Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 469: Hand in your record points!

At this time, everyone did not speak, even Xia Yan, who was very angry when he said to Qin Shaofeng, did not lose his anger on his face.

Others don't say, let's just say he is the most outstanding genius of the current generation of Thunder God!

But before meeting Qin Shaofeng, he only had more than nine million spiritual power points.

And among the entire Lei Shenfeng Xiaoyuan Dan realm disciples, he is the only one who has such a level.

But what about the Five God Peak and the God Sword Peak?

Not to mention that Xiang Qianyang and Xu Feiyang are the other disciples. The disciples of Xiaoyuandan who have the same level of 9 million spiritual power as him are those who surpass him. No matter the Five Gods Peak and the Shenjian Peak, there are several. .

Even the disciples with tens of millions of spiritual power, not counting Xiang Qianyang and Xu Feiyang, there are also two or three Five God Peaks and Shen Jian Peak.

Especially they are already disciples of the Qianshan Sect.

Faced with this fact, what does Lei Shen Feng compare to others?

Thinking of this, the joy of the advancement of everyone's realm disappeared in an instant, and their faces became dim.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng knew that this was almost the case, otherwise, these geniuses shouldn't be defeated by themselves and lose their fighting spirit.

"Hmph, look at what you are like now. I just said it to you, just like that, so dejected, what does it look like?"

Qin Shaofeng let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction, and then his eyes flashed a ray of light, watching the crowd and asking loudly, "I'm asking you now, are you willing to do this?"

"Not reconciled!"

Without hesitation, everyone including Xia Yan roared.


Qin Shaofeng nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Now I will arrange a plan for you. Didn't the Zongmen say that? In this competition, the person who has a gold-level identity token, the first-class hegemony competition is over, but can become The sect inherits the disciple."

When Qin Shaofeng said so, the eyes of Xia Yan and the others brightened.

Indeed, if you have a golden identity token, as long as you persist until the end of the hegemony contest and stay in this secret space for a full month without being defeated or killed by anyone, you can become a disciple of the Thousand Mountain Sect. .

But when I think of it, it takes 10,000 record points to upgrade the gold identity token!

With a record of 10,000 points, it seems that for the millions of people who enter the secret space at this moment, more than one hundred people with gold-level identity tokens can be born.

Moreover, if there are some enchanting geniuses, if you make a leapfrog challenge, you can get a little more born after you double the record points.

But Xia Yan and others knew one thing more clearly.

The real enchanting geniuses are all for the purple gold rank identity token with one hundred thousand record points.

In this case, it would be much more difficult to accumulate 10,000 record points and raise your identity token to the gold level.

Especially the existence of this secret space is not only the people of the Qianshan Sect, but the geniuses of the entire Three Sects and Seven Sects Yuandan realm!

As a result, having a gold-level identity token can be said to be even more difficult.

Thinking of this, the brilliance of Xia Yan's eyes also quickly dimmed.

"It's really worthless!"

Seeing the expressions of Xia Yan and others, Qin Shaofeng cursed dissatisfiedly, and then directly said to everyone, "I'm disappointed? Give up? You are really a piece of mud, why can't you help it on the wall!"

Everyone was irritated by Qin Shaofeng again and looked at Qin Shaofeng with red eyes.

At this time, Xia Yan could see that his little master uncle must have something to do, otherwise he would not have said so much to himself and others.

Therefore, Xia Yan stood up directly and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Little Master Uncle, what should you do if you tell us so much? Just say it directly. No matter what you say, I will listen to you Xia Yan. You let me Whatever I do, I will give it up!"

Xia Yan's words also awakened the others present.


If Qin Shaofeng really looks down on them, how can he have the time to talk nonsense with them?

This must be for their sake!

Therefore, after Xia Yan, the two dozen people also agreed with Xia Yan.

"Yes, Brother Xia Yan is right. If Uncle Qin has something to say, just say it!"

"Yes, I'm going to give it up too, Master Qin said, if you have any instructions, I will definitely follow it!"

"The same is true for me, what about the Five Gods Peak and the Sword Peak, I don't believe that our Thunder God Peak is worse than them!"

"Yes, this time we must do something so that the geniuses of those two factions will be shocked!"


Seeing that the 20-odd people in front of him were completely passionate and their fighting spirits rose, Qin Shaofeng finally achieved his initial goal.

"Very good, great momentum!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, then his face turned straight, and said seriously: "However, I can speak in advance, and then I will prepare a series of hell-style training for you. Maybe you will die, so if you quit now, ,You still have time!"

Will die?

Although Qin Shaofeng said it was scary, none of the people who had been aroused by him at this moment chose to step back.

After ten breaths, seeing the firm faces of these two dozen people in front of them, they seemed to be completely determined.

This made Qin Shaofeng seldom satisfied, but the next moment, what Qin Shaofeng said shocked everyone, including Xia Yan.

"So from now on, all of you want me to admit defeat, and then hand over all the record points on the identity token!"


A quarter of an hour later, Qin Shaofeng led Xia Yan and the others, slowly approaching a team with a hundred people under the exploration of the small ball.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's limit winning streak mission had exceeded 930 times.

It seems that a thousand times is not far away.

However, at this moment, among Qin Shaofeng's twenty-odd people, except for his own identity tokens, the rest include Xia Yan himself, and their identity tokens are all gray.

The reason is very simple, because they all surrendered and handed over all their record points to Qin Shaofeng.

This also allowed Qin Shaofeng's record point to directly break through to three thousand points, becoming the top ten in the area where they are located, even if all Xiaoyuan Dan is an area, Qin Shaofeng's record point also ranked in the top 100.

At this moment, when he arrived not far from the team, Qin Shaofeng turned his head and said to Xia Yan and others: "From now on, you'd better recover your identity tokens quickly. Otherwise, I don’t need to say more about what will happen. clear!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng paused slightly, then grinned at everyone, revealing his white teeth.

Qin Shaofeng, who was very cheerful at first, made Xia Yan and the others shudder when he said it.

"Oh, by the way, your speed had better be faster, because I won't slow down to take care of you, because I also want to accumulate record points!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, Qin Shaofeng jumped out immediately.

"not good!"

Until then, Xia Yan felt a little bad, and then he hurried out.

But it was as fast as Xia Yan's reaction, and there were not a few people. Many people just subconsciously followed after seeing Xia Yan rushing out.

But soon they found out what Xia Yan's sentence was hard to say.

"The epee has no edge!"

As soon as he appeared above the hundred-member team, Qin Shaofeng severely cut out a sword.

Qin Shaofeng then broke out with another powerful move, and then thunder flashed, and Qiandiao Liu appeared.

Qin Shaofeng's attack this time was very clever and aimed at the weakest group of people in front of him.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's sudden outbreak caused one-fifth of the team to be killed directly.

Qin Shaofeng didn't keep his hands at all, and there was no sympathy in his heart.

Now that he participated in this competition for hegemony, he had the consciousness of death.

The appearance of Qin Shaofeng made the leader of this team feel something wrong for the first time.

The next moment, seeing that one-fifth of the people in his team died directly, and it was regarded as the number of seriously injured, then his team immediately lost a quarter of its combat power.

Those who were seriously injured by Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to choose to activate the identity tokens one by one, and directly gave up the game and sent away.

"Enemy attack!"

Until then, someone from the team screamed.

But after this shout, Xia Yan and others rushed over.

After Xia Yan's people entered, the team became confused again.

Especially since Qin Shaofeng had already mixed into the crowd at this moment, and began to kill the Xiaoyuan Dan realm master with good strength, the leader of this team finally felt that something was wrong.

Although very helpless, it is more clear to be the leader. These are the geniuses cultivated by his family forces. If all of them die, it will be a great loss.

So, in the end he shouted loudly: "Surrender, we choose to surrender!"

Even while shouting, this person handed over all the record points in his body and transferred it to Qin Shaofeng.

Because he can see that this talent is the leader of the team.

Because of luck, as long as the goal of surrendering and surrender is determined, the score points on the surrender and surrender will be transferred to the corresponding person's identity token.

Feeling that his identity token suddenly gained hundreds of points of record, Qin Shaofeng stepped forward and backed out.

"Okay, come back to me!"

Although there was a pity in my heart, Xia Yan and the others retired for the first time on Qin Shaofeng's order.

However, at this time, Xia Yan and a few Lei Shenfeng disciples with the tenth-layer Xiaoyuan Pill showed a hint of joy on their faces.

Perhaps it was the loud shouts of the opposing leader, which allowed them to get a lot of people's demands to admit defeat and earn a lot of record points.

All of a sudden, the identity tokens of Xia Yan's people finally returned to normal.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng was also happy in his heart.

Because soon, under the leadership of the other party, everyone gave in to him.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's number of consecutive victories soon reached 995!

This is only five times short of winning a thousand times in a row, completing the ultimate upgrade task this time.

And these few times, if nothing happens, it will be reached soon.

Soon, the leader of that team, with a group of identity tokens turned into gray minions, hurriedly left.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng walked to Xia Yanji's side and said with a smile: "Okay, now you guys hand over your record points!"

Xia Yan, who was happy that their identity tokens had returned to normal, were instantly dumbfounded.

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