Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 487: Psychedelic eye

Chapter 487: Psychedelic Eye

Super draw?

As soon as he heard this system prompt, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with excitement, and he hurriedly opened the lottery interface to take a look, and he was even more happy.

Because it is really a super draw!

Now Qin Shaofeng opened the lottery interface with one more option, that is, the super lottery option.

This is not a super draw card, because after this time, the super draw has been fixed.

As long as Qin Shaofeng consumes one hundred ordinary lucky draw opportunities, or ten special lucky draw opportunities, he will be able to conduct a super lucky draw.

Qin Shaofeng naturally knew about the super lottery, and it was precisely because of this super lottery that Qin Shaofeng now possesses two skills equivalent to the super **** rank.

Although Qin Shaofeng now has eleven special lucky draw opportunities, he can conduct a super lucky draw.

But Qin Shaofeng did not go to the super draw.

This is because after the opening of the Super Draw, if the Super Draw is held for the first time, if one hundred ordinary draw opportunities and ten special draw opportunities are consumed at the same time, there will be an optional draw.

This kind of selective lottery can directly obtain designated props or skills.

In other words, if you directly consume one hundred ordinary lottery chances, and ten special lottery chances, a lottery of designated props and skills will be carried out, or directly exchanged.

However, this of course has certain restrictions, that is, at most, you can only specify items and skills with a value of no more than 100 billion points.

But even so, this is a very good condition.

And as long as it is 100 billion points that exceed the limit, as long as you pay enough extra points, you can get any props and skills.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't think much about this, because it was just props or skills worth hundreds of billions of points, which made him very satisfied.

Besides, if there are more than 100 billion points, he estimated that he would not have those points.

Qin Shaofeng hasn't forgotten himself now, but because "Dugu Nine Swords" is still in debt of 10 billion points!

After watching the super lottery system, Qin Shaofeng's eyes finally fell on the last item.

No, it is a piece of equipment to be precise!

This is the ten-star completion of this extreme upgrade task, and it is also a god-level item randomly rewarded by the system-the psychedelic eye!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's right hand showed a lychee-sized light, emitting this dreamlike color light, and people would fall into obsession if they were not careful.

This is a beautiful artifact!

Psychedelic Eye: Special equipment. After wearing, all skills will be upgraded by one level, and their attributes will be increased by three times. It comes with skills Spirit Source, True Eye, Spirit Storm, and Spirit Chain.

Source of Spirit: Passive skills. After wearing it, mental power can be increased ten times and immune to all mental attacks (the target's mental power cannot exceed ten times the wearer).

Eye of Reality: Active skill, after casting, you can see through all illusions and look directly at the true origin of everything. Can be used three times a day.

Mental Storm: Active skills, after being used, can increase the power of the next mental attack by three times. Can be used three times a day.

Spiritual Chain: Active skills, after being used, can link the wearer and others' spiritual power, allowing both parties to share spiritual power, and the linked person has the ability to display real eyes and spiritual storms.

(Note: The real eye and mental storm cast by the linked person also consume the number of times the psychedelic eye has.)

After reading the attributes of this psychedelic eye, Qin Shaofeng immediately remembered the dream wings he gave Meng Xiner.

They are also special items, and they are definitely artifact-level equipment according to their level.

Moreover, the four skills of this psychedelic eye also do not need to consume the wearer's power, and they are all activated by the power of the artifact itself.

There is also the source of God, the real eye, the spirit storm, and the chain of spirit possessed by this psychedelic eye. These four skills are all at the heaven-defying level!


With a flash of white light, a round meat ball rolled onto Qin Shaofeng's right hand, holding the jewel-like psychedelic eye in his arms, and shouting haha.

"Oh my God! It's another artifact, and it's so beautiful!"

This little meat ball is not someone else, it is the little ball ball.

For the little ball of Cai Fan, this psychedelic eye is definitely the supreme treasure.

Not to mention powerful, but also so beautiful, it is simply perfect!

However, something unexpected happened to Qin Shaofeng soon.

Because after holding it for a while, Xiao Qiqiu actually put the psychedelic eye back into Qin Shaofeng's hands.


This little thing puts things back?

The good things that usually appear, weren't they taken back by yourself after they were seized by it?

Qin Shaofeng was surprised to feel that the ball was abnormal.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's surprised look at him, Xiaoqiuqiu said with disdain: "Well, this thing is good, but it looks like a woman's thing. How could it be taken by my master? "

Having said that, when Qin Shaofeng discovered that this little thing was talking, his pair of small round eyes still looked at the psychedelic eyes with longing.

However, Xiaoqiuqiu's next sentence made Qin Shaofeng understand why it said that.

"But, this thing is an artifact of mental power at first glance. It is more suitable for the little fox. Compared to her, although she is a nine-tailed celestial fox with a lot of attribute power, her real power is still spiritual power, this psychedelic eye It's just tailored for her."

Ha, when did I say this little thing is so greedy!

It turns out that the problem is here!

During this period of time, in Qin Shaofeng's original world, Xiaoqiuqiu took good care of the little fox and often instructed the little fox to practice. In this regard, Lord Tiger did not receive such treatment.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng also knows Xiaoqiuqiu’s intentions

This little thing is going to accept the little fox as a disciple!

Because now, after becoming his own contract elves, Little Ball seems to have completely lost its combat effectiveness. Well, even before, Little Ball does not seem to be very good at fighting.

However, Xiaoqiuqiu understands a lot of things, and there are a lot of secret techniques in his mind.

The current situation is that Xiaoqiuqiu cannot do without himself at all. Perhaps it is because he can't bear to be lonely and wants to find something to do, or it may be because the little fox is a nine-tailed celestial fox, regardless of talent or potential. The strength of the ball, which makes the ball tempted.

The situation is almost the same anyway, Xiaoqiuqiu deliberately accepted the little fox as a disciple.

Now Qin Shaofeng heard it say that he wanted to give the psychedelic eye to the little fox, and Qin Shaofeng completely confirmed the little thought in his heart.

You must know that this psychedelic eye is also of great help to Qin Shaofeng.

After at least a tenfold increase in mental power, Qin Shaofeng's display of the power of Moon Reading might rise several steps.

But Xiaoqiuqiu deliberately didn't say this, not just for the little fox.

However, Qin Shaofeng also agrees with Xiaoqiu.

Indeed, the spirit root of the little fox can possess a lot of attribute powers, but the real power of the little fox lies in its spiritual power.

This psychedelic eye is indeed very suitable for the little fox. Once the little fox has the psychedelic eye, its strength can not only be improved a lot, but it will even be a big help to the future of the little fox.

In fact, even if Xiaoqiuqiu didn't say anything, Qin Shaofeng had already decided to give this psychedelic eye to Little Fox.

Because the first time he saw the attributes of the psychedelic eye, Qin Shaofeng thought it was not himself but the little fox.

What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that Xiaoqiuqiu would say this.

With a light smile, Qin Shaofeng stuffed the psychedelic eyes into Xiaoqiuqi's arms.

This made Xiao Qiqiu very confused, and his eyes on Qin Shaofeng were all confused.

But without waiting for it to say anything, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and said, "I will leave this psychedelic eye to you. Now it belongs to you. How to deal with it is your problem!"

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words for an instant, Xiao Qiqiu's eyes widened, and he looked at Qin Shaofeng in disbelief.

But soon it understood what Qin Shaofeng meant.

He laughed, Xiaoqiuqiu didn't say anything to Qin Shaofeng, but rushed back to Qin Shaofeng's original world.


Finally, a quarter of an hour after Xiaoqiuqiu returned to Qin Shaofeng's original world space, a Lei Shenfeng disciple ended this breakthrough and promotion practice.

In the middle stage of the Big Yuan Pill's quadruple stage, its spiritual power exceeds 30 million points!

This was the first person, and it was the person with the lowest realm after promotion, so he was the first to end his cultivation.

The next moment, that Lei Shenfeng disciple stood up excitedly, his eyes full of gratitude when he looked at Qin Shaofeng, and there was another one who couldn't leave to worship.

In the previous situation, although these Lei Shenfeng disciples were cultivating breakthroughs, in fact, they could see what happened at the scene and Qin Shaofeng's battle.

Because of this, this Lei Shenfeng disciple looked at Qin Shaofeng, even Qin Shaofeng was embarrassed.

Because it seemed to look at a god, not only worshiping, but also very pious, Qin Shaofeng felt that he was a **** stick.

Soon more and more people finished their cultivation, and everyone looked at Qin Shaofeng in the same way.

When the last one, that is, after Xia Yan finished his cultivation, his first words instantly made Qin Shaofeng speechless.

"Little Master Uncle, you are too awesome, too crazy!"

Although Xia Yan's words made Qin Shaofeng speechless, his improvement made Qin Shaofeng very satisfied.

In the early stage of the Sixth Layer of the Great Yuan Pill, its spiritual power exceeded 60 million!

Xia Yan's situation finally did not disappoint Qin Shaofeng, nor did Qin Shaofeng absolutely waste the time he spent on him.

So far, Qin Shaofeng's team has grown stronger again.

At most, all 26 people are in the middle stage of the Big Yuan Pill's fourth layer, with spiritual power exceeding 30 million.

Moreover, there are more than ten of these twenty-six people, and they are now in the fivefold realm of the Great Yuan Pill, with a spiritual power value of more than 40 million points.

Among them, the four Thunder God's Peak disciples who relied on themselves to break through tens of millions of spiritual power in the small yuan pill realm, have now reached the stage of the fifth stage of the great yuan pill, and their spiritual power has also exceeded 50 million, and for this In the case of the four people, Qin Shaofeng believed that it would not take long for them to be promoted to the Sixth Layer of the Great Yuan Pill.

Maybe it's just such twenty-six people, in the area after the Great Yuandan masters appeared, their strength is nothing, after all, the number is too small.

In such a situation, if you meet the team of Han Dong and Ji Yun before, you can completely stop cooking.

Even if he met Qing Shipeng, he just ran away.

But if there is one more Qin Shaofeng, then the situation will be very different.

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