Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 483: Wild promotion


The second wave of attacks finally hit Suzuo Nohu.

Then, Qing Shipeng soon saw that the purple spiritual power giant finally collapsed under the attack of himself and others because he could not withstand the attack.

Although many people died, Qing Shipeng felt relieved to see this scene.

But the next moment, Qing Shipeng's expression became more exciting again.

Because at the moment when the purple spiritual power giant collapsed, an aura of promotion suddenly rose up.


So Qin Shaofeng actually advanced under such circumstances?

The expression on Qing Shipeng's face at this moment was as uncomfortable as eating a fly!

Yes, it is indeed promoted!

Qin Shaofeng's aura at the moment has improved, because now Qin Shaofeng's level has been upgraded to the triple level of the Great Yuan Pill.

After entering the Great Yuan Pill, Qin Shaofeng's basic experience gained by killing the Great Yuan Pill masters is already 100,000 points, plus the six times the bonus of Qianshan Ling and Qi Yun crystallization is 600,000 points.

But before that, Qin Shaofeng used a 10 times experience bonus card rewarded by the system. This way, to kill a Great Yuan Pill Realm, which is 16 times the basic experience, Qin Shaofeng can get 1.6 million. Point experience value.

And the people around Qing Shipeng are at least the Triple Layer of the Great Yuan Pill. This is another leapfrog kill. At least five times the basic experience is added, so that Qin Shaofeng can get at least two million points for killing one person. Experience value.

Even by killing some of the four-layer and five-layer masters of the Great Yuan Pill, Qin Shaofeng gained even more experience points.

However, it takes 200 million experience points to upgrade from the double layer of the Great Yuan Dan to the triple layer. Although the 200 million experience points are a lot, under such a bonus, Qin Shaofeng kills some people with the sun, and finally uses the Xu Zuo Can almost cut out the person who was killed by that huge thunder sword.

Together, Qin Shaofeng's experience value directly exceeded 200 million points, and then Qin Shaofeng was smoothly promoted to the Triple Realm of Great Yuan Pill.

As soon as his level was raised, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power instantly recovered.

As soon as this spiritual power was restored, what Qin Shaofeng did for the first time was to consume 10 million experience points again to condense the Xu Zuo Nenghu.

However, the Suzuonenghu condensed this time was actually five meters higher than the Suzuonenghu that Qin Shaofeng condensed before.

At this moment, Qing Shipeng's face is as exciting as it is.

Because he found that Qin Shaofeng was not going to advance, and he actually condensed the purple spiritual power giant again.

The most important thing is that this newly condensed purple spiritual power giant is actually 25 meters high. Compared with the previous one, this new purple spiritual power giant seems to have improved a lot!

"Damn it, who is this Qin Shaofeng? How can this weird move be displayed one after another?"

With a low roar, Qing Shipeng's face became completely hideous.

"Okay, very good! Qin Shaofeng counts you as good, but don't think so, I can't help you."


A powerful breath erupted from Qing Shipeng.

In the next moment, Qing Shipeng coldly shouted to everyone behind him, "With all his strength! Everyone attacked with all their strength and shattered the purple spiritual power giant. I don't believe this Qin Shaofeng can condense again! "

For a while after Qing Shipeng's command, more than two hundred Qingyunzong disciples, all auras fully opened, and began to gather spiritual power, planning to explode with full force against Qin Shaofeng's purple spiritual power giant.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng saw this scene through Xu Zuo Nenghu, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Heh, the Great Yuan Pill is tripled, and my spiritual power value now exceeds 50 million points, so what kind of effect will I use this trick now?"


The six-pointed star pattern in his eyes flashed slightly, Qin Shaofeng's eyes became sharp, and then he spit out two words coldly.

"Monthly reading!"

Qin Shaofeng felt a twitch in his mind after the monthly reading show this time. It seemed that this twitch had drained all his mental energy.

Not only that, at the same time, the more than 40 million spiritual power remaining in Qin Shaofeng's body was also emptied at this moment, and nothing was left.

And the result of such huge consumption is...

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Qing Shipeng, who was gathering his spiritual power to attack with all his strength, suddenly heard a sound of falling to the ground behind him, and when he looked back, Qing Shipeng's face changed drastically.

Because at this moment, the Qingyunzong disciple behind him actually fell directly down.

Taking a closer look, Qing Shipeng discovered that anyone with the seventh level of the Great Yuan Pill at the lower level, no matter how much spiritual power they possessed, had fainted at this moment.

Many people even died directly.

What is going on here?

How could these people suddenly be like this?

Qing Shipeng is going crazy!

It's weird!

I can't feel any attack coming!

And what made Qing Shipeng mad the most was that at this moment, he suddenly felt that Qin Shaofeng's breath had changed again not far away.

What a special promotion!

That's right, Qin Shaofeng is now promoted again!

After Shi Zhan Yuexuan, and brought down all the people below the seventh layer of the Qingyunzong Great Yuan Pill on the opposite side, Qin Shaofeng immediately took out three **** from the storage ring and swallowed them.

These three spheres are exactly the three experience points Qin Shaofeng obtained during the fourth phase of the "First Person in Qianshan" mission.

One is 100 million experience points, and three is 300 million!

And Qin Shaofeng's Dayuan Pill's triple level to quadruple level requires exactly 300 million experience points.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the fourth level of the Great Yuan Pill.


Lightning flashed, Suzuo Nenghu once again put on a layer of lightning armor!

Then, Qin Shaofeng controlled Xu Zuo Nenghu's fists and slammed a punch at Qing Shipeng and others who were a little startled.


At this moment, the person who was falling to the ground inexplicably by his side, and the somewhat surprised Qing Shipeng and others, for a moment forgot to attack Qin Shaofeng.

It wasn't until the twelve giant Qianshan fist shadows blasted that Qing Shipeng waited for it to come back to his senses.

"No, this is the Qianshan Fist of the Qianshan Sect! Everyone quickly avoid it!"

With a sound of anger in his heart, Qing Shipeng immediately gave a warning.

But even if he reacted promptly, he was a little late in the end.

Although he himself escaped the blow smoothly, there were many Qingyunzong disciples behind him, who were not so lucky.

boom! boom! boom!

The huge Qianshan Fist Shadow smashed down, and Qing Shipeng's eyes flashed with monstrous killing intent.

Because at this moment, he felt that a group of his subordinates lost their breath again.

Until now, Qing Shipeng suddenly discovered that there were barely a hundred people left in the group under his leadership.

"Huh, sure enough, using your own spiritual power to use the Suzuo Nenghu to use Qianshanquan, this consumption is huge!"

Qin Shaofeng, who was in the midst of Xu Zuo Nenghu, exhaled and muttered to himself.

Because the punch Qianshanquan just now emptied all the spiritual power in his body at once.

"However, this is fine, it's time!"

His eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about his current state where his spiritual power had been exhausted, and he even seemed confident.

"Qin Shaofeng!"

At this moment, the Qing Shipeng not far away roared, and his entire face was distorted to the extreme because of the ferocious anger.

"You die for me!"


After a roar, a surge of spiritual power emerged from Qing Shipeng's body.

In the next moment, this surging spiritual power twisted in the void, and instantly transformed and condensed into a ten-meter spiritual power giant sword, with a terrifying aura, blasted towards Qin Shaofeng's Xu Zuo Nenghu.

"Oh, are you angry?" Facing the furious Qing Shipeng, Qin Shaofeng showed a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, with a relaxed expression, as if he hadn't seen the blue spiritual power giant sword that was blasting at him.

However, Qin Shaofeng at this moment put a pill into his mouth.

That is a special version of the third grade nine-fold spirit pill!

Qin Shaofeng is not as troublesome as Xia Yan and the others, breaking through the realm, and raising the level of cultivation, so he still needs refining and cultivation.

These are all floating clouds to Qin Shaofeng!

Upgrading the medicine!

This is an adjective Qin Shaofeng used to improve his cultivation.

Because with the help of the system, Qin Shaofeng does not need to complicate the upgrade like others.

When the pill arrives, upgrade those that should be upgraded, and upgrade those that should be upgraded!

Therefore, after three consecutive system prompts, Qin Shaofeng instantly soared to the seventh level of the Great Yuan Pill.

Taking the time to take a look at his current spiritual power value, Qin Shaofeng smiled in satisfaction.

99.6 million!

Well, yes, it's almost 100 million points!

So far, Qin Shaofeng's preparation and suppression for a period of time before, completely came out.

Upgrade to seven levels!

The spiritual value is nearly over 100 million!

What an incredible thing!

But this was normal in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

The special little master has prepared for this moment for so long, and also delayed so long. If this does not have such an effect, what else is there?


Finally the cyan spiritual power giant sword blasted down.

But at this moment, Qing Shipeng saw an unbelievable scene.

Because just when the cyan spiritual power giant sword was about to hit Qin Shaofeng's condensed Xu Zuo Nenghu's body, with a flash, Na Xuzou Nenghu directly dodged, avoiding this powerful sword.

how can that be?

With such a huge spiritual power giant, that Qin Shaofeng could control that spiritual power giant and escape this Qingyun sword?

Is it impossible?

What is impossible?

Qin Shaofeng, who dodges, seemed to see it in Xu Zuo Nenghu, Qing Shipeng's face was shocked at the moment, and he sneered in his heart.

Is this surprised?

Xiaoye has Lingbo's microstep, do you still want to attack Xiaoye?

The situation when Qin Shaofeng just dodged was precisely using Ling Bo's microsteps.

However, if this maneuver must use Lingbo's microstep, it will consume a million points of spiritual power at a time!

But after a glance, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about his spiritual power value at the moment.

After turning his eyes, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with killing intent on Qing Shipeng and others who were not far away.

It's time to get to know this Qing Shipeng!

The next moment, with a slight shock, Qin Shaofeng had an extra wide giant sword in his right hand, while Xu Zuo Nenghu had a flash of lightning in his right hand, and then an extra Lei Qi giant sword.


In an instant, Qin Shaofeng inspired the profound iron epee in his hand, and then transformed through Xu Zuo Nenghu. Although the power did not increase, the range skyrocketed several times.


Feeling his body sank sharply, Qing Shipeng secretly said a bad cry.


The word of careful heart was still spoken, Qing Shipeng felt that a violent sword aura swept toward himself and others.

Epee without front!

For the first time, Qing Shipeng increased his spiritual power output, strengthened his spiritual armor, and chose defense.

This is the wisest choice when you cannot avoid it!

But it seems that not many people can think of it.

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