Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 488: Reactions from all sides

As soon as everyone finished their cultivation, Qin Shaofeng led them to start the battle to plunder others' record points.

Although Qin Shaofeng is helping Xia Yan and the others, they can all have gold-level identity tokens, allowing them to become the inheritance disciples of the Qianshan Sect after the end of this competition.

But apart from this, there is one more, and the most important one, to let Qin Shaofeng go all out to plunder other people's record points.

This is all because of the mission of the sixth stage of the ‘first person in a thousand mountains’.

After the completion of the fifth stage of "The First Person of Qianshan", the mission of the sixth stage will begin.

The first person in Qianshan: You first entered the preparation camp of Qianshan Sect. Have you discovered countless geniuses? Enchanting rampage? Are you jealous? Still envious?


Phase 1: Completed!

Phase 2: Completed!

Phase 3: Completed!

Phase 4: Completed!

Phase 5: Completed! The sixth stage mission opens!

The sixth stage: during the competition, win the championship with the first result! The reward level is increased by one level. There are 50 chances for ordinary lottery draws, 15 chances for special draws, and three special items will be awarded randomly!

The seventh stage: Not open! (After completing the sixth stage task, it can be opened!)

Yes, it is precisely because of the mission requirements of this sixth stage that Qin Shaofeng needs to obtain more record points.

It's not enough just to have a purple gold-level identity token. You still need to win the first place to complete the task of this stage.

Ji Yun and Han Dong didn't have many record points, and the two together barely exceeded 50,000 points.

However, in this way, Qin Shaofeng's identity token had a record point that exceeded 200,000 points.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had 200,000 record points, which was far ahead of the second place with more than 90,000 record points.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that this was not enough, and if he wanted to completely stabilize the first place, just 200,000 points would definitely not be enough.

Because now this time the competition for hegemony has only taken one-third of the time, and all regions have just been connected.

This is the real beginning!

And Qin Shaofeng will not forget that in the last three days, the entire secret space will merge into one area.

That is the final final!

During the finals, the battle will be extremely fierce. At that time, the battle for score points is probably the craziest period. Perhaps you can kill or defeat one person and you can have tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of points.

Although Qin Shaofeng is not afraid, just in case, it is better to have more record points after the finals.


After Qin Shaofeng's record point exceeded 200,000 points, many people in the entire secret space had reacted one way or another because of this situation.

"Tsk tusk, 200,000 points of record! This Qin Shaofeng is really awesome!"

"Stupid, I will raise my identity token to the Purple Gold level at this time. Does this Qin Shaofeng really think that he can hold on for the remaining 20 days?"

"Heh, I didn't expect someone so courageous, Ben Shao didn't dare to upgrade his identity token to Purple Gold now, but Qin Shaofeng has a record of more than 200,000 points, this kid is quite interesting!"

These are some more sensible voices. As for some situations where the 200,000 record points are directly dizzy, there are also many people.

"Little ones, your master, my chance is here! As long as I win this Qin Shaofeng, I will be the first person in this competition!"

"Everyone has listened, and quickly found the trail of Qin Shaofeng. There are so many record points that others can't take away."

"Haha, is it Qin Shaofeng? As long as I kill you, the champion of this competition will be mine!"



Soon, without knowing it, many people began to look around for Qin Shaofeng's traces.

People in 20 areas continue to use identity tokens to transmit. As long as they find their identity tokens, the purple-gold light dots represented by Qin Shaofeng will immediately notify their own sect forces.

Then, a lot of people went out to kill Qin Shaofeng.

However, most of these people are not very powerful, and the team is not the top team in the entire secret space, at most it is equivalent to the team of Qing Shipeng, Han Dong, and Ji Yun.

As for the really powerful Great Yuandan masters, and their team, they did not rush to Qin Shaofeng in the first place.

For Qin Shaofeng, they didn't care.

For these three sects and seven sects of the real Great Yuan Dan master genius, only geniuses of the same level are their real opponents.

As for Qin Shaofeng, it was obvious that many people didn't even know the person Qin Shaofeng was, and they didn't put Qin Shaofeng in their eyes.

Even when he learned that Qin Shaofeng was still the cultivation base of the Xiaoyuan Pill realm in the Xiaoyuan Pill region, he didn't take Qin Shaofeng into his heart.

In their opinion, Qin Shaofeng is at best a person with good luck. He is relatively strong in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, and he has so many record points.

When it comes to threats, there is nothing to worry about.


An area of ​​the Great Yuan Pill Realm, a battlefield in a corner.

"The ice is extremely cold!"

Accompanied by a cold snort, the entire battlefield was instantly filled with an extremely cold breath, which spread rapidly and then became completely frozen.

It takes only three breaths to turn into an ice sculpture within a hundred meters.

"Huh! This is the fifth genius of the Great Fire Sect's Great Yuan Core Realm? But so!"

Standing in front of an ice sculpture, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy looked disdainful.

If there is a disciple of the Qianshan Sect here, he will definitely recognize his identity.

Because he is the only son of Qianshan Sect Vice Sect Master Feiyang Jianjun——Xu Tianyang!

Just now, Xu Tianyang directly solved his opponent, who was known as the fifth genius of the Great Fire Sect's Great Yuan Pill.

Even because of his strong cold energy after promotion, the peak master of the Great Fire Sect Great Yuan Pill with a spiritual power of more than 90 million was completely frozen before he could react.

Even if there was no time to activate the identity token, he was killed.


The purple gold light flashed, and Xu Tianyang suddenly appeared a purple gold color.

That is the mark of the status token being promoted to the purple gold level!

At this moment, Xu Tianyang became the second person after Qin Shaofeng to possess a Purple Gold rank identity token after killing the Agni Flame Sect on the third day.

But Xu Tianyang was not satisfied with this result.

Taking out the identity token and looking at the name on the ranking list, Xu Tianyang's eyes flashed with killing intent, and he snorted coldly.

"Hmph, I didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to have a second hand, but you'd better not let me meet it, otherwise..."


Like Xu Tianyang, looking at the ranking list on the identity token, Wang Kai was very angry and full of murderous intent. At this moment, his mood was extremely bad.

"Damn it, I didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to have so many record points, it's really damnable!"

Since being rescued by his own sect, Wang Kai has now fully recovered.

But his mood has been furious.

Not only did he lose his qualifications for this competition for hegemony, but also because Qin Shaofeng abolished the most powerful "Nine Sun Sacred Law" of the Nine Sun Sect, the Yang power he had cultivated for ten years.

The "Nine Suns Sacred Method" of the Nine Sun Gate is a powerful holy-level exercise method, but the cultivation conditions are harsh.

Not only is it necessary to have a strong fire system spiritual root, but it also needs to cultivate the spiritual power in the body into Yang power before the ternary realm, before the primordial power is condensed.

It is said that once the yang power of the Nine Yang Gate is cultivated, it will have the power of the nine yang that is comparable to the primordial power in the Great Yuan Dan realm.

In order to cultivate Yang Li, Wang Kai spent countless energy and time, but now it is completely wasted.

If you want to transform your spiritual power into Yang power, the last time is to condense the Yang power in one fell swoop with ten million-level spiritual power, with the help of the skyrocketing spiritual power at the moment of breaking through the Great Yuan Dan realm.

This is the only best opportunity!

It's a pity that Wang Kai has lost this opportunity now, although after entering the Great Yuan Dan realm, he still has a chance to condense yang power.

However, this difficulty has increased countless times. In the history of Jiuyangmen, almost no one has entered the Great Yuan Dan realm to condense the Yang power. The disciples of the Jiuyangmen who can practice "Nine Sun Sacred Law" are all in Xiaoyuan. When the pill broke through the great yuan pill realm, it condensed Yang power.

Therefore, one can imagine how strong Wang Kai's hatred towards Qin Shaofeng is.

At this moment, a young man who was less than twenty years old next to Wang Kai saw that Wang Kai was so angry and said softly: "Junior Brother Wang Kai, you can rest assured. It won’t be long before I finish solving that Hong Kun. Qin Shaofeng will be caught in front of you, and you will still be at your disposal!"

Wang Kai was overjoyed when he heard the sound, and said to the man: "Thank you, brother three, I believe that if there are three brothers, then Qin Shaofeng must be able to catch it!"


At the same time, somewhere in another area, a teenager who was also sixteen or seventeen years old was furious at the moment.

"Damn, why haven't they come here yet!"

The young man in a purple and gold jersey looked at a man in his early twenties next to him, his face was glared, his original pure and handsome face was also a little deformed because of his anger.

The man in his early twenties had no expression on his face, but the aura exuding from his body was exceptionally powerful, faintly revealing an aura far superior to the realm of the Great Yuandan.

This does not mean that this young man has broken through to the Three Element Realm and is a strong man in the Earth Element Realm.

The reason for having such a breath is that this young man should be using a very powerful secret technique to force himself to stay in the pinnacle realm of the Great Yuan Pill.

How incredible it is!

Generally speaking, the earlier you can enter the Trinity Realm, the better it will be for your future.

After all, the younger the body, the sooner you can get the nourishment of your vitality, the more you can go further in your practice.

But this young man was not doing this, and even went the other way to suppress his realm with secret techniques.

This caused the young man to be far stronger than the average Great Yuan Pill Realm pinnacle master.

But it was such a powerful young man who was respectful of the youth in the purple and gold shirt, and did not dare to neglect.

And judging from his attitude, the young man suppressed his realm with secret techniques, probably because of the purple-gold jersey boy in front of him.

"Young Master, Qiao Wu and the others may encounter unexpected events, otherwise they have absolutely no guts not to come to you, Young Master!" the young man said respectfully.

The complexion of the youth in the purple-gold shirt instantly turned gloomy.

"What happened? Damn it, which courageous person dared to attack my people?" The purple-gold shirt youth said angrily, his face becoming more and more ferocious.

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