Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 470: It's time to kill the sheep

In the next time, Xia Yan and others finally understood what the hell-style training that their uncle Qin said.

When there is no rest time, as long as the opponent is found, Qin Shaofeng will lead the crowd to kill.

And after each battle, as long as someone's identity token returns to normal, Qin Shaofeng will take away the record points again, which leaves everyone in a situation where they have gray identity tokens.

The gray identity token will not become normal after it returns to normal once.

Three days!

In order to prevent the two from exchanging score points to keep them from being sent out of the secret space, once their identity token becomes gray, even if it is restored again, there is only three days to maintain the normal identity token. The token can be considered to be back to normal.

Otherwise, once the identity token is not persisted for three days, the identity token becomes gray again, and the time before it is still counted.

This means that now Xia Yan's people seem to have recovered their identity tokens, but as long as they maintain the gray identity tokens, they will still be sent away after three days.

This made Xia Yan and others feel more and more urgent.

At the beginning, some people suspected that this was a conspiracy by Qin Shaofeng to use himself and others as a tool to accumulate record points.

But one day later, everyone was shocked to find that their strength had actually improved.

Can it not be improved?

In the case of full-fledged fighting, Qin Shaofeng would directly take out the third-rank nine-fold spirit pill to allow everyone to recover once they consume too much.

It's just that the realm of the Xiaoyuan Pill is restored with a third-rank nine-fold spirit pill, which is too extravagant.

Moreover, under the influence of the Third Stage Nine Layer Spirit Pill, everyone's spiritual power value is constantly rising.

Especially for Xia Yan, Qin Shaofeng had already interrupted his promotion to the Great Yuan Pill Realm for the second time.

Therefore, after one day, everyone found that they had increased by at least 100,000 points, and had increased the upper limit of spiritual power by at most one million. No one doubted Qin Shaofeng any more, and even everyone looked at Qin Shaofeng with incomparable eyes. worship.

At this time, it was Xia Yan who believed that Qin Shaofeng said that it seemed impossible for him to have a gold-level identity token.

As for Qin Shaofeng, in fact, in the first action with Xia Yan and others, he had already completed the ultimate upgrade mission this time.

However, even if the system prompts that he has completed the task, Qin Shaofeng still did not choose to hand in the task, and still maintained the state of the limit of Xiao Yuandan.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that once he handed in the task, he might immediately break into the Great Yuan Pill Realm, but it was not a breakthrough now.

At least in the first ten days of the competition for hegemony, Qin Shaofeng had no intention of being promoted to the Great Yuan Dan realm.

Because Qin Shaofeng had discovered that with his current strength, it seemed that he could truly call it an invincible existence under the Great Yuan Pill.

For Qin Shaofeng, this was an opportunity to gain record points, and he would naturally not miss it.

After another two days, the identity token of Xia Yan's person finally returned to a normal state.

However, at this time, if they admit defeat and their identity token turns gray again, they will be sent out of this secret space for the first time.

But even in this situation, no one in Xia Yan and others would complain.


Looking at their current situation, they are too late to be grateful to Qin Shaofeng, who would complain!

Because at this time, Xia Yan and others were all at the pinnacle of Xiao Yuan Dan's tenfold.

And no one in the room has a spiritual power value of less than 5 million points, and Xia Yan has already reached 11 million points.

This was something Xia Yan would never have imagined before.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not very satisfied with this, because in his heart, he wanted to make Xia Yan and his two dozen people all become masters of Xiaoyuandan with tens of millions of spiritual power.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to think like this before, but after several battles and after taking some spoils from his enemies, Qin Shaofeng didn't think so.

Because of the spoils obtained, there are many reasons to increase the spiritual root and the medicinal materials of the upper limit of spiritual power.

This coupled with the fact that Xiaoqiuqiu said that its small vault has a lot of good things, which made Qin Shaofeng think about it, and promoted Xia Yan and others with less than 9th-Rank spiritual roots.

However, Qin Shaofeng had to feel depressed when he talked about this.

Because after his body of thunder evolves from the body of dark thunder, the general way of spiritual root upgrading does not work for him at all.

Qin Shaofeng was able to evolve his dark thunder body by swallowing other people's spiritual roots, but what made Qin Shaofeng extremely speechless was that Xiaoqiuqiu told him a very unfavorable bad news.

"If you want your dark thunder body to evolve into a ninth-level sacred product or completely evolve into a god-level spiritual root, then the spiritual root you swallow from now on should be of higher rank than your dark thunder body, and It's best to be the Thunder Spirit Root. Of course, if you only intend to evolve your dark thunder body to the second and third ranks of the holy product, just treat it as if I didn't say anything!"

These are the original words of Xiaoqiuqiu, but it is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng is depressed.

Because now he is left with the dark thunder body promotion path, as long as there are two remaining, the first one is naturally to rely on the 108 yoga poses.

However, that thing is too difficult to practice, and Qin Shaofeng rarely counts on it.

This other nature is to devour other people's spiritual roots.

But so far Qin Shaofeng still hasn't swallowed other people's spiritual roots. The spiritual roots of Xia Yan and others around him meet the conditions, but Qin Shaofeng will not extract their spiritual roots and let his dark thunder body swallow them.

So in the current situation, it is more important to improve the spiritual roots of Xia Yan and others.

And at the same time, the strength of Xia Yan and others was also a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Compared with Xia Yan and the others, the speed of gaining record points has also increased a lot.

Even now, Qin Shaofeng's record point has reached more than nine thousand years, and he has become the top ten score of the entire Xiaoyuandan area.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng has so many record points so quickly is because Xia Yan and others always hold gray identity tokens.

The gray identity token defeats a white or white identity token player, and the score points won will not double.

But for the strength of Xia Yan's people, it is not difficult for them to temporarily restore the white identity tokens, and at this time there are no more people who have bronze and silver identity tokens.

Therefore, in every battle, Xia Yan's people can leapfrog some Bronze or Silver players and get doubled record points.

So Qin Shaofeng's accumulated record points naturally increased.

Not just after solving another team, Qin Shaofeng's record point broke through to nine thousand points.

However, at this moment, suddenly, the Xiaoyuandan player, who had been ranked first, had his name flashed, and the next moment he changed from white and silver to a golden name.

Finally, there is a master of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm who has raised his identity token to the gold level.

However, after seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a smile.

The fat sheep is finally raised!

This person who has just possessed a gold-level identity token is named Qing Yan.

This Qingyan seems to have the same name as Xia Yan, but in fact the two are rivals.

Na Qingyan is a member of the Azure Cloud Sect, and the Azure Cloud Sect is not in harmony with the Qianshan Sect. Over the years, the Qianshan Sect has declined, and the Azure Cloud Sect has not fallen into trouble.

But even if the Qianshan Sect had declined, it was still incomparable to the Azure Cloud Sect.

But in recent years, this Azure Cloud Sect has begun to squat in front of Qianshan Sect.

It seems that he wants to lower the ranking of Qianshan Sect in the Three Sects and Seven Sects again.

Qianshanzong naturally quit, and the two sects met in a moment.

Fortunately, the two major sects know that the strength of the two sides is not much different, and a death fight will only hurt both sides and let others take advantage.

Therefore, in the end it evolved into a rivalry between the disciples of the two major sects. As for Qingyun Sect, people often bring their disciples to Qianshan Sect from time to time to conduct so-called exchanges between disciples.

This time the competition for hegemony was even more about life and death, so the contradiction between Qianshanzong and Qingyunzong broke out completely.

As long as the encounter is estimated to be a life and death situation, when Qin Shaofeng first met Xia Yan and the others, it was because of this that Qing Yunzong was besieged.

If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's timely appearance, Xia Yan and the others would have no choice but to give up this competition.

Xia Yan and Qing Yan are about the same age, but because of the sect, the two have already'exchanged' a lot.

But what was helpless was that Qingyan's talent was slightly stronger than Xia Yan, at least Qingyan had already possessed ten million points of spiritual power.

Even if it weren't because Xia Yan possessed both Thunder and Fire dual spirit roots, Qing Yan would absolutely suppress Xia Yan between the two.

But even with Linggen's advantage to keep himself undefeated, this would be very frustrating for Xia Yan.

Just two days ago, Xia Yan discovered that Qingyan in an accident. Xia Yan planned to do it for the first time, but Qin Shaofeng, who possessed a silver-level identity token, discovered that Qingyan had a lot of achievements. point.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng stopped Xia Yan, and then he planned to raise sheep.

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, although Qingyan led more than two hundred Qingyunzong disciples, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to Qingyan and others.

This is not Qin Shaofeng's arrogance, it is all because of the strength of the Lei Shenfeng disciple who is now with him, which gives Qin Shaofeng the confidence not to put the two hundred Qingyan people in his eyes.

Although there are fewer than 30 people, Qin Shaofeng does have a strength of no less than five million spiritual power points, and even those with a strength of nine million spiritual power points, there are now four people.

With such a team, Qin Shaofeng is confident that there are not many of the ten areas of the entire Xiaoyuan Pill.

Precisely because of this, when he discovered that Qing Yan's identity token had been upgraded to a gold level, Qin Shaofeng definitely had time to close the net!

So Qin Shaofeng quickly said to Xia Yan and others: "Brothers, now that the fat sheep has been developed, it is time for us to slaughter the sheep!"

When Qin Shaofeng said this, Xia Yan and others naturally understood what Qin Shaofeng said, and all of them became excited for a while.

"Haha, I can finally find the Qingyunzong's choppy for the operation!"

"It's finally time for something special, I can't wait!"

"Boss, go ahead and kill those **** from Qingyunzong!"


Because they were really dissatisfied with these people calling themselves uncle masters, this made Qin Shaofeng feel like an old man.

So after he forced the request, Xia Yan and others no longer directly call his uncle master, but directly called the boss.

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