Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 491: Appear in time

After some understanding, Qin Shaofeng discovered that apart from Mo Qinglan, Geng Ran and the four of them were all children of the Geng family.

It's just that they are all remote disciples of the Geng family. However, because of their good talent, they were sent to Qianshan Sect to become a member of Thunder God Peak.

As for why they were chased by Yuan Feng, Qin Shaofeng also knew the reason now.

This is all because of Mo Qinglan!

Although the Mo family where Mo Qinglan is located is not very powerful in the Nine Clouds Continent, the Mo family is a commercial family, and the wealth it possesses is not comparable to that of an ordinary family.

If it is only counted as family wealth, it is probably the Xiang family of the Qianshan Sect's lineage, not as rich as the Mo family.

Especially in the past year or so, the Mo family didn’t know what was going on. Suddenly, there were a lot of sky-level spirit artifacts. It is said that the Mo family has mastered the methods for refining sky-level spirit artifacts and can refine sky-level spirits in batches. Device.

This has been targeted by many interested people, among which the strongest is Gui Yuanzong.

The place where Mo Family stayed was barely within the range of Gui Yuanzong's strength, and Gui Yuanzong was naturally very excited about Mo Family's ability to refine a large number of heavenly spirit weapons.

By chance, the young master of Gui Yuanzong had no opinion on Mo Qinglan's side, and he immediately liked it.

This was coupled with Guiyuanzong's prying eyes on the Mo family, so Guiyuanzong's suzerain sent someone to ask for a kiss.

Fortunately, the Mo family noticed this in advance and knew that Gui Yuanzong had a bad intention, and immediately sent Mo Qinglan to Qianshanzong.

Regarding the Mo family’s move, the Guiyuanzong was naturally very atmosphere, but after all, the Mo family had a powerful ancestor, and Guiyuanzong didn’t want to tear his face directly with the Mo family, and he was not the only one staring at the Mo family. One Zong, Gui Yuan Zong didn't want to push the Mo family.

As for Mo Qinglan, she also stayed in the Qianshan Sect, and even entered the preparatory camp some time ago.

But what Mo Qinglan never expected was that she just wanted to see and exercise in this competition for hegemony.

But she was found out by Yuan Chao, the young master of Guiyuan Sect.

After Yuan Chao discovered Mo Qinglan, he was naturally angry, so he had bad thoughts, and wanted to take Mo Qinglan away directly, and then come to an overlord to put his bow down. He didn't believe in waiting for the raw rice to mature. After the meal, Mo Qinglan didn't marry him yet.

After all, with the identity of the Mo family, once such a thing happened, I am afraid that Mo Qinglan could only be married into Gui Yuanzong.

But Mo Qinglan was already a disciple of Lei Shenfeng, how could he just ignore Yuan Chao's actions?

It was okay at the beginning. The two sides had friction, but they didn't fight.

After all, it's not the time of the finals, starting early will only make others see the advantage.

But just today, the Guiyuan Sect actually united with the Azure Cloud Sect, and together they took action against the disciples of Thunder God Peak, and the matter became a big deal.

Facing the combination of Guiyuanzong and Qingyunzong, the Thunder Mountain side was naturally at a disadvantage, but during the war, Mo Qinglan and the five were dispersed and lost contact with the Thunder Mountain troops.

Then, he was chased by Yuan Feng all the way until Qin Shaofeng appeared.

Qin Shaofeng also knows now. The moment Yuan Chao met Mo Qinglan, he shot and smashed Mo Qinglan's identity token. This made Mo Qinglan unable to leave this secret space at all. He had to wait for this. A competition for hegemony is completely over.

After understanding what happened, Qin Shaofeng was a little embarrassed.

Because he knew that the Mo family's situation seemed to have something to do with him. After all, it was because of the refining method of refining flint that he gave, so that the Mo family could successfully refine a large number of heavenly spirit weapons.

He has to be responsible for this!

It was Mo Qinglan who saw Qin Shaofeng's thoughts, but she didn't say that Qin Shaofeng was wrong, she just said with a smile: "I don't blame you for this. If it weren't for my Mo family's greed, nothing like this would happen! "

Qin Shaofeng felt that it was true, but he quickly struggled in this regard.

Because I learned from Geng Ran that this time their team leader was Geng Qiutong.

This can be regarded as saying that Geng Qiutong is now being encircled and suppressed by Gui Yuanzong and Qingyunzong. This situation is definitely not good.

Of course Qin Shaofeng would not sit idly by, and planned to set off to support Geng Qiutong and the others.

As for Xia Yan and the others, Qin Shaofeng didn't let them be together. For one thing, the strength of Xia Yan and others was still somewhat insufficient, and Mo Qinglan also needed protection.

Therefore, after finally giving Xia Yan and a lot of pills, Qin Shaofeng rushed to the place where Geng Qiutong and other Lei Shenfeng disciples were.

Perhaps Geng Ran and the others didn't know where Geng Qiutong and the others were now, but the ball ball remembered Geng Qiutong's breath and had vaguely sensed Geng Qiutong's approximate location. After Qin Shaofeng drove some distance, he directly determined Geng Qiutong's exact location.

"found it!"

After feeling Geng Qiutong's breath, Qin Shaofeng was delighted, but soon he realized that Geng Qiutong's breath seemed to fluctuate a bit now, and it seemed that the situation was extremely bad.


On a battlefield, Geng Qiutong played against three opponents alone.

These three strengths are extremely powerful, one is Qing Shixiong, the second strongest of the Great Yuan Dan of the Azure Cloud Sect, the other is Yuan Shan, the capable man of the young master of the Guiyuan Sect, Yuan Chao, and the last one is a pink light. Silhouettes shrouded in mist.

Under the pink mist, this person was not clear at all, but from the mist revealed a graceful and graceful figure.

These three vitality are powerful, judging from the surging spiritual power, all of them are masters of the Great Yuan Pill who have shrouded more than 100 million yuan, and they are definitely the top wave of strong in this competition.

What is even more surprising is that in the face of so many masters, Geng Qiutong was not defeated at the first time. Although at the moment, the three of them couldn't help her at all.

But for such a situation, Geng Qiutong felt anxious.

Facing the union of Guiyuanzong and Qingyunzong, Geng Qiutong was very surprised, but even if she faced a strong enemy accidentally, she could only bite the bullet.

Fortunately, during this time, with the help of her sister's innate spirit body, Geng Qiutong's cultivation has been leaps and bounds.

Not only did he break through from the nine-layer Great Yuan Pill to the ten-layer Great Yuan Pill in just a dozen days after entering this secret space, his spiritual power has soared all the way, and now he has exceeded 150 million.

Throughout the entire secret space, there are probably not many people who can be her opponents.

Therefore, after the battle started, Geng Qiutong used his own strength to drag the opponent's three masters, that is, Yuan Chao, Yuan Shan and Qing Shixiong.

But this time an accident appeared, because the other party suddenly joined a powerful force.


Another attack like a wall of fire, Geng Qiutong jumped out of the battle, his eyes fell on the light pink mist not far away, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Gong Qingzi, my Qianshanzong has always been with your Bliss Sect. , What exactly do you mean by this young master of Bliss?"

That's right, the person who was surrounded by the pink mist, but only faintly revealed a beautiful shadow, was Gong Qingzi, who was called the Young Master of Bliss by the owner of the Palace of Bliss.

"Gluck, sister Qiu Tong joked."

A sweet but unspeakable weird voice came from the pink mist.

As soon as this voice appeared, whether it was Yuan Shan or Qing Shixiong, or even Yuan Chao who had not joined the battle not far away, they shuddered and got goose bumps all over the floor.

That Qing Shixiong was originally irritable, and he wanted to say a few words about his discomfort at this time, but when he thought of the strength of the young master of bliss, he finally didn't say anything.

That Gong Qingzi didn’t care about other people’s thoughts. After a laugh, she hummed coquettishly to Geng Qiutong: “Hmph, I’m not interested in you. I want to stay with my sister. As long as my sister nodded, she said. Help you teach these rough people."

After this sentence, Yuan Shan and Qing Shixiong's expressions changed abruptly, their gazes looking at the pink mist had become a little wary, and they couldn't help but mutter in their hearts.

This Gong Qingzi is really the same as the rumors say, moody, and she does things entirely according to her own preferences!

No, beware of this Gong Qingzi to avoid bad things.

However, Yuan Chao in the distance did not worry even though a trace of disgust flashed between his eyebrows. It seemed that Gong Qingzi would not be against him.

And most importantly, Yuan Chao knew in his heart that even if Gong Qingzi thought about it, Geng Qiutong would never be happy.

Sure enough, just as Yuan Chao had thought, Geng Qiutong's complexion became very strange as soon as Gong Qing's Zihua finished speaking, and she even couldn't help screaming.

"Go away, who has stayed and flew with you? Gong Qingzi, don't you come to disgust me!"

Geng Qiutong said angrily, and even became a little irritable because of the anger of the whole person.

But at this moment, Yuan Chao's eyes flickered in the distance.

good chance!

Seeing Geng Qiutong's breathless moment, Yuan Chao seized the opportunity, and then violently shot.

Now that they have joined hands with Qingyunzong, Yuan Chao would not care about the reputation of deceiving less.

The reason why he didn't make any shots before was because of the participation of Young Master Bliss, and the second was that he discovered that Geng Qiutong was not weak, and that the violent fire power was very terrifying. There is no benefit.

Therefore, he has been waiting for opportunities, looking for opportunities to shoot.

Now that this opportunity finally appeared, Yuan Chao immediately broke out with all his strength, wanting to kill Geng Qiutong in one fell swoop.

not good!

Seeing Yuan out of hand, Geng Qiutong's expression changed, and he was shocked, and quickly wanted to get away.

But this is the three young masters of bliss who also found Yuan beyond their hands, how could Geng Qiutong run away.

For a while, the three of them shot one after another, one after another with powerful spiritual attacks, blasting Geng Qiutong to prevent him from evading.

Damn, you can only use that trick!

The crisis was approaching, and a trace of determination flashed in Geng Qiutong's heart, as if he had made some decision.

At the next moment, Geng Qiutong's aura turned, and a strange aura was about to burst out violently.

But just at this moment, a figure appeared in front of Geng Qiutong, and then the person stretched out his right hand and gave a violent shout, which was a punch against Yuan Chao.



The two punches faced each other, Yuan Chao's punch was blocked by the incoming person, and even Yuan Chao shook back several meters.

Yuan Chao's expression became extremely shocked. He didn't expect that someone would actually take a head-to-head approach and slam himself back.

Originally in Yuan Chao's mind, there was only one person who could compete with him in pure power in the entire secret space.

But the strange boy who appeared before him let him know.

In addition to Hong Kun from the Royal Beast Gate, this Qianshan Sect actually has a master whose strength is equal to his.

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