Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 481: Bad characters?


Feeling that there were ten more transfer points for his identity token, Qin Shaofeng knew that from now on, the twenty areas of the secret space had been completely connected.

Now is the real start of the hegemony contest.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also saw that the ranking displayed on his identity token had once again skyrocketed by a large number of names.

Originally in the ten areas of Xiaoyuandan, Qin Shaofeng ranked first, with a record of more than 60,000 points.

But now Qin Shaofeng discovered that after this new ranking appeared, his ranking was actually only 26th.

Moreover, there are as many as 30 or 40 people in the rankings with more than 50,000 record points.

This made Qin Shaofeng understand one thing, that is, I am afraid that in this competition for hegemony, the number of participants in the Great Yuan Pill Realm may be much more than he expected.

And most importantly, the battle in the Great Yuan Pill Realm is probably even more intense than the battle in the Small Yuan Pill area.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that he and the others were even more dangerous.

By now, Qin Shaofeng and his team had ten people with gold-level identity tokens, and Xia Yan had more than 18,000 record points.

And because of that group of Tianmen disciples, the remaining 16 people now have scores of more than 5,000 points, and many of them are almost close to the gold level of 10,000 points.

Overall, Qin Shaofeng and his group's record points exceeded 300,000.

This is definitely a huge cake for those masters in the Great Yuan Dan realm.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng had already expected this point.

"Quickly, give me a breakthrough!"

Turning his head abruptly, Qin Shaofeng shouted to Xia Yan and others.

Xia Yan and others knew Qin Shaofeng’s plan for a long time. Although they didn’t know all about it, Qin Shaofeng told them that once all areas were connected, one thing they needed to do was to break through to the Great Yuan Dan realm. .

And everyone who had been prepared for this a long time ago, as soon as Qin Shaofeng's words fell, they took out one pill, swallowed it, and began to break through.

This time, what Xia Yan and others took was a special version of the second-grade nine-layer spirit pill that Qin Shaofeng had previously refined.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, although this special version of the second-rank nine-fold spirit pill, it only has the effect of improving the small yuan pill realm.

However, Xia Yan and others had been interrupted by Qin Shaofeng many times as a promotion opportunity. The spiritual power in the body had been tempered for a long time, and all of them were in a state where they could be promoted to the Great Yuan Dan realm at any time.

And in this state, once it is stimulated by the special version of the second grade nine-layer spirit pill, it is very likely to directly break through to the realm of the double layer of the great yuan pill, and even the third layer is uncertain.

Another point is that taking this special version of the Second Stage Nine Layers Spirit Pill can restore the exhausted and unhealed Thunder God Peak disciples to a state of victory.

This is the most suitable state for breakthrough.

boom! boom! boom!

Spirit power fluctuated one after another, exploding from Xia Yan and others.

Feeling the fluctuations of the spiritual power, Qin Shaofeng was slightly happy.

Because from these spiritual power fluctuations, Qin Shaofeng already felt it.

This time, Xia Yan and 25 of them are estimated to be able to break through to the late stage of the Great Yuan Pill at least, and even more than half of them can break through to the realm of the Great Yuan Pill.

Especially for Xia Yan, who was focused on by Qin Shaofeng, with the spirit power fluctuations that this kid now radiating, Qin Shaofeng estimated that after this breakthrough, Xia Yan might be able to directly reach the second stage of the Great Yuan Pill, or even the peak realm.

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng frowned, took out his identity token and took a look, and he saw that there were already many more gold-level masters in the area he was in.

Even these masters seem to be rushing to where they are now, and it is estimated that they can be here in half an hour at most.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest worry on his face, and even a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

bring it on!

Come in more people!

Otherwise, there are not many people in the big meal I have prepared for a long time, I would be very disappointed!

With his eyes flashing, Qin Shaofeng looked at the attribute interface he had summoned, and an unprecedented light burst into his eyes.

Or maybe it's crazy!


A quarter of an hour later, some of the twenty-five Thunder God Peak disciples finally made a breakthrough and jumped in and promoted to the Great Yuan Dan realm.

However, this disciple did not stand up, but took out a pill again from his storage and took it again.

The next moment, a violent spiritual power burst out from him, and the spiritual power fluctuations of promotion surged out of him again.

Moreover, this wave of fluctuation was ten times stronger than that of Xia Yan.

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised at this point, because the other party had just taken a special version of the third grade nine-layer spirit pill.

Now Qin Shaofeng's special version of the third-rank nine-layer spirit pills were all refined with intermediate spirit essence.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the special version of the third-rank nine-layered spirit pill refined with the intermediate spirit essence could actually enable people in the Great Yuan Dan realm to directly increase the level of the triple cultivation level.

However, the third-rank nine-layered spirit pill can only be promoted to the level of the seventh layer of the great yuan pill at most. After exceeding the seventh layer of the great yuan pill, the special version of the third-rank nine-layered spirit pill will lose its promotion effect.

But even so, it is amazing.

When Qin Shaofeng told Xia Yan and the others about the pill that directly broke through the triple cultivation base, they froze for a long time.

This is Qin Shaofeng's plan, first to break through to the Great Yuan Pill Realm with the Second Stage Nine Layer Spirit Pill, and then use the Third Stage Nine Layer Spirit Pill to increase the triple cultivation base.

In this way, these Lei Shenfeng disciples are at least the cultivation base of the Fourth Layer of Great Yuan Pill.

Moreover, they are all small yuan pills with tens of millions of spiritual power that broke through to the great yuan pill realm. The base of this spiritual power is extremely large. .

At that time, Qin Shaofeng estimated that the strength of these Thunder God Peak disciples could be obtained even in the Great Yuan Dan realm.

It seems to have started. After the first one appeared, the second person who completely broke through the Great Yuan Pill also appeared, and then repeated the actions of the first person, swallowing the third grade nine-layer spirit pill.

Then there is the third, the fourth...

Two quarters later, the last one, Xia Yan, also started taking the third grade nine-fold spirit pill.

Although Xia Yan was the last one, he was the one who satisfied Qin Shaofeng the most.

Because Xia Yan was the last one, it was because after he broke through, he was directly promoted to the early stage of the Great Yuan Pill Triple Layer, which naturally took a little longer.

Feeling that it would take about half an hour for everyone to complete the upgrade completely, Qin Shaofeng showed a satisfied smile.

"Well, yes, it seems that soon we will be able to freely grab the record points from others again."

Nodded slightly, then the next moment, Qin Shaofeng turned around, with a smile on his face.

"Heh, it's finally here! And the people who seem to be here are all pretty good!"

call out!

As Qin Shaofeng's words fell, there was a sound of breaking through the sky far away, and a black spot appeared.

And soon, more and more breaking sounds sounded, and more and more black spots appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

After a while, seventy or eighty people fell across from Qin Shaofeng.

And these seven or eighty breaths are all masters of the Great Yuan Dan realm!

Of course, even in the Great Yuan Pill Realm, these people are not geniuses with tens of millions of spiritual power in the Small Yuan Pill Realm.

Although there are a lot of people, and they are all in the Great Yuan Dan realm, there are also people with tens of millions of spiritual power points, and there are only a dozen!

On the contrary, the person headed by the other party is slightly stronger and a lot stronger. With more than 30 million spiritual power points, he is also a master of the six-layer solution of the Great Yuan Pill.

The man laughed as soon as he landed and revealed his burly figure.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that someone in the Xiaoyuandan area actually won more than 60,000 record points, and I was lucky enough to be met by me. It was God who helped me!"

After the burly man laughed, he said directly to Qin Shaofeng coldly: "Boy, contribute the record points of your identity token, I can spare you not to die!"

"The same goes for those companions not far behind you!"

After speaking, as if thinking of something, the burly man added another sentence.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at him. Instead, he turned his gaze and looked at another place.

This made the burly man furious, but the next moment he seemed to sense something, he also looked in the direction Qin Shaofeng was looking.

The next moment, a scene that changed his face appeared.

I saw hundreds of black spots in that direction in the distance.

"That is?"

The burly man shrank his pupils, and exclaimed, "No, it's Qing Shipeng of Qingyun Sect!"

As the burly man's words fell, the black spots in the distance approached instantly.

Seeing this, the burly man didn't hesitate anymore, just turned around and fled away.

But at this moment, the person headed by the dark shadow in the distance seemed to have noticed the intention of the burly man, and directly waved a blue light.

The cyan light blasted directly to the feet of the burly man, making the figure of the burly man ready to go, instantly stabilized, and did not dare to move.

Because the burly man knew that this was just a warning, and if he dared to act rashly, the end would be extremely miserable.

Even thinking of such a situation, the burly man shouted fiercely, "Stand up for me, don't run away!"

Huh huh!

A group of figures flashed, and soon a large group of people gathered around the burly man.

At this time, the leading young man, who was at most twenty years old, directly snorted: "Leave the record points, and people can get out of me!"

Hearing this cold snort, the burly man was overjoyed. He immediately took out his identity token and transferred his more than 10,000 record points to the young man, that is, Qing Shipeng.

And his subordinates all followed suit.

In a short while, the burly man took the gray identity token, and dozens of his men with the same gray identity token, fled griefly.

Until then, Qing Shipeng turned his head to look at Qin Shaofeng, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Thousand Mountain Sect?"

Qin Shaofeng nodded.

"Thunder God Peak people?" Qing Shipeng asked again.

Qin Shaofeng still nodded.

Then, Qing Shipeng smiled, coldly, and full of killing intent.

"Heh, then we are really destined!"

"Yeah! Really destined!" Qin Shaofeng also smiled at this time, relaxed, and he felt a little weird.

Why do I always meet this Qingyunzong person?

Is it because I don't agree with this Qingyunzong horoscope?

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