Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 456: Xie Zijun messed up in the wind



Seeing that on the light curtain, his ranking was replaced, and he dropped two rankings directly, Xie Zijun felt unspeakable emotion in his heart.

"Oh, forget it, I don’t have to compare it. After all, one of the two has the Saint-Rank Spirit Root Ice Water Spirit, and the other has the Qianshan Sect Master’s line, the most powerful spiritual root, more powerful than me, too. It's normal!"

After comforting himself, Xie Zijun no longer thought about anything, and then subconsciously cast his gaze on the bottom Qin Shaofeng's name again.

But at this look, Xie Zijun was shocked.

Huh, where's Junior Brother Qin's name?

Suddenly, Xie Zijun didn't see Qin Shaofeng's name.

In this situation, Xie Zijun's first reaction was that Qin Shaofeng was out.

Did Junior Brother Qin fail to break through?

But this thought didn't last long, and Xie Zijun discovered an amazing scene.

how can that be?

If not, these few of them have not low statuses, and if there is something wrong on the scene, Xie Zijun might have already exclaimed at this moment.

Because at this time, he discovered an extremely shocking scene.

That was the name of Qin Shaofeng at the bottom, not disappearing, but rising.

And still directly promoted to the top 100.

This means that Qin Shaofeng has now entered the seventh stage.

But how is this possible?

How much effort is this?

I remember a quarter of an hour ago, Junior Brother Qin was still in the first level of the fourth stage, right?

But in this short quarter of an hour, he actually reached the seventh stage?

What happened to this?

Xie Zijun's heart set off a storm of shock and unbelief.

Although he believed that with Qin Shaofeng's strength, it was not difficult to rank in the top 100, but this situation was really weird.

What exactly happened?

A quarter of an hour ago, after Qin Shaofeng dealt with the four Great Yuan Pills in the fourth stage of the first stage, he faced the eight Great Yuan Pills in the second stage of the fourth stage. At that time, my heart suddenly moved.

"Well, I don't know, the skill of the profound iron heavy sword is so powerful that it will not work against the spirit beast of the Yuan."

When I thought that the profound iron heavy sword had its own power, which was a skill that exerts gravity, Qin Shaofeng wanted to know what effect this power would play in the face of a spirit beast made of gas.

As a piece of equipment in Qin Shaofeng's hand, the profound iron epee can be said to be a holy weapon, although it is not as powerful as other holy soldiers.

But that weight plus skill weight, the two combined with each other, but it can burst out extremely strong power.

Especially for the current Qin Shaofeng, the one thousand and eighty kilograms of profound iron heavy sword can already be used by one of the ordinary long swords.

After all, the improvement of the realm, the weight of one thousand and eighty catties, is nothing to Qin Shaofeng now.

Even according to Xiaoqiuqiu's statement, as long as Qin Shaofeng advances to the three yuan realm, even if it is only the earth yuan realm, the weight of the profound iron heavy sword can be released to three thousand catties.

At that time, the profound iron epee might be even more terrifying.

Not to mention three thousand catties, but the weight of one thousand eighty catties brought many surprises to Qin Shaofeng.

Especially when facing this yuan spirit beast now!

Qin Shaofeng couldn't think of it. At the moment when he exerted his great power, the eight great Yuandan four-layer spirit beasts that appeared this time were actually stopped by gravity for the first time.


Just stay directly!

It was just a gas-like soul beast that seemed to be greatly weakened by gravity.

Even when they were stationary, the spirit armor they had gathered had a faint tendency to collapse.

This made Qin Shaofeng see him, and he was ecstatic.

The next moment, an epee swept across without a front, and the eight Yuanzhi spirit beasts in the four-level realm of the Great Yuan Pill suddenly exploded and completely dissipated.

Only eight pieces of shining low-level spirit remained on the ground.

And after the fourth to sixth three levels, Qin Shaofeng used this method to solve all the soul beasts of the Yuan.

Even with the elementary yuan spirit beasts, their strength became stronger and stronger, and their resistance to gravity became stronger.

But for Qin Shaofeng, it was just spending more spiritual power, which didn't cause any trouble.

In the end, he reached the seventh level and the first level within a quarter of an hour.

The only thing that made Qin Shaofeng a little concerned about was that the normal second-grade Nine Layer Spirit Pill he refined had already been consumed by one third.

However, Qin Shaofeng felt relieved when he thought that he still had ten special edition second-grade nine-layer spirit pills.

It was just the second-rank nine-layer spirit pill, even the special version of the second-rank nine-layer spirit pill, for the current Qin Shaofeng, it was impossible to restore all the spiritual power with just one piece.

But that at least can instantly recover five million points of spiritual power, which is still a powerful recovery medicine for Qin Shaofeng.

However, the situation of violently hitting the Yuanzhi Spirit Beast with the heavy sword and no front was finally ended in the seventh level and the first level.

"Oh, it's finally dying!"

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised to see the seven Yuanzhi spirit beasts of the late seventh stage of the Great Yuan Pill that had not yet exploded, but still had not yet exploded.

"After all, it is the Yuan Zhi Ling Beast with 7.8 million points of spiritual power! This is the defense power of the Ling armor, I am afraid it will be upgraded to a level."

Yuan Zhiling Beast

Level: Seventh Stage of Great Yuandan

Spiritual value: 7.8 million/7.8 million


Seeing the attributes of the seven Yuanzhi spirit beasts in front of him, Qin Shaofeng smiled, his expression still relaxed.

Because even the Yuanzhi spirit beast in the late stage of the seventh stage of the Great Yuan Pill, after Qin Shaofeng's heavy force and the heavy sword without the front, although it still has not been destroyed, the spirit armor on its body has completely collapsed.

"In this case..."

The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, Qin Shaofeng clasped the profound iron epee in both hands, making a violent jump, his hands flashed in midair, and the profound iron epee burst out with a dazzling light of thunder.

Then, Qin Shaofeng held the profound iron heavy sword at the seven yuan spirit beasts, slashing fiercely.

"Thunder Dunk Thousand Birds Flow!"

With a violent shout, a burst of thunder shining, as if the gods descended from the sky, the seven Yuanzhi spirit beasts were shrouded in thunder.

When Qin Shaofeng landed again, the thunder light dissipated, leaving only seven shining low-level spirits on the ground.

The seven Yuanzhi spirit beasts of the seventh stage of the Great Yuandan were all strangled by the thunder and lightning!


At this moment, both Xiang Qianyang and Xu Tianyang are still fighting in the second level of the eighth stage.

The eighth stage and the second stage need to face the spirit beasts of the Yuan, but the sixteen spirit beasts of the Yuan in the late stage of the eighth stage of the Great Yuan Dan.

Each of the spirit beasts of the Yuan Zhi in this realm possessed 8.8 million points of spiritual power, and its strength was so powerful that it could not be dealt with by the Xiao Yuan Dan realm.

I'm even afraid that even some disciples of the Eighth Layer of the Great Yuandan in the preparation camp will not have a big problem with one single one, and there is still a chance to deal with two or three at the same time.

But if you deal with 16 animals at the same time, it is purely a death.

However, it is precisely because of this that it can be seen that Xiang Qianyang and Xu Tianyang are not simple.

There is a monster like existence in the world!

Under the light curtain outside the Yuan Zhi Secret, the two great sect masters are always staring at the light curtain, and they both want to know if their son is more advantageous.

After all, at this point, if you can successfully break through the barriers in advance, you can already see whose strength is better.

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng jumped his name from the end to more than 70 because he passed the first level of the seventh stage.

This abnormal phenomenon attracted everyone's attention for the first time.

This kid...

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's name, Sect Master Qianshan's eyes were slightly surprised.

And Xu Feiyang frowned, because so far, he only knew the name of Qin Shaofeng and didn't understand it at all.

Because he didn't care about Qin Shaofeng at all.

Even now, Qin Shaofeng has already shown the strength to suppress the first level of the seventh stage, and Xu Feiyang just glanced at it for a while and didn't care.

Because he was only a genius of this level, he still couldn't enter his Dharma eyes.

At this moment, Xiang Qianyang and Xu Tianyang, who had been paying attention to others, finally changed.

Xu Tianyang has changed!


The eighth stage and the second stage, Xu Tianyang finally passed after a long period of fighting.


Seeing this scene, Xu Feiyang showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and never even paid attention to Qin Shaofeng.

And while being proud, Xu Feiyang deliberately glanced at Sect Master Qianshan, but when he saw that the other party's face had not changed at all, or even looked extremely calm, Xu Feiyang's eyes flashed with doubt.

But soon, the doubt in Xu Feiyang's eyes turned into disdain.

Humph, it's a mystery, but still a calm face?

Well, when Tianyang passes the eighth level and third level, I will see if you, the Sect Master of Qianshan Sect, can remain calm.

When Xu Tianyang passed the second level of the eighth level, it did not surprise everyone. After a short while, the light curtain flashed slightly, and Xiang Qianyang passed the second level of the eighth level.

But no one noticed that the expression on Xie Zijun's face at the moment was extremely wonderful.

When Xiang Qianyang's name jumped, he naturally noticed it.

But what made him really noticed was that after successfully rushing to Qianyang and passing the second level of the eighth level, while the name rose, there was another person's name that jumped together.

Qin Shaofeng!

He passed the seventh level and the second level!

Xie Zijun is not surprised that Qin Shaofeng can pass the seventh level and second level.

But Xie Zijun was surprised, and even shocked, that this was too fast!

How long has it passed?

When Qin Shaofeng successfully passed the seventh level and the first level, less than ten breaths was that Xu Tianyang passed the eighth level and the second level.

And then, at most twenty breaths!

It was the time when Xiang Qianyang passed the eighth level and the second level, well, it was the time when Qin Shaofeng passed the seventh level and the second level.

That is to say, after passing the seventh level and the first level, Qin Shaofeng passed the seventh level and the second level within 30 breaths at most.

Well, thirty breaths!

But it was this point that made Xie Zijun feel extremely shocked.

Thirty breaths?

I remember when I broke this level, it took nearly a quarter of an hour!

Thirty breaths and a quarter of an hour, this comparison, fools know the difference!

At this moment, Xie Zijun was completely messed up in the wind.

But I don't know if it was because they passed together and the names jumped at the same time, so that the few people present did not notice Qin Shaofeng's situation.

In other words, no one at the scene would care about Qin Shaofeng's breakthrough, so he didn't pay attention at all.

Therefore, at this time, apart from Xie Zijun, no one seemed to have seen Qin Shaofeng successfully pass the seventh stage and the second stage.

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