"I circled a cross, but Amaterasu burned away even the spiritual essence?"

When I thought of the four low-level spiritual essences, they were so burned, Qin Shaofeng's face showed a very painful expression.

"I made a mistake, I made a mistake! I actually forgot the characteristics of Amaterasu, this is a big loss!"

After a few heartaches, Qin Shaofeng sighed and said: "It seems that Amaterasu's killing of the soul beast is still a little unrealistic!"

"It's quite unrealistic!"

At this time, Xiaoqiuqiu snorted again, and then said disdainfully: "And do you think that the spirit beast behind Yuan will not appear to have a spirit armor?"


Listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng's heart flashed with doubt.

However, at this moment, six Yuanzhi spirit beasts of the double realm of the Great Yuan Pill appeared, rushing towards Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng had nothing to think about.

Amaterasu can't be used, and once used, you won't even be able to get it.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng also hesitated.

With a move with his right hand, with a swish flash, the huge profound iron heavy sword instantly appeared in Qin Shaofeng.

Then he raised the profound iron epee and faced the six yuan spirit beasts that rushed towards him, Qin Shaofeng didn't dodge or avoid, so he directly used the profound iron epee and smashed it a few times.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With three explosions in succession, Qin Shaofeng directly smashed the six soul beasts.

The second level and three passes have also passed.

Soon, the third level and the first level appeared.

But it was only the three Yuanzhi spirit beasts in the early stage of the triple stage of the Great Yuan Pill, Qin Shaofeng still easily killed it when Qin Shaofeng held the profound iron heavy sword.

This time soon, with the help of the profound iron heavy sword, although a lot of spiritual power was consumed, in the end Qin Shaofeng only passed the third stage in less than a quarter of an hour.

The fourth start!

But when the Yuanzhi Spirit Beast of the fourth stage and the first stage appeared, a hint of surprise flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Because this time the Big Yuan Pill Quadruple Yuan Spirit Beast was actually guessed right by the small ball ball, it really condensed the spirit armor.

Not only that, the fourth stage of the Primordial Spirit Beast not only possesses the spirit armor, but also its realm has changed.

Yuan Zhiling Beast

Level: Mid-Fourth Stage of Great Yuandan

Spiritual value: 4.3 million/4.3 million


It was actually in the middle stage, and the spiritual power value had also been improved.

Seeing the four yuan spirit beasts condensed and formed not far in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little solemnly.

It seems that the nine layers and three levels of this Yuanzhi Secret Realm should be three levels and one hurdle.

"In that case, after the seventh level, the spirit beast of the yuan that I face should be the seventh level, eight levels or even the late stage of the nine levels?"

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng felt painful.


A roar interrupted Qin Shaofeng's thoughts. When he looked back, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the four Yuanzhi spirit beasts in the mid-range of the four-layer Great Yuan Pill before him.

"Huh, what a shit! I'm going to blow you up right now!"

The profound iron heavy sword in his hand tightened, and Qin Shaofeng leaped forward to meet him.

The battle started again.


While Qin Shaofeng was still struggling at the first level of the fourth stage, at this moment, in another dimension of the Yuan Zhi Secret Realm, Xiang Qianyang used his true strength for the first time since entering the Yuan Secret Realm.


With a violent shout, he waved his fists to Qianyang, and instantly shot nine Qianshan fist shadows.

These nine Qianshan boxing shadows were more powerful than the Qianshan boxing shadows that Xiang Qianyang played against Qin Shaofeng in the previous small contest.

Nine Qianshan fist shadows turned into nine meteors, and immediately not far from Xiang Qianyang, nine of the group of Yuanzhi spirit beasts directly exploded one after another.

However, after finishing all this, Xiang Qianyang did not pause at all, and screamed again with a fist.

It was another Nine Dao Qianshan Fist Shadow, blasting the last nine Yuanzhi spirit beasts.


That's right, Xiang Qianyang had already reached the third stage of the sixth stage at this moment, facing eighteen Yuanzhi spirit beasts in the middle stage of the sixth stage of the Great Yuandan.

But even so, these yuan spirit beasts are still not Xiang Qianyang's opponents.

This burst of his true strength, only Xiang Qianyang passed in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, the seventh start!

Seven powerful spirit beasts of Yuan Zhi appeared in front of Xiang Qianyang, but Xiang Qianyang showed a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.


When Xiang Qianyang passed the sixth level and third level, under the light curtain of the outside world, the expressions of the Sect Master Qianshan Sect and others changed slightly.

Being able to pass the sixth level and the third level, such a result, has been able to enter the top 100 in the years of Qianshanzong.

That's right, only through the sixth level and third level can you enter the top 100.

This shows how many powerful geniuses have appeared in the Qianshan Sect over the years.

Facing his son's performance like this, a smile flashed in the eyes of Sect Master Qianshan.

Xu Feiyang's complexion on the side wasn't very good-looking, but the next moment, Xu Feiyang's mouth showed a smile.

Because at this moment, the name of his son Xu Tianyang suddenly flashed slightly and jumped, entering the seventh stage.

Humph, just a little slow, so it seems that once Tianyang bursts out of true strength, he will definitely be able to catch up with the kid Xiang Qianyang.

Although Xu Feiyang and Qianshan Sect Master had made a bet under his son's test.

But sometimes, even if there is no bet, there is a great struggle between the high and the low, which will represent changes in some things.

As the Deputy Sect Master of the Qianshan Sect, Xu Feiyang hadn't had a peek at the position of the Sect Master of the Qianshan Sect?

And precisely because of this, all forces in the Qianshan Sect are actually divided into three factions.

The two great suzerains have their own factions, and there are some neutral factions in between.

The seemingly powerful Thousand Mountain Sect is actually full of struggles inside.

However, it still didn't break out completely.

In this secret contest, the two suzerains have not known how many times they have fought.

And this time, the contest between the two great geniuses who are the sons of the suzerain is not a secret fight between the two suzerains?

After all, as the future successors of the two major factions, if they can beat each other, it can all mean a lot.

At this moment, a lot of things can be seen from the expressions on the faces of the two masters.

Faced with such a situation, Xie Zijun finally understood why his master sent himself when the two great sect masters asked his master to testify.

I'm afraid that his old man would have expected such a situation a long time ago, so it's better to be blind.


What is this called!

He sighed softly in his heart, but when his eyes fell on the names of Xiang Qianyang and Xiang Qianyang, Xie Zijun also had to admit it.

The two are indeed rare geniuses.

Overtaking him at this rate, I'm afraid it won't be a problem.


Just when Xie Zijun had some thoughts, Xu Tianyang came to the top and the comers came to the top, his name jumped, and instantly he jumped from the 97 on the light curtain to 73.

The Yuan Zhiling beast that appeared in the seventh stage was much stronger.

The first level alone stopped many geniuses.

Although he only passed the seventh level and the first pass, Xu Tianyang's achievements were enough to surpass the geniuses of Qianshanzong over the years.

Seeing this, Xu Feiyang showed a hint of joy in his eyes, but soon the hint of joy was diluted.

Because at this moment, Xiang Qianyang's name was also a leap, flying directly to the 72nd.

And then, the two geniuses seemed to have burst of real power, even in the seventh stage and the second stage, the fourteen great yuan pill seventh stage Yuanzhi spirit beasts could not stop them for long.

After just a cup of tea, the two passed.

Even the third pass, the two passed it in less than a quarter of an hour.

The eighth one!

Seeing this scene, Xie Zijun's eyes shrank subconsciously.

Because at this time, the names of Xiang Qianyang and Xu Tianyang were already in the top forty.

This is not far from his 27th place.

Xie Zijun remembered that he had failed in the first level of the eighth stage.

However, Xie Zijun had already defeated the seven Yuanzhi spirit beasts in the eighth realm of the Great Yuan Pill.

But in the end, because of the excessive consumption of spiritual power and unable to deal with the final blow, it failed and was transmitted.

Yuan Zhi Secret Realm has a special rule, that is, those who enter it will never worry about their lives.

Because as long as you have the thought of exiting the secret realm in your heart, it will be sent out by the Yuanzhi secret realm.

And even if there is no thought of quitting, Yuan Zhi Secret Realm will directly send out people who are unable to fight anymore, or even those who are in danger of life, depending on the specific situation.

For thousands of years since Qianshanzong possessed the secret realm of Yuan, there has been no case of loss of life.

Xie Zijun wanted to know at this moment whether Xiang Qianyang and Xu Tianyang could surpass themselves.

Although even his master once said that both Xu Tianyang and Xiang Qianyang are one of the best geniuses in the life of Qianshan Sect, and their qualifications are above him.

But before seeing it with his own eyes, Xie Zijun still didn't quite agree with him.

But a quarter of an hour later, when he saw his name on the light curtain, he fell twice, and Xie Zijun's mouth showed a bitter smile.

Sure enough, I was really overtaken!

Although before that, Xie Zijun had prepared in his heart.

But after seeing it with his own eyes, Xie Zijun was still very emotional.

At this time, Xie Zijun finally understood.

The real kind of enchanting genius of these two!

A genius more evil than him!

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