Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 477: Where is Wang Kai?

"Oh, he escaped in this way, this Wang Kai is really unexpected!"

With a light smile, Qin Shaofeng looked at the place where Wang Kai disappeared, with a trace of thought in his eyes.

"It seems that we should beware of this when we encounter enemies in the future!"


At this moment, Suzuo no more than one minute, finally arrived.

Qin Shaofeng didn't choose to continue to consume spiritual power to maintain it, and this must be consumed for the first time.

The void flashed, and after Xu Zuoneng disappeared, Qin Shaofeng landed steadily with a calm expression on his face.

But at this time, the people hiding in the distance in the distance, there was a storm in their hearts.

Qin Shaofeng actually killed such a team in such a short time?

This is too incredible, too powerful!

For a time, many of these people hiding in the dark chose to evacuate here.

It is really not a wise choice to provoke such a powerful enemy.

But there are always people who don't give up holding a trace of luck.

In the eyes of these people, Qin Shaofeng should be in a weak state at the moment.

After all, no matter what the giant exists in people's hearts, it will ultimately be inseparable from spiritual power.

And with such a huge body and so many people solved, Qin Shaofeng must be in an extremely weak state at this moment, and he doesn't have much spiritual power at all.

Therefore, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who seems to have a calm face, is actually already a foreigner.

However, even with such an idea, many people still think of the giant before, and still haven't done it.

But there is no shortage of fear of death in the world. Well, it should be a person who is looking for death, and he is extremely blind and confident.

No, a genius with a team of hundreds of people is just such a person, who happens to be the genius of Qingyunzong.

He saw the identity of Xia Yan and others, although he did not know Qin Shaofeng.

But in his opinion, Qin Shaofeng's identity is definitely not simple. If he can kill Qin Shaofeng at this time, he will not only get a lot of record points, but even be favored by the sect and give huge rewards.

After all, before the start of this competition for hegemony, the sect had hinted that people who met the Qianshan Sect would kill if they could kill them. If they could kill some of the outstanding geniuses of the Qianshan Sect, they would get extra rewards from the sect.

There are so many benefits, that this Qingyunzong disciple finally couldn't bear it.

"Kill me!"

In the end, under the command of the Qingyunzong disciple, he took hundreds of Qingyunzong disciples and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

This made many people who were going to leave immediately stopped, and had no idea of ​​leaving immediately.

After all, with so many record points, not many people can be unmoved.

If this group of people succeeded, or if Qin Shaofeng showed weakness, then they would not miss such a rare opportunity.

But the next moment, they quickly saw it, making them feel that there was a terrifying scene than they had seen the giant before.

Facing the behavior of that Qingyunzong disciple, Qin Shaofeng had already expected it.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng had already prepared a big move, waiting for someone to deliver it to the door.

Since Liwei, let's come to a Liwei that makes everyone completely afraid!

For this purpose, Qin Shaofeng had taken a normal third-rank nine-layer spirit pill long before Xu Zuo Nenghu disappeared, and he even had one in his mouth now!


His eyes flashed slightly, and a purple light flashed through Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and the six-pointed star pattern of eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes instantly appeared in his eyes.

Qin Shaofeng spit out two words with a light lips.



With the words Qin Shaofeng, an incredible scene happened.

In the distance, the one hundred Azure Cloud Sect who had rushed to Qin Shaofeng's body less than 100 meters, suddenly a black flame burned on everyone.

And at this moment, among the hundreds of Qingyunzong disciples, not many of them condensed their own spirit armor, even the leading Qingyunzong disciple with a spiritual power value of over ten million.

And the few people who condense the spirit armor, most of them don't even have a spiritual power value of more than one million.

Therefore, at this moment, no one excepted, the black flame burned on the body for the first time.

The deadly black flame!

More than a hundred people burned with black flames. What is this scene?

Those in the distance who were planning to see if it was possible to pick up the bargain were completely stunned at this moment.

Every face showed extreme fear.

At this moment, it was also uncomfortable for Qin Shaofeng.

Applying Amaterasu to hundreds of people at the same time not only consumes millions of spiritual power points per second, but even his eyes are swollen and uncomfortable.

"It seems to be a bit reluctant! However, it doesn't matter!"

Feeling the discomfort of his eyes just a little swelling, there is no major problem, Qin Shaofeng kept the skylight burning for a while.

This caused the disciples of the Azure Cloud Sect in the distance to burst out heart and lungs, making people listen to the creepy screams.

People with weaker powers, those with less than one million spiritual power points, fell directly to the ground after the third second of the fire.

Such a situation is to inspire identity tokens, and none of these Qingyunzong disciples can do it.

At the fifth second, a disciple with a spiritual power value of more than one million began to fall, and after ten seconds, except for a few people with a spiritual power value of more than nine million, few people were still standing.

After Qin Shaofeng swallowed the ordinary third-rank nine-layer spirit pill in his mouth, after the thirteenth second of the burning of the sky, there were hundreds of Qingyunzong disciples, including the one who led the Qingyunzong with more than ten million spiritual powers. The geniuses also fell.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng put away the Amaterasu, then turned his gaze to look at the dense forest in the distance.

This look caused those who were still hiding in the dense forest or other places to be shocked for the first time, and then retreated violently.

too frightening!

First it was the terrifying giant, and now it was such a terrifying black flame, what kind of monster Qin Shaofeng was!

Can't provoke, this Qin Shaofeng absolutely can't provoke!

In just a few breaths, those who were hiding left one after another.

It would be better to say that I left as if I had fled a little bit.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief and concealed the eternal kaleidoscope.

To be honest, if someone rushes forward, Qin Shaofeng will be in trouble.

The normal version of the third grade nine-layer spirit pill, one can restore Qin Shaofeng's 10 million spiritual power.

But this is also somewhat restrictive.

In a short period of time, that is, within ten minutes, Qin Shaofeng can take up to the third-rank ordinary version of the third-rank nine-fold spirit pill, and he has restored 30 million points of spiritual power.

But if you take the fourth one within ten minutes, the recovery cost will be greatly reduced.

Qin Shaofeng had already taken two of them before, plus three of them when he started using Amaterasu.

And Qin Shaofeng just swallowed the ordinary third-rank nine-layer spirit pill in his mouth, which was the fourth one, and it only recovered five million points of spiritual power.

And now Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power value is only less than three million left.

However, things were just as Qin Shaofeng expected.

After two battles, no one dared to challenge him anymore!


In an area of ​​the Great Yuan Dan realm, in a certain place, the space suddenly distorted, and then a figure fell out.


As soon as the figure fell out, he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

This person is Wang Kai who forcibly broke through the Great Yuan Pill Realm and escaped from Qin Shaofeng's hands with the help of the power of the secret realm.

At this moment, Wang Kai's face was weak, although he had already been promoted to the realm of Great Yuandan, but this was not a good thing for him.

In fact, with Wang Kai's realm, he had already reached the limit he could achieve in the small Yuandan realm, and he could be promoted to the Great Yuandan realm at any time.

But because of practicing a special technique, Wang Kai deliberately extended the time for promotion to the Great Yuan Pill realm.

But now after being forced by Qin Shaofeng, he reluctantly gave up the cultivation of that kind of exercise. At this moment, he can imagine how angry he is.

"Damn it, that **** Qin Shaofeng not only caused me to lose my qualifications to participate in this competition, but it also caused me to disperse my yang power after ten years of cultivation. I will definitely not let you go, Qin Shaofeng. Wait for me!"

After a few angry roars, Wang Kai took out a piece of jade pendant from his storage ring, and then transported a trace of spiritual power. After inputting the jade pendant, Wang Kai could no longer stand it, and he passed out into a coma.

Although he broke through to the Great Yuan Pill realm, but Wang Kai broke through to the Great Yuan Pill realm when his spiritual power was exhausted and extremely weak. This was not a smooth breakthrough.

Coupled with the injuries he suffered, and the force that was forcibly twisted by the space aggravated, Wang Kai was already seriously injured at this moment.

After Wang Kai was in a coma, the jade pendant in his hand faintly radiated a faint light, and a very weak force spread out invisibly.

An hour later, several figures with golden light and powerful aura flew to this place.

"The distress signal is here, hurry up and find the specific location, this is a golden signal!"

"Damn someone dare to attack our people, it's so bold!"


After several small angry sounds, finally came out with an exclamation.

"Found it, people are here!"

With a sound almost, those figures came to Wang Kai in an instant, but when they discovered that this person was Wang Kai, everyone's complexion changed drastically!

"Damn, why is Junior Brother Wang Kai?"

"How could this happen? Didn't Junior Brother Wang Kai still not be able to break through to the Great Yuan Pill Realm? Hasn't his Yang Li been completely successfully cultivated?"

"Don't ask so much, Junior Brother Wang Kai is not doing well right now, so he can get medical treatment quickly, and also send a message to Senior Brother 3 and report the matter to him!"


After being treated by Yi, the people finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then they also received the order of their third senior brother and left with Wang Kai.

Huh huh!

Several golden lights flashed again, and those people turned into golden rainbow lights, fleeing into the distance.

If anyone else could find out here, the reason these people turned into golden lights was mostly because they were all wearing pale golden robes.

And on the golden robe, everyone is embroidered with a round pure golden sun behind their backs.

As long as you see such a sign, people with a little bit of knowledge will exclaim.

Nine Sun Gate!


Three hours later, a dense forest.

Perhaps it was because Li Wei was well established. During these three hours, no one came to trouble Qin Shaofeng and others.

After three hours of recuperation, not only Qin Shaofeng completely recovered, but Xia Yan and the others also started to jump again.

And after this time, those Lei Shenfeng disciples once again appeared three people whose spiritual power broke through to the realm of nine million.

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