Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 482: violent! Qin Shaofeng's big outbreak

Qing Shipeng didn't know what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, and sneered.

"Boy, how do you plan to die?"

At this moment, Qing Shipeng is angry!

Yesterday, he just suffered a loss from the woman of Qianshan Sect, but now he is full of anger in his heart.

Now when I met the people of the Thunder God Peak of the Thousand Mountain Sect in front of me, Qing Shipeng felt that this was really godly!

Isn't that woman also from the Thunder God Peak of the Thousand Mountain Sect?

If that's the case, then use this kid in front of him and the two dozen people behind him to ask for interest.

Naturally, Qing Shipeng discovered immediately that Xia Yan and others were not far behind Qin Shaofeng, and knew that they were breaking through, but Qing Shipeng did not care.

Although he hasn't recognized Xia Yan yet, but seeing the costumes of Xia Yan and others, he has already determined that he belongs to the Thunder God Peak of the Thousand Mountain Sect.

Now he is just thinking, using those tricks to torture these two dozen people to death.

Qing Shipeng was confident that with his tenfold cultivation base of the Great Yuan Pill, and his spiritual power worth more than 70 million, he would make none of these Thunder God Peak disciples escape.

It is absolutely impossible to stimulate the identity token to be sent out!

Without his approval, inspire identity tokens in front of him?


As for the possibility of losing, Qing Shipeng had no idea.

Behind him are all Qingyunzong's Great Yuan Pill realm disciples, with more than 300 people, of which the lowest strength is the Great Yuan Pill triple realm, with a spiritual power value of more than 5 million.

There are more than seventy or eighty people with more than ten million people.

Although there are not many masters with spiritual power over 50 million, there are still so few.

With such a lineup, how could it be possible that only a group of Lei Shenfeng disciples of Xiao Yuan Dan escaped his palm?

"Why are you dead? Heh——!"

At this time, Qin Shaofeng chuckled lightly, causing Qing Shipeng to frown, and his heart became slightly angry.

You, a little Yuandan, dare to do this in front of my Qing Shipeng?

Really looking for death!

But if this was only to make Qing Shipeng slightly angry, then Qin Shaofeng's next words would make Qing Shipeng completely angry.

"No, Qing Shipeng, right? Actually you were wrong!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head and said playfully, "You, no, it should be what you need to think about now, how can I make my fun!"

With that, Qin Shaofeng's right hand flashed slightly, and when no one could see, a card was gently crushed by him.

That is a ten times experience bonus card rewarded by the system!


Qing Shipeng's face sank when he heard the sound, but before he could speak, he suddenly found that there was something wrong with Qin Shaofeng's aura on the opposite side.


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's body surged with surging spiritual power, and Qin Shaofeng flew up in the air.

The next moment, spiritual power surged, and a lot of purple light appeared on the surface of Qin Shaofeng's body, and soon a twenty-meter purple spiritual power giant appeared in front of Qing Shipeng and others.


The first time Qin Shaofeng consumed 10 million points of spiritual power, condensing Xu Zuo Nenghu.

And that's not even counted, a flash of thunder, Suzuo Nenghu's right hand flashed, and after a huge thunder light flashed, Suzuo Nenghu's right hand had a huge thunder and lightning sword condensed by thunder.

This Lei Che great sword was condensed by Qin Shaofeng with 5 million spiritual power points.

So far, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power has not been stored, but it does not matter, because this is just the beginning.


In the next moment, a sense of promotion erupted from Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally submitted this extreme upgrade task to the system.

Ding Dong!

A series of system prompts sounded, Qin Shaofeng didn't care, what he cared about was his own strength at the moment.

As soon as the extreme mission was submitted, Qin Shaofeng instantly upgraded to the first level of the Great Yuan Dan realm. Then, because of the level of one of the ten-star rewards for completing the degree, Qin Shaofeng immediately upgraded to another level.

Great Yuan Dan is doubled!

The change in Qin Shaofeng's breath caused Qing Shipeng's face to change slightly, because he didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng would directly rise two levels at once.

And most importantly, he finally recognized Qin Shaofeng.

It was him!

"No wonder I think this giant is a bit familiar. It turns out that you are the new disciple of the Thousand Mountain Sect Thunder God Peak Peak Master!"

Qing Shipeng said coldly, the next moment, his eyes were cold, and he laughed loudly.

"Ha, that's great. I didn't expect that I would meet you. As long as you kill you, then Lei Shenfeng will definitely be hit hard. Qin Shaofeng, you are out of luck!"

"is it?"

Qin Shaofeng, who was in the midst of Xu Zuo's ability, smiled faintly.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes appeared with six-pointed stars, facing the more than 300 people behind Qing Shipeng, and using a voice that only he could hear, he gently uttered two words.



The black light flashed, and the crowd of Qingyunzong disciples behind Qing Shipeng suddenly burst into a black flame.

The black flame instantly burned the entire crowd.

Qing Shipeng noticed that something was wrong for the first time, and left the spot without being close by Amaterasu Flame.

Worthy of being a disciple of Qingyunzong, this reaction is quick, and many people, like Qing Shipeng, flashed away and left for the first time.

And even the people who didn't leave in time have condensed the spirit armor.

For such a person, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay much attention to it, and even took the initiative to extinguish the skylight on the other's spirit armor.

The reason for this was that Qin Shaofeng had gathered all the remaining Amaterasu, who did not react in the first time, or reacted, but did not condense the spirit armor in time, and those people whose bodies had been burned by the Amaterasu.




Screams rang everywhere instantly, and after entering the Great Yuan Pill Realm, Qin Shaofeng's power was improved again.

This burned body is not only a dead end, it even only takes a few breaths. Even a Great Yuandan master with five or six hundred spiritual power points will stop screaming.

And such people seem to exceed one-third of the number of people led by Qing Shipeng.

"Spirit armor! Spirit armor! Give me the spirit armor quickly!"

Qing Shipeng, who reacted for the first time, shouted angrily at the people around him.

In fact, he doesn't need to shout, at this time those Qingyunzong disciples have already condensed their spirit armors.

But even so, Qing Shipeng's face was still gloomy.

Because one-third of his subordinates are absolutely finished.

He has now sensed the terrifying aspects of the black flame, especially from the fact that the black flame seems to be burning with spiritual power, and his heart is extremely shocked.

Damn, what kind of black flame is this?

The same doubts appeared in many people's minds. At this moment, some people had already arrived in the distance.

Even if the team led by these people is not as strong as Qing Shipeng's team, it is almost the same.

Seeing Qing Shipeng suffered such a big loss at this moment, none of them acted rashly, just watching from a distance.

"Attack! Attack that kid!"

Although I don't know, what kind of strange attack method this black flame is.

But Qing Shipeng knew that as long as Qin Shaofeng was killed, those black flames should disappear.

His men are now being burned to death one by one, although he doesn't care about the lives of those men.

However, Qing Shipeng knew that in this competition for hegemony, in order to get better results, there must be someone at hand.

Otherwise, in a single situation, no matter how strong you are, facing a large number of enemies, it will be a dead end.

And at this moment Qing Shipeng also discovered that the black flame seemed to be able to be defended by the spirit armor.

After confirming this, he planned to attack Qin Shaofeng.

Soon, under the leadership of Qing Shipeng, more than two hundred people began to attack.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath, and then moved in his heart, instantly reducing the spiritual power in his body by a quarter.

Qin Shaofeng in the double realm of the Great Yuan Pill now has nearly 40 million spiritual power.

This quarter is 10 million points of spiritual power.


Suzuo Nohu's huge body flashed a burst of lightning, and a powerful thunder and lightning flashed, and soon a set of thunder and lightning condensed armor was draped on Suzuo Nohu's body.

Thunder Dunk Ninjutsu Thunder Dunk Bodyguard!

With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, he spent 10 million points of spiritual power to use the Thunder Dune Body, which greatly improved Suzuo Nenghu's defense.




At this time, the attack from Qing Shipeng and others finally fell on Suzuo Nenghu.

Although there are many attacks, they are all very powerful.

But with the weakening of Lei Dun's body, the remaining attacks that passed into Suzuonenhu were only half of the original power. After the cooperation of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" and "Bei Ming Divine Art", Qin Shaofeng completely resolved.

And the power that was resolved just enough to make the already collapsed Thunder armor and Susano Nogu, who had begun to be somewhat unstable, recovered again.

After all, it was an attack by more than two hundred Great Yuan Dan masters, and many of them had a spiritual power value of over ten million, so it was only the first wave of attacks, and Suzuo Nenghu was affected.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still maintained Amaterasu!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power had already consumed more than 70%!

After all, at the same time applying Amaterasu to dozens of Great Yuan Dan realm masters, this spiritual power naturally consumes a lot.

Seeing that the first wave of attacks did not work, Qing Shipeng's expression became even colder, and then commanded the people around him to launch a second attack on Suzuo Nenghu.


The second wave of attacks came, and felt the power of this wave of attacks, much more than the first wave, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised, his brows lightly frowned, and he hesitated.

But the next moment, after taking a look at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with joy.

Then, Qin Shaofeng controlled this Xu Zuo Nenghu, raised the huge Leiqi sword, slashed in the void, and slashed out a huge thunder sword qi.

Seeing Xu Zuo Nenghu's movements, Qing Shipeng was shocked, and immediately became alert.

He still didn't quite understand this purple spiritual power giant.

But seeing that it can help Qin Shaofeng block the first wave of attacks by himself and others, this is definitely not simple, Qing Shipeng can always be on guard.

At this moment, Suzuo almost moved, and Qing Shipeng realized that he was a little nervous.

But soon Qing Shipeng discovered that something was wrong.

Because the sword that the purple spiritual power giant slashed out was not against them.

not good!

As if thinking of something, Qing Shipeng's expression changed.

But before he could say anything, that powerful huge thunder sword aura instantly slashed towards the crowd not far away, still struggling with the black flames of the sky.

Then, there was a loud bang.

Those who are still struggling can't struggle anymore!

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