Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 478: What's up?

The three new breakthroughs and the previous three, and six together, at the beginning of the recuperation, Qin Shaofeng immediately took out the pill that he had prepared for them.

Therefore, after three hours, all three of them successfully broke through and possessed tens of millions of spiritual power.

This made Xia Yan and others shocked by Qin Shaofeng's methods again.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng said to continue to find someone to fight, no one opposed it.

Especially those who have not exceeded ten million spiritual power, because Qin Shaofeng told them that as long as they have nine million spiritual power, he can make them break through ten million.

What else is more tempting and more motivating than breaking through with tens of millions of spiritual power?

And this time, it was no longer Qin Shaofeng and others who came to find them, but they started to find others.

Soon, the area where Qin Shaofeng was located was completely chaotic.

Because Qin Shaofeng began to let Xiaoqiuqiu look for everyone's breath, and would go forward to fight whenever he found it.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng and his team of twenty-six members already had twelve masters of the Little Yuan Dan realm with a spiritual power value of ten million, and among them was Qin Shaofeng, an invincible master of the little Yuan Dan.

Such a team can walk sideways in this area.

In fact, it was true. Basically, after that battle, Qin Shaofeng's fame was completely defeated.

There were still people who did not believe in evil at first.

A terrifying spiritual giant?

I'm afraid of the black flame?

One person killed more than 400 people in less than half an hour?

And among them, there are more than ten people with spiritual power worth ten million?

Is it so exaggerated?

It's just the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, what do you want?


Anyone who had never seen it in the venue did not believe that Qin Shaofeng had such a strength against the sky.

But soon they knew they were wrong.

Because under Qin Shaofeng's leadership, their team is invincible.

Almost as long as the team encountered by them, almost all ended in annihilation.

It is almost because many people immediately inspire identity tokens to escape as soon as they discover that the situation is not right.

Many even noticed a certain gold-level identity token with more than 50,000 record points, and turned around as soon as they approached themselves.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there was no one in this area, so he and others could get score points.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had other thoughts, and took Xia Yan and others directly to the next area.

Not many people know the situation of Qin Shaofeng and others when they arrive in a new area. As soon as they see more than 50,000 record points, and some other teams that add up to more than 100,000 record points, they are right in front of their own eyes. Heartbeat?

This is exactly to put the shortcut to promotion to the Purple Gold rank identity token before his eyes!

But it didn't take long. With the greedy people, they died to death, escaped, and teleported away. After this happened many times, many people understood.

What kind of shortcut is this!

It is clearly a dead end to death!

As long as you go out, there is probably no return!

Not only that, but such news quickly spread throughout the ten areas of Xiaoyuandan.

Qin Shaofeng and others became famous for a while, but it was precisely because of this reason that in the following time, Qin Shaofeng and others encountered very few people, and in the end they simply never met.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was also very helpless, but Qin Shaofeng didn’t care because today was the tenth day. As long as today is over, the entire secret space, whether it’s a big or a small one, can be divided into 20 areas. They are all connected.

At that time, it was at the most critical moment.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not worried, because he had planned it before, and now it is time for the plan to be implemented.

At this moment, Xia Yan and others around Qin Shaofeng already possess tens of millions of spiritual power.

That's right, everyone!

A team of twenty-six people, each with a minimum of 10 million points of spiritual power.

There are even several people with more than ten million points.

Xia Yan is the leader of the twenty-five most outstanding Thunder God Peak disciples. Under Qin Shaofeng's cruel squeeze, his current spiritual power has reached the limit he can reach-15 million points!

And the four Lei Shenfeng disciples who first relied on their own breakthroughs now also possess more than 13 million spiritual power.

The rest of the people have twelve million or two, and 11 million in different spiritual powers.

Although relying on Qin Shaofeng's pill breakthrough, because of the treasure of Xiaoqiuqiu's small vault, these twenty people have no effect, and they are completely the same as normal cultivation.

If such a thing were passed back to the Qianshan Sect, I am afraid it would cause a sensation.

Because these twenty-five people, even before Xia Yan, it was difficult to cultivate to a realm with ten million spiritual power values, but now everyone has achieved this step.

As a small yuan pill with tens of millions of spiritual power, once it breaks through the great yuan pill realm, the increased spiritual power of that breakthrough is an increase of millions or even tens of millions.

This is also the reason why Xia Yan desperately wants to cultivate to the tens of millions level, and it is also the reason why the Qianshan Sect has this requirement to become a inheritance disciple of the Xiaoyuan Pill Realm.

However, compared with this, these twenty-five people at this moment are not so enthusiastic about the identity of the disciple of the Qianshan Sect.

Because they found that following Qin Shaofeng, I am afraid that they are much luckier than being a disciple of the Qianshan Sect.

Except for Qin Shaofeng himself, who has a record of more than 50,000 points, there are also several other people who now have gold-level identity tokens.

Especially after three days have passed, many people began to admit defeat again, turning their identity tokens into gray.

However, this time the object of their surrender was no longer Qin Shaofeng or Xia Yan, but other people who did not reach the gold-level identity token.

As for how to select such a lucky person, Qin Shaofeng decided by drawing lots, but there was no partiality, and everyone did not have any opinions about it.

Because the identity token turns gray, the defeated person can get doubled record points. So far, in addition to Xia Yan, Qin Shaofeng's team has five more people with gold-level identity tokens.

That is to say, Qin Shaofeng's team, with all the record points of everyone, can already give birth to a purple gold-level identity token.

Although the disciples of Thunder God Peak and Xia Yan had suggested that all the record points be given to Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng's identity token could be promoted to the Purple Gold rank.

But Qin Shaofeng refused!

First, it was because Qin Shaofeng didn't want to be the first bird, which was eye-catching.

Secondly, that is not necessary, because Qin Shaofeng believes that sooner or later his identity token can rise to the Purple Gold rank, without requiring other people's record points.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng said that Xia Yan and others should have gold-level identity tokens.


"Xia Yan, how long will we be able to communicate with the Great Yuan Dan realm?"

In a dense forest, Qin Shaofeng and others are making a barbecue.

Although there are trees in this secret space, which can be used to make fires, these barbecues were prepared by Qin Shaofeng and others outside.

Because everyone was hiding from his gang, Qin Shaofeng simply let everyone rest.

In this secret space, there is no distinction between day and night. In any case, the huge ball of light at the top of the secret space is bright and bright.

"Well, there should be about ten hours, right?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng asking himself, Xia Yan thought for a while, and then silently calculated it in his heart and gave a time.

"Ten hours!"

Qin Shaofeng sighed, with a trace of boredom on his face.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's expression suddenly changed, he stood up abruptly, and looked far ahead.

"What happened to Uncle Xiaoshi?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng like this, Xia Yan also hurriedly stood up.

"Someone is coming!" Qin Shaofeng said softly.

But Xia Yan and others felt that something was wrong with Qin Shaofeng at the moment.

Because someone came, just to send the record points, then his junior master uncle would not look like this.

"Everyone is on guard, they have cheered me up. This time there are fifty enemies. It's not easy. Give me a little seriousness and show all my strength!"

Just as Xia Yan and others were puzzled, they suddenly heard what Qin Shaofeng said.


Seeing that Qin Shaofeng said so seriously, Xia Yan and others were surprised.

However, during this period of time, they had adapted to Qin Shaofeng's orders long ago, and each of them could be considered as having experienced many battles.

Qin Shaofeng had only just finished speaking, two or three could not breathe, and all twenty-five people had entered the battle state.

For Qin Shaofeng's words, Xia Yan and the twenty-five people absolutely believed.

Therefore, at this moment, all of them are tense, and it seems that the strongest blow will erupt in the next moment.

Before long, when a team appeared, Xia Yan and the others all had their pupils shrunk, and then they understood why Qin Shaofeng was so wary of the coming.

Because this team of enemies is surprisingly the same team as them.

They are all masters of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm with tens of millions of spiritual power!

And the other party is still fifty people!

At this moment, even Qin Shaofeng was shocked. He did not expect such a team to exist in this competition for hegemony.

Fifty small Yuandan masters with tens of millions of spiritual power!

Such a lineup, I am afraid that the entire Qianshanzong can't come out, right?

Of course it is not the words of the twenty-five people around him.

However, after feeling the breath of the other fifty people, Qin Shaofeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although these fifty people all possess tens of millions of spiritual power, they are generally in the early ten million, and few of them exceed twelve million.

Even the strongest person is in the same realm as Xia Yan.

Qin Shaofeng estimated in his heart that the opponent fought with Xia Yan, but Xia Yan had a chance to win.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not dare to make any assertions.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is only judging from his breath now, and the real situation will only be clear after he does it.

At this moment, the opponent's captain who had 15 million spiritual power points stepped forward and spoke to Qin Shaofeng.

"You are Qin Shaofeng, right?"

That person obviously had some eyesight too, although Qin Shaofeng deliberately stood behind Xia Yan at the moment, the other party still recognized him.

Qin Shaofeng didn't deny it either. He stepped forward and said with a smile: "Yes, I am Qin Shaofeng, why do you find something to do with me?"

"Well, it's just fine!"

The man nodded, and then said of course: "Give out the record points of you and everyone behind you!"


Upon hearing this, Xia Yan and others were angry.

How dare you let them surrender their record points?

And in such a superior tone, who do you think you are?

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