Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 471: Xia Yan and Qing Yan

On a high slope, a 17 or 18-year-old boy stepped on a corpse and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, finally, I finally upgraded my identity token to gold level!"

Looking at the golden identity token in his hand, Qingyan's eyes were full of excitement.

Especially when I thought that he was the first person in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm to have a gold-level identity token, the vanity in Qing Yan's heart instantly soared, and the whole person became extremely proud.

Soon, Qing Yan's eyes flashed, turned to the Qingyunzong disciple behind him, and said arrogantly: "Quickly, quickly find me the next target, this time I must upgrade my identity token to the Purple Gold level. !"

While speaking, Qingyan's eyes flashed with a light called ambition.

However, before long before Qing Yan could find the next target, one of his subordinates ran to tell him a piece of news.

"What you said is true? Are you sure?" Qingyan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard his report, and there was a glimmer of excitement and hideousness.

"Yes, it has been confirmed! The subordinate is absolutely correct. That person is definitely Xia Yan, and he is very embarrassed by Xia Yan's appearance, and there are not many people around him, obviously a lot of losses!" That Qingyun Zong's disciples replied respectfully.

Although the same disciple of Qingyun Sect, Qingyun Sect is different. Qingyun Sect can be regarded as a clan sect. Compared with Qianshan Sect, Qingyun Sect master's control of Qingyun Sect is absolute.

This Qingyan is also a descendant of the Qing family. Although he cannot be a candidate for the next lord of the Qingyun Sect, his identity in the Qingyun Sect is not comparable to that of ordinary disciples.

In Qingyan's eyes, the entire Qingyun Sect were servants of their Qing family, and naturally would not be polite to an ordinary disciple, and he didn't believe that the subordinate in front of him would deceive himself.

In that case, the trace of Xia Yan was real.

"Haha, I actually found that kid Xia Yan at this time, it really helped me!" Qing Yan smiled coldly, a trace of murder in his eyes.

"If the order is passed down, the whole army will search for Xia Yan's traces. This time I will leave that Xia Yan here." Xia Yan said cruelly.

Then, the Azure Cloud Sect team was completely used.


In a dense forest, looking at Qin Shaofeng next to him, Xia Yan asked with some worry: "Little Master Uncle, do you think Qing Yan will be fooled?"

"Yes! Just wait at ease!"

Qin Shaofeng said weakly, completely out of touch with Xia Yan and Qin Shaofeng.

The other Lei Shenfeng disciples changed their names to call themselves the boss, but Xia Yan was the only one who was still called the uncle of the master.

And this guy also has a reason, that is, if his grandfather knew that if he called himself the boss, he might not teach him much.

Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to let him go.

Just when Xia Yan wanted to say something, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and his voice suddenly lowered as he felt what he had brought.

"Okay, be quiet, people are coming!"

Someone here?

A gleam of light flashed in Xia Yan's eyes, and the whole person instantly became excited.

After a while, even Xia Yan felt a sudden aura, approaching her side, and as soon as the other party approached, she faintly surrounded the place where she was.

Soon, Xia Yan heard a voice that made him familiar and disgusted, and at this moment, the voice was full of pride and laughter.

"Hahaha, Xia Yan, I know you are here, let me come out! You can't escape this time!"

Hearing Qing Yan's rampant tone, Xia Yan couldn't help being the first one and wanted to rush out.

But the next moment, he was stopped by Qin Shaofeng.

And soon, something that surprised Xia Yan happened.

Because Qin Shaofeng stopped him at the same time, he suddenly got more than nine thousand points.

Subconsciously looking down, Xia Yan saw it soon, and at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's own identity token turned gray.

"Little Master Uncle, what are you?" Xia Yan asked puzzledly, his eyes full of confusion. It was the other three Lei Shenfeng disciples beside him who stared at Qin Shaofeng with an incredible expression.

"Hey, don't make a fuss, let me tell you first, that Qingyan can let you teach, but I will leave the last blow!" Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said calmly.

With that said, Xia Yan and the others immediately understood what Qin Shaofeng meant.

With Qin Shaofeng's strength, as long as one or two random moves, the gray identity token can be temporarily restored to white. If this is to win that Qingyan, how many score points will there be?

The white player defeated the gold player, but he surpassed three levels in a row. The result of such a leap was that Qin Shaofenghuo got Qingyan's triple record point.

Qin Shaofeng was afraid that he could directly get more than 40,000 points of record.

This is what Qin Shaofeng really meant to be fat sheep.

And now this time the extreme upgrade streak task is already in the completed state, only waiting for Qin Shaofeng to hand it over.

Therefore, now Qin Shaofeng has given up his defeat, because it does not affect his mission of extreme realm.

As long as Qin Shaofeng thinks, he can choose to hand over the task at any time, and then smoothly promote the Great Yuan Dan realm.

However, Qin Shaofeng hadn't had the idea of ​​being promoted to the Great Yuan Dan realm in order to get more points.

After fully understanding Qin Shaofeng's plan, Xia Yan nodded their heads, and then walked out directly to face Qing Yan and the others.

When Xia Yan came out, Qing Yan laughed and said triumphantly: "Hahaha, it seems that Xia Yan still didn't choose to leave the secret realm space directly!"

Before, I was afraid of Xia Yan and would choose to inspire the identity token to exit the secret realm space, so as soon as Qing Yan came up, he directly called Xia Yan's name.

Qing Yan knew a little bit about Xia Yan's temper, because he believed that as long as he shouted like this, Xia Yan would not choose to leave directly.

In Qingyan's view, this is stupid.

However, it was precisely this stupidity that Qing Yan had the certainty that Xia Yan was left behind.

But this time the situation was a little different, maybe Qing Yan didn't miss Xia Yan.

But at this moment Qing Yan didn't even know that Qin Shaofeng, who was next to Xia Yan, who was ignored by him, was the one he really needed to care about this time.

"Just because of you Qing Yan, you want me to withdraw from the secret realm space?" Xia Yan said coldly.

At Qin Shaofeng's request, all Xia Yan needs to do is to attract Qingyan's attention and even anger him.

Sure enough, after this sound, a trace of anger flashed across Qing Yan's face.

"Damn it, Xia Yan, you don't seem to see the situation clearly, you dare to speak to me like this, you are looking for death!" Qing Yan said slightly angrily, he was really angry.

Qing Yan would never have imagined that Xia Yan would dare to provoke him in such a favorable situation.

"I'm looking for death? Ha, it's really funny, just rely on you Qingyan?" Xia Yan sneered.

Qing Yan couldn't help it anymore.

At this moment, he is in the arrogance of being the first to have a gold-level identity token, and he is in a state of incomparably arrogant and confident. At this time, when Xia Yan said so, how could he bear it?

"Asshole thing, Xia Yan, you dare to speak to me like this, it seems I must teach you personally!"

After finishing speaking, Qing Yan didn't care about the dissuasion of several people around him, and stood up directly.

"Xia Yan, let's not say that I don't care about affection. Give you a chance. As long as you can stick to twenty strokes under my hand, I will let you leave safely!"

Qing Yan's self-confidence was overwhelming, and he went too far, actually uttering a rhetoric that Xia Yan could not stop him.

After hearing this, Xia Yan felt a real fire in his heart.

"Arrogant! Qingyan, don't talk too early, don't talk about 20 strokes, you are just two hundred strokes and I will take it. However, it doesn't take that long in my opinion, because my ten strokes can take you under!"

Xia Yan had a real fire in his heart. When he thought of his own strength at the moment, coupled with the order from his junior master uncle to anger Qingyan, his pride skyrocketed.


Ten tricks to take me down?

This time, Qing Yan didn't say any more, because he was already furious and didn't want to say more to Xia Yan.

"Very well, let's take a look, is it your ten tricks, or my twenty tricks better!"

With a roar, Qing Yan rushed up instantly.

Xia Yan was not afraid when he saw it, and he rushed forward to meet him.

Those of the Qingyun Sect knew Qing Yan's temper, and they didn't mean to do anything at this moment, they just kept paying attention to the situation here.


Two figures in mid-air staggered their punches, bursting out a powerful spiritual impact wave.



The two figures landed again, and Qing Yan laughed loudly.

"Haha, Xia Yan has been so long, and you have made no progress at all. I am really disappointed!"

From the punch just now, Qing Yan clearly felt that Xia Yan's power seemed to have only improved a little bit compared to the last time they met.

"You still haven't broken the ten-million-level spiritual power, it's really bad!"

Realizing that Xia Yan has made little progress, Qing Yan is determined.

During this period of time, although his strength has not improved much, he still does not want to. The spiritual power he possesses at this moment is almost close to 12 million.

But at this time Qing Yan didn't know, Xia Yan smiled in her heart.

Xia Yan naturally noticed that Qing Yan's strength at the moment was now, but Qing Yan didn't know, he had reservations just now.

However, even so, Xia Yan deliberately snorted: "Humph, even if I don't make much progress, you don't want to beat me!"

"is it?"

Qing Yan smiled softly, then his face became cold, bursting out all the spiritual power.

"what about now?"

After bursting out all his breath, Qing Yan made a triumphant cry.

Then he noticed that Xia Yan's face had changed slightly, so he was even more proud in his heart and immediately shot again.

"Haha, Xia Yan, you are scared, this time you are done!"

With a big laugh, Qing Yan pumped up his body's spiritual power and planned to attack Xia Yan with all his strength and let Xia Yan defeat him.

Naturally, Xia Yan was unwilling to lag behind, and also stepped forward to fight Qing Yan.

At a time, two figures flashed continuously in the scene, and the two erupted with surging spiritual power attacks one after another.

However, as the number of fights increased, Qing Yan became more and more excited.

Because he found that Xia Yan seemed to be unable to keep up with his attacking rhythm, he was about to defeat Xia Yan.

The thought of fighting against Xia Yan dozens of times, every time it was a tie.

This tie is fine, but once his realm is higher than Xia Yan, such a tie makes Qing Yan very unhappy.

At this moment, finally seeing signs of defeating Xia Yan, Qing Yan couldn't help but cheered and laughed again.

"Haha, Xia Yan didn't expect you to be like this, then you can die for me!"

With a low growl, Qing Yan gathered all the spiritual power of his body, gathered in his right fist, and blasted Xia Yan.

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