Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 476: Powerful Susanoh

"Damn, what the **** is this?"

Looking at the 20-meter tall giant opposite, Wang Kai exclaimed.

Unfortunately, in the face of his doubts, no one around him can explain it to him.

At this moment, some people have already arrived here, but after seeing the tall giant, many people have a trace of horror in their eyes, and then invariably stop and watch the movement here.

Time is a bit urgent, and Qin Shaofeng does not intend to delay it.

With a move in his heart, he controlled Xu Zuo Nenghu, and Qin Shaofeng ran to Wang Kai and the others.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every time the giant Suzuo ran a step, that step fell on the ground with a huge bang.

Even Wang Kai and a group of people not far away felt the ground vibrate slightly.

"Attack, give me full attack!"

Wang Kai, who was flustered in his heart, quickly ordered and shouted at everyone around him.

At this moment, the people in this team were also in a state of six gods and no masters. After receiving Wang Kai's order, everyone subconsciously exploded against the giant.

All at once, the spiritual power exploded, all kinds of spiritual power radiated, and it was the attacks of more than 300 people that blasted Qin Shaofeng.

Faced with the attacks of more than three hundred people, Qin Shaofeng did not panic, but instead revealed a trace of expectation in his heart.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was wrapped in Xu Zuo Nenghu, flashed a sharp light in his eyes, and started to drink fiercely in a low voice.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!"

"Bei Ming Divine Art!"


A strange force radiated from Qin Shaofeng's body, and then spread to the entire Xu Zuonenghu.

The next moment, Xia Yan and others not far away, as well as those who were observing here in the dark, as well as the more than 300 people of Wang Kai, were surprised to find that the giant banged out a strange The suction has absorbed all the attacks.

how can that be?

Everyone who witnessed this scene was stunned at this moment.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was happy.

"Haha, it is exactly the same as I guessed!"

Feeling the situation in Xu Zuo Nenghu's body at this moment, Qin Shaofeng was finally completely relieved.

As Qin Shaofeng thought, using Xu Zuonenghu to perform "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" and "Bei Ming Divine Art", the power was completely amplified.

First use "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" to absorb all the attacks of more than 300 people, and then turn the "Northern Ming Divine Art" to the limit, to resolve the absorbed attacks, and absorb them for yourself!

If this is one of the two major skills, I am afraid it will not be so smooth.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" can take advantage of strength to absorb the opponent's attack and counterattack.

But in the face of so many attacks at once, the words of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" couldn't absorb it, and couldn't react.

"Bei Ming Divine Art" can absorb all those who come, but it can also absorb so many attacks at once, which is unrealistic.

It's like eating too much, it will not digest or even burst.

If Qin Shaofeng's "Bei Ming Divine Art" was upgraded to level six, seven or eight, this would not be a hindrance.

However, the current situation can only be weakened with the help of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".

Of course, even if the two major skills cooperate with each other, if there is no need for this huge carrier, Qin Shaofeng himself can't accommodate the attacking power of more than 300 people.

Because of this, under the cooperation of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" and "Bei Ming Divine Art", Qin Shaofeng was shocked to absorb the attacks of more than three hundred people.

And it wasn't just absorbed, at this moment, the huge power transmitted from Xu Zuo Nenghu's body allowed Qin Shaofeng to thoroughly see the power of "Northern Ming Divine Art".

Dissolve the enemy's internal strength and absorb it for yourself!

Soon, Qin Shaofeng felt that Xu Zuo Nenghu was full of powerful force.

However, it is precisely because of being too large that Qin Shaofeng has no ability to counterattack this huge force with "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".

But for this matter, Qin Shaofeng had an idea, directly controlling Xu Zuo Nenghu's fists.


With a loud shout, Qin Shaofeng directly punched Qianshanquan!


With a sound of shaking, Suzuo Nenghu instantly shot twelve Qianshan boxing shadows.

However, each of the twelve Qianshan Fist Shadows was more than three meters in diameter, and the whole body was purple, as if burning a purple flame.

Lined up in this row, like twelve meteorites, smashed at the team of more than 300 people.


With twelve loud noises in succession, Wang Kai had no time to exclaim and let his people leave.

So, this time the attack hits the bullseye!

Those in the distance watching in the dark all felt the vibration of the ground.

Looking at this scene from a distance, everyone's mouth grew in surprise.

After the bombardment, after the dust dissipated, the original team of more than 300 people now had less than 50 people left.

Moreover, these fifty people were still relatively close to the edge, so they barely escaped.

The only people who can dodge this attack are only those with spiritual power worth tens of millions, such as Wang Kai.

At this moment, Wang Kai's face was so gloomy that water could drip out, and his heart was even more angry.

But after seeing the huge figure, a fright flashed in Wang Kai's eyes.

Who the **** is Qin Shaofeng?

Wang Kai was shocked and angry, feeling a trace of regret for finding Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

But this trace of regret didn't last long, it turned into a terrible rage!

Things will turn out to be like this, Qin Shaofeng is really damn, I must kill him!

Roaring in his heart, Wang Kai's entire face was distorted because of his ferociousness.

But what shocked him was that the giant that frightened him at this moment actually made another move.

Lei Dun Chidori!

With a low drink in his heart, Qin Shaofeng directly consumed 10 million spiritual power points again, and a flow of thousands of birds erupted.


Qin Shaofeng, who was in Xu Zuonenghu's body, burst into countless thunder rays all over his body.

Then, after passing through Suzuonenghu, the thunder rays directly transformed into three-finger-wide thunder and lightning, which burst out from the body surface of Suzuonenghu and directly blasted towards Wang Kai and others.

This time, the group of people around Wang Kai, in a low-strength situation, did not hesitate for the first time, and directly inspired their identity token to transmit and leave.

But at this time, some people still hesitated, but just like this, they regretted it.

How fast is the lightning?


Therefore, the massive thunder and lightning blasted to the place where Wang Kai and others were almost in the blink of an eye.

boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly there was a thunder and lightning bombardment, and Wang Kai and others suffered another powerful attack.

"Qin Shaofeng!"

With a roar like a fierce beast, under the thunder light, Wang Kai exploded with extremely strong power, and abruptly broke the thunder and lightning that hit him.

But after this time, Wang Kai's breath dropped sharply in an instant, which was obviously extremely expensive.

As for the other people, Wang Kai was so lucky, because at this moment, except for Wang Kai himself, who was only consumed too much and didn't suffer any injuries, those around him were almost killed by the lightning attack.

Even if it were those few Yuandan masters with tens of millions of spiritual power, even if a few were not dead at this moment, they were all dying, and their choice was to inspire identity tokens.

After roaring, Wang Kai also discovered the situation around him. Even if he was unwilling, he had no choice.


With his spiritual power almost exhausted, Wang Kai also chose to inspire identity tokens. He chose to withdraw from this competition for hegemony.

At this moment, he was staring at Qin Shaofeng with incomparable hatred, his eyes flashed with resentment and hatred.

Facing a person who hated him so much, Qin Shaofeng naturally wouldn't plan to let it go.


With a cold snort, he noticed that Xu Zuo Nenghu could last for a few seconds. Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand, and only Xu Zuo Nenghu's right arm shot directly at Wang Kai.

"not good!"

Feeling Qin Shaofeng launching an attack on him, Wang Kai's whole body was cold, and he felt a sense of extreme crisis in his heart.

Without much thought, Wang Kai chose to dodge for the first time.

Fighting for the last trace of spiritual power in his body, Wang Kai avoided this attack.

But the light of transmission inspired by the identity token was broken up.

Indeed, as long as the identity token is activated, the light of transmission that erupts from the identity token can be directly transmitted out of this secret space.

But this stimulates the light of transmission, but it takes time.

Although it was only a second, but if it was interrupted forcibly during this period, it would even be a failure of excitation.

"Damn it!"

Wang Kai cursed in a low voice. He knew Qin Shaofeng didn't want him to leave alive, but he would not give up.


The next moment, the identity token was once again inspired by Wang Kai.

But at this moment, Wang Kai fiercely saw a silver light flashing towards him.

Because the last trace of spiritual power was exhausted just now.

Therefore, in the face of this silver light, Wang Kai could barely avoid his vitals.


With a flash of silver light, a blood hole exploded in Wang Kai's abdomen.

But this finally avoided the point, and Wang Kai just suffered some skin injuries.

But the next moment, just as Wang Kai was about to activate his identity token again, his face was suddenly dull.

It was because he discovered that Qin Shaofeng's silver sword light had erupted, even though he had managed to avoid the critical point, he did not receive a fatal blow.

But in that blow, it not only penetrated his abdomen, but even before it penetrated his abdomen, it immediately smashed his identity token.

Without the identity token, it is impossible for Wang Kai to inspire the light of transmission.

"Qin Shaofeng, how dare you smash my identity token?"

With a fierce roar, Wang Kai's heart was extremely angry.

But when he finished roaring, he saw that the giant moved again, and his heart trembled again.

"Damn, there is no way, it can only be that!"

With an unwilling anger in his heart, Wang Kai raised his head and looked at the giant not far away, looking directly at Qin Shaofeng with a roar through Xu Zuo Nenghu.

"Qin Shaofeng, wait for me. You ruined me and cut me off a chance. Wang Kai swears that you will die without a place to be buried!"

Qin Shaofeng naturally heard Wang Kai's roar, but Qin Shaofeng didn't care, because in his opinion, Wang Kai, who was crushed with his identity token and exhausted his spiritual power, could not escape.

Raising his hand slightly, Qin Shaofeng once again exploded with a yang finger sword Qi with Xu Zuonenghu.

What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that at the moment before this Yang pointed sword energy hit Wang Kai, the space around Wang Kai's body was distorted and disappeared.

That is?

Qin Shaofeng was slightly stunned when he sensed the surging aura rising from Wang Kai before he disappeared.


That's right, this time Wang Kai directly chose to break through the boundary of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm and directly promoted to the Great Yuan Dan realm.

Then, he was directly sent away by the power of this secret space area.

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