Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 490: Goodbye Mo Qinglan


Put it now?

The woman's face changed slightly, and she looked a little hesitant.

Since they suffered the impact of the Qingyunzong's large forces and the escape from the main force of Thunder God Peak, the five of them have set off several flares, but no one came to support them.

This shows that there are probably no disciples of Thunder God Peak within a radius of tens of miles, not even disciples of Qianshan Sect.

I am afraid that no one will respond to the distress signal now.

But looking back at the enemy who was getting closer and closer, the woman named Xia'er finally nodded and drew a ball from her storage.

The next moment, a bright light burst into the sky, and a huge thunder and lightning firework exploded in the sky.

Seeing this scene, the captain of the team behind the five-person team burst into a big laugh.

"Hahaha, I actually asked for help again, don't you know that now your people from Thunder God Peak are already besieged by us and the people of Azure Cloud Sect and cannot escape, it is impossible to support you?"

Upon hearing this, the army looked angry and turned around and shouted: "Yuan Feng, you are such a despicable villain, there is a kind of you to stand up with me!"


When the captain named Yuan Feng heard this, he sneered disdainfully: "Just relying on you, the sixth level of the Great Yuan Pill, the waste with a spiritual value of less than 50 million?"


The army was furious, but before he waited for him to say something, Yuan Feng just sneered loudly.

"Okay, labor and capital have played enough, let's take you down now! Do it!"

Following the last two words Yuan Feng uttered, the two Great Yuan Pill nine-fold masters beside him slammed forward, and instantly passed the five members of the army, and went to intercept them.

Feeling that they were being blocked in front, the faces of the five people in the army changed. They didn't wait for them to change directions. A few black shadows flashed in front of them. The next moment, after they saw the situation in front of them, their complexions changed completely.

Because at this time, the five of them had been surrounded by Yuan Feng's men.

"Enough games, how do you die now?"

Looking at the five people surrounded by his men, Yuan Feng smiled triumphantly.

But the next moment, an indifferent sound rang, making Yuan Feng's smile on his face stopped.

"No, you are wrong, it should be said how you should die?"


A figure flashed past, and a figure appeared in vain in front of the five soldiers.


"This is the Great Yuandan area, right?"

After using the identity token to transmit, Qin Shaofeng looked at the surroundings and whispered softly. The eyes of Xia Yan and others behind him were also full of excitement.

Finally came to the Great Yuandan area, and now I can do a big fight with the little master uncle!


When Xia Yanxin was extremely excited, suddenly a thunder and lightning firework with a special pattern burst out in the distant sky.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's expression instantly changed, and immediately said to Qin Shaofeng anxiously: "Little Master Uncle, that is our Lei Shenfeng distress signal, there must be my Leishenfeng disciple in danger over there!"


As soon as Xia Yan finished speaking, he realized that his Junior Master Uncle had already flew out.

"I'll take a step first, you guys quickly follow up!"

After these words, Xia Yan could no longer see Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing this, Xia Yan suddenly turned his head to the Lei Shenfeng disciple behind him, shouting: "Quickly, give me speed to rush away. It's really a long time for someone to dare to attack my Leishenfeng people!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that when he entered the Great Yuandan area, he would encounter a distress signal from the same door.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng did not neglect, and directly increased the speed of Wukong technique to the limit, rushing to the place where the distress signal was sent.

Fortunately, the place where Qin Shaofeng and others were teleported over was not far from the place where the distress signal was sent, and Qin Shaofeng quickly arrived.

But as soon as he arrived, Qin Shaofeng heard it. An unsure of the sound, to the disciple wearing five Thunder God Peak costumes, said something that made him angry.

"Enough games, how do you die now?"


How to die?

As soon as he heard such words, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and he made up his mind in an instant to prevent the person who said it from getting better.

So, with such a mentality, Qin Shaofeng flashed in front of the five Lei Shenfeng disciples in an instant, and directed a cold voice to the leader of the other party.

"No, you are wrong, it should be said how you should die?"

this is?

Seeing a person appearing in vain before him, Yuan Feng was startled.

So fast, who is this person?

Looking at Qin Shaofeng, Yuan Feng felt a little more uneasy. Because of Qin Shaofeng's arrival, he didn't notice it in advance, and he immediately believed that the other party was a master.

For a while, Yuan Feng was vigilant, but when he saw that the costume of the other party was not the costume of Thunder God Peak, or even the costume of Qianshan Sect, he said in a deep voice.

"Who is your excellency? We are from the Guiyuan Sect. If it is convenient, your excellency should leave it alone!"

Yuan Feng directly lifted his identity. After all, Gui Yuanzong is the first of the seven sects of the three sects and seven sects. Yuan Feng believes that as long as he speaks his identity, even if the opponent is stronger than himself, it will Because of the status of waiting for others, I was afraid of myself.

But if he were to know that the Lord in front of him, even the Tianmen disciples had killed dozens of them, he might have such thoughts.

Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to Yuan Feng either. Instead, he looked back at the five Lei Shenfeng disciples behind him and asked, "Are you okay?"

But when Qin Shaofeng turned around, he heard an exclamation.

"Qin Shaofeng is you?"


Does anyone know yourself?

A trace of doubt flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and he looked up, and then saw that the five of them were just one girl with the triple realm of the Great Yuan Pill.

The moment he saw this girl, Qin Shaofeng felt a little familiar, and then a memory flashed, Qin Shaofeng said in surprise, "Are you Mo Qinglan?"

Seeing the familiar appearance of the other party, Qin Shaofeng was surprised for a while.

He didn't expect at all that under such circumstances, he would see Miss Mo Qinglan from Duobaoge who had a fate with him in Lianyang State and had a deal again here.

After recognizing the other party, Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but the next moment, he saw Mo Qinglan shouting to herself with a panic look: "Qin Shaofeng be careful!"


At the same time, Qin Shaofeng felt a strong wind hitting him behind him, but it was Yuan Feng who attacked Qin Shaofeng.

Judging from Mo Qinglan's reaction, Yuan Feng immediately understood that the person who came was not only from the Qianshan Sect, but also knew Mo Qinglan.

In this case, this person is the enemy.

Since this is one's own enemy, there is nothing to talk about.

Therefore, Yuan Feng planned to act first, and Qin Shaofeng just gave him this opportunity.

In just an instant, Yuan Feng mobilized all the power in his body and tried his best to blast behind Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing that his fist was about to hit the opponent, Yuan Feng burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, this kid is really arrogant, he dares to turn his back to me, and he still doesn't condense the spirit armor, he is really looking for death!"

But in the next moment, Yuan Feng only felt a flash in front of him, and instantly lost the other person's figure.

not good!

Seeing that the other party instantly lost track in front of his own eyes, Yuan Feng's pupils shrank, and he secretly said badly.

With this kind of body technique, it is obvious that the opponent's strength is far superior to himself.

You can't retreat!

In an instant, Yuan Feng had a decision in his heart, but before he could withdraw his fist, he felt a strong wind hit, and then he slammed a kick in his stomach.


With a flying kick, Qin Shaofeng kicked Yuan Feng a long way.

Even after suffering Qin Shaofeng's kick, Yuan Feng was injured instantly.

Dare to sneak attack?

Regardless of his own strength, a mere person with only over 60 million spiritual power is really bold enough.

Do you think the tenth realm of the Great Yuan Pill is amazing?

Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart, and was going forward to give Yuan Feng the final blow, but the next moment, he withdrew his steps.

Because he doesn't need to do it anymore.

Huh huh!

Suddenly, more than two dozen figures came from a distance, and it was Xia Yan and others.

As soon as he arrived, without Qin Shaofeng's order, after distinguishing the enemy at a glance, Xia Yan and others took action.

The battle soon ended.

The enemy was only two dozen people, and the overall strength was several grades lower than that of Xia Yan and others. The battle only lasted less than a minute and ended.

That Yuan Feng was injured by Qin Shaofeng, shouting that he was a member of Guiyuanzong, and that he was also a young master of Guiyuanzong.

It's a pity that in the face of his clamor, Xia Yan, who had long been signaled by Qin Shaofeng not to stay alive, didn't pay attention to him at all.

This made several people in the army stunned.

Yuan Feng, who chased his five people running around and made them like a bereaved dog, was killed like this?

And for the strength of Xia Yan and others, several people were also very shocked.

As the disciples of Thunder God Peak, they naturally knew who Xia Yan was.

But precisely because they knew who Xia Yan was, they were extremely shocked by the strength that Xia Yan possessed at the moment.

As far as they know, after the start of the competition for hegemony, Xia Yan and the others entered the small Yuandan area!

But now they have the strength to kill the fifth and sixth layers of the Great Yuan Pill, especially Xia Yan killed that Yuan Feng.

This is incredible!

However, speaking of the most incredible person, the eyes of the few people still looked at Qin Shaofeng.

At this time, the captain of this team suddenly remembered something. After the battle, he walked up to Qin Shaofeng and said respectfully: "Thank you, Master Qin, for helping me. I must remember this great kindness!"

"Geng Ran? Are you from the Geng family?"

After hearing what the other party said, Qin Shaofeng asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Geng Ran nodded, "I am the disciple of the Geng family. I heard the Fourth Miss and the Fifth Young Master talk about Master Qin before, but I did not expect that Young Master Qin is far more powerful than the Fourth Miss and they said. Up!"

"Hahaha, it turned out to be my own!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't feel much emotion, but patted Geng Ran's shoulder fiercely.

Qin Shaofeng is not yet seventeen years old, but he is already twenty years old.

But being shot like this by Qin Shaofeng, Geng Ran not only did not feel unhappy, but even looked flattered.

In the world of warriors, there is no age, only strength.

Therefore, in Geng Ran's eyes, there is nothing wrong with Qin Shaofeng's actions.

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