Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 489: Enter the Great Yuandan area

"Waste! Waste! Waste!"

The youth in the purple-gold battle robe roared again and again, and even in the case of extreme Qi, the spiritual energy in his body was excited.

The surging spiritual power was unexpectedly rolling and violent, making the surrounding air heavier.

This is a very terrifying young man, and also a talented young man.

"It's a lot of waste. Qiao Wu is really **** it. I spent so many resources in vain to cultivate all 50 of them into masters with tens of millions of spiritual power. I didn't expect to be killed. !"

The more he said that the boy in the purple-gold shirt became more angry, and the spiritual power gushing out of his body became more turbulent, like a volcano that would erupt anytime.

"Hmph, fortunately I don't rely entirely on the rubbish, or else what champion I will win this time!"

After getting angry, the boy in the purple and gold shirt finally calmed down.

Looking back at the young man, the boy asked coldly: "Qiao Fei, have you done what I told you to do?"

"It's already certain, that Thunder God Peak woman should meet the young master's requirements. If she can get help from the other party, the young master should be able to use the other's strength to accomplish the young master's goal!" the young man replied.

"is it?"

The eyes of the boy in the purple-gold shirt lightened slightly, and he laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing in this competition for hegemony. It's really God who is helping me, Qiaotian!"

Thinking of his own purpose, the youth in the purple-gold shirt felt excited.

After a few bursts of laughter, the boy in the purple-gold shirt suddenly turned his head and said, "Pay close attention to the woman's trace. You still need to prepare here. As long as I'm ready, you will catch the woman for me!"

"Yes!" the young man replied respectfully.

However, after the young man replied, the purple and gold shirt said another coldly.

"Also, the person who killed Qiao Wu and the others must also find out for me. I would like to see who among these three sects and seven sects, dare to kill my Tianmen disciple!"


Three days later, in a certain area of ​​Xiaoyuandan, Qin Shaofeng and others, who had just finished a battle, were resting in a small forest.

Since the battle three days ago, Qin Shaofeng led more than twenty Lei Shenfeng disciples, but hardly had a rest.

Because Qin Shaofeng has the Purple Gold rank identity token, there are a large number of Great Yuan Pill Realm masters embracing one after another.

At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng and the others were not afraid, because most of the people who came did not have the strength of Qing Shipeng and his team, and did not even need Qin Shaofeng to take action. The energetic Xia Yan and others who had just broken through the Great Yuan Pill Realm just broke out. Beat the people who came.

But as more and more people appeared, Xia Yan and others finally couldn't stand it.

Then, Qin Shaofeng shot.

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't use Xu Zuo Nenghu, even because it might hurt his own people, Qin Shaofeng didn't even release Amaterasu.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng, who has more than one hundred million spiritual powers in the eighth realm of the Great Yuan Pill, was invincible in the face of invading enemies.

In three days, Qin Shaofeng's record points did not increase much under his deliberate circumstances, that is, it increased by less than 10,000 points.

On the contrary, it was the other disciples of Thunder God Peak, and now there are nearly twenty people with 10,000 record points.

In other words, the Lei Shenfeng disciple next to Qin Shaofeng was finally about to gather all the gold-level identity tokens.

In addition, after three days of fighting, the strength of all Thunder God's Peak disciples has been improved.

Now Qin Shaofeng and the others are facing great masters of the Great Yuan Dan realm, and the spoils after this victory are very rich, even if it is very spiritual.

Perhaps the ten ordinary Great Yuan Pill Realm players have at most one or two low-level spiritual essences, but as the number of defeated increases, the low-level spiritual essences obtained can be few.

And every time Qin Shaofeng was able to obtain a lot of low-level spiritual essence or even intermediate spiritual essence from the other leader.

As for the high-level spiritual essence, Qin Shaofeng also got three yuan from Qing Shipeng, but that Ji Yun contributed seven yuan to Qin Shaofeng.

But it's just enough!

In addition to the low-level and intermediate-level spirit essences Qin Shaofeng took out to refine some of the third-rank nine-layer spirit pills, the rest were used by Xia Yan and others.

how to use?

Oh, it's very simple, it's used to restore the spiritual power consumed!

If this were to let others know that Qin Shaofeng made Xia Yan and others so extravagant, he would definitely curse their prodigal.

Need to restore spiritual power?

What do you do as a spirit stone?

Lingcui, even if it is just a low-level Lingcui, it is used for cultivation, OK?

Using low-level spiritual essence to restore the consumed spiritual power, this is probably because Xiang Qianyang and Xu Tianyang do not have such treatment in Qianshan Sect.

But it is precisely because of the low-level spiritual essence that Xia Yan and other Lei Shenfeng disciples are improving every moment.

Coupled with Qin Shaofeng’s high-level spirit, some treasures in the Xiaoqiuqiu small vault, and some medicinal materials in the collected spoils, these refining pills to enhance strength, which made Xia Yan and others practice fast. When it came, they couldn't believe it.

In just three days, all the disciples of the Thunder God Peak reached the highest level of the Great Yuan Pill's four-fold peak, and there were already more than half of the people in the five-fold Great Yuan Pill.

The four Thunder God Peak disciples who had been in the five layers of the Great Yuan Pill before, have now advanced to the level of the sixth layer of the Great Yuan Pill.

As for Xia Yan, although he hasn't broken through the seventh layer of the Great Yuan Pill, he is now at the peak of the sixth layer of the Great Yuan Pill, and even his spiritual power is about to exceed 70 million.

According to this situation, once Xia Yan suddenly had seven layers of Great Yuan Pill, his spiritual power would definitely exceed 70 million.

If it were before, Xia Yan would definitely be madly surprised, and he could not even believe that he had such a day.

But now he is different, because this is what Qin Shaofeng told him.

"Seventy million will make you happy like this? Give me a chance, my minimum requirement, but let you enter the three-dimensional realm with more than 100 million spiritual power!"

Until that moment, Xia Yan knew that his little master and uncle had such great expectations for him, which made him extremely excited, so that in the three days of fighting, the crazy energy made other Thunder God Peak disciples watch Fear in the heart.

Even Qin Shaofeng looked at him and felt hairy.

Is this kid beaten up?

This madness is too crazy!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything about this, just formulating some pills according to the small ball and letting Xia Yan take it, so that this kid wouldn't let him go crazy.

Now, Xiaoqiuqiu has a better attitude towards Qin Shaofeng's request.

The reason why it is so is because three days ago, when this little thing took the psychedelic eye to find the little fox, it justifiably accepted the little fox as a disciple. That psychedelic eye was the master of it. Meet the little fox.

And the little fox also likes the psychedelic eye, and he fancy it at first sight.

However, it was precisely because of this that the little fox could not help Qin Shaofeng temporarily.

Because the little fox is now sacrificing the psychedelic eye, turning it into his own destiny.

And because of Qin Shaofeng's current fruits of experience, Lord Tiger is making every effort to enter the Great Yuan Pill pinnacle realm, and it won't take long to come out to help.

After resting for an hour, Qin Shaofeng stood up and spoke to Xia Yan and the others behind him: "Alright, it's time to go to those areas of the Great Yuandan!"

Qin Shaofeng and the others did not leave this area for the past three days, because someone sent them to the door, and they didn't need to take the initiative to find others.

However, after three days of fighting, the strength of Qin Shaofeng and others had spread in a small area.

This allowed many people to see the strength of Qin Shaofeng and others, and no one continued to send them to the door for a while.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng planned to enter the Great Yuandan area.

After all, the current situation is that some Great Yuan Dan realm masters have entered the small Yuan Dan area, and only other Great Yuan Dan realm players can still stay in the ten areas of the Great Yuan Dan.

Now Qin Shaofeng and the others are marching towards the Great Yuandan area.


In a certain area of ​​Dayuandan, in a dense forest, a five-person team was hurriedly escaping. Behind this team was a team of twenty-odd people, chasing them.

This five-person team is not simple. Except for a girl who barely reached the triple realm of the Great Yuan Pill, the other four are all masters of the Seventh Layer of the Great Yuan Pill, with a minimum spiritual power of 40 million.

The strength of such a team is actually not bad.

But the team chasing them is not simple, not only the number of people is several times larger, and even the strength of each of them is not bad. The lowest person has 30 million spiritual power points.

Moreover, the leading pursuit captain who was the most powerful was a master of the tenfold realm of the Great Yuan Pill, with a spiritual power of over 60 million.

Under such a strong enemy situation, the five-person team naturally could only escape, and now they could only escape.

Because of their five identity tokens, they were already deliberately crushed by the other party.

Looking at the team chasing him like a cat and a mouse behind him, a man in the five-person team ran and let out a low anger.

"Damn it, this Yuan Feng is too damnable. He actually smashed our identity token. Now we are afraid we can't escape!"

"What are you afraid of, it's a big deal to fight with them!" A sturdy man in the team also screamed, turning his head back to fight to the death with the people around him.

"Army, don't be impulsive!" Seeing that sturdy man really wanted to turn his head, a woman with five layers of Great Yuan Pill in the team quickly stopped her.

The strong man called the army listened, turned his head and snorted, then continued to flee in silence.

Seeing this, the woman was relieved, she was really afraid that the other party would rush over and fight the enemy.

At this time, the girl who was in the triple realm of the Great Yuan Pill finally spoke, her voice full of apology and guilt.

"Everyone is really sorry, it's all because of me that caused everyone to have such an experience, or forget it, I will leave with that Yuan Feng, let him stop chasing you!"

As soon as the girl finished speaking, she was opposed by the rest of the team.

"Sister Mo, what are you talking nonsense, how could we let you leave with Yuan Feng?"

"That is, we are weak, and we won't leave you Junior Sister!"

"Sister Mo, don't say this again, otherwise I will get angry with the army!"


At this moment, the man in the team who hadn't spoken yet finally made a sound.

"Junior Sister Mo, don't worry, Lei Shenfeng has never given up on my own situation."

After that, the man said to the five-layered Great Yuandan woman next to him, "Xia'er, you should have a distress flare, let it go now!"

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