Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 494: Self-inflicted

At this time, after Guo Yunjian saw Qin Shaofeng, he immediately discovered that Qin Shaofeng was only the eightfold breath of the Great Yuan Pill.

The previous violent breath, he subconsciously believed that Geng Qiutong broke out.

After all, Geng Qiutong had gained a lot of fame during this period, and it was because of her outstanding strength that the disciples of Shenjianfeng had already noticed her.

Therefore, Guo Yunjian didn't take Qin Shaofeng to heart, and he was confident that his strength was overwhelmed by Geng Qiutong.

So Guo Yunjian stepped forward and smiled at Qin Shaofeng: "You are Qin Shaofeng, right?"

Guo Yunjian was about to show off, exuding his powerful aura, let Qin Shaofeng know how good he was.

But the next moment, there was a flower in front of him, and then he suddenly felt a violent force coming.

Guo Yunjian never thought that Qin Shaofeng would do it by himself, and it was so sudden that he was completely defenseless, so he was tragic.


With just a punch, Qin Shaofeng blasted Guo Yunjian away.


That Guo Yunjian flew directly out of the crowd, was hit on the mountain wall not far away, and smashed in.

This scene stunned everyone present, even Geng Qiutong would never have thought that Qin Shaofeng would attack Guo Yunjian, and he would still be so cruel.

However, Xia Yan and the others were not very surprised. Although they were a little surprised at first, they soon calmed down.

But those disciples of Shenjian Peak are different.


I don't know who suddenly shouted, and all the disciples of Shenjian Peak drew their long swords and came to Qin Shaofeng as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

The actions of these Shenjianfeng disciples also made those Lei Shenfeng disciples nervous, and one after another gathered up their spiritual power.

Although they were shocked that Qin Shaofeng attacked Guo Yunjian, Qin Shaofeng was from Thunder God Peak after all, his own, and Qin Shaofeng was also a disciple of their Thunder God Peak Peak Master. Such an identity was enough for them to draw their swords to the disciples of God Sword Peak. Up.


At this moment, there was a bang from the pile of rocks on the distant mountain wall, and a figure came out, it was Guo Yunjian.

Guo Yunjian was mad at this moment!

He didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to take action against him, and it could be said that it was a sneak attack, making him actually blasted into this appearance under the eyes of everyone.

This made him full of murderous intent towards Qin Shaofeng!

"Qin Shaofeng, let me die!"

With a stroke of both hands, a long sword with cold light appeared in Guo Yunjian's hands instantly, and then Guo Yunjian held the sword in both hands and faced Qin Shaofeng with one stroke. The whole body was full of spiritual power, and it exploded and killed Qin Shaofeng arrogantly.


A trace of contempt flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes. The next moment, with a light stroke of his right hand, Lei Qi directly condensed a sword of thunder and lightning, and it was a slash in the void against Guo Yunjian.

Broken sword style!


An invisible sword aura, under the cover of a thunder and lightning sword aura, instantly cut out at that Guo Yunjian.


The void shook, and Guo Yunjian, who dived to kill Qin Shaofeng, was violently shocked at this moment.

Because he found that the sword energy that he had exploded at this moment had disappeared inexplicably.

Nothing left is gone!

But before he had time to do something, there was another flower in front of him, and then he seemed to have a kick in his chest, and the whole person suddenly fell to the ground.

And after falling to the ground, Guo Yunjian struggled to get up the first time, but the next moment, a foot stepped on him directly on his chest, stomping him on the ground, unable to get up at all.

When he looked up, he found that the person stepping on him was Qin Shaofeng, and Guo Yunjian roared fiercely.

"Qin Shaofeng, you..."


Before Guo Yunjian finished shouting, Qin Shaofeng used his right foot.


With Qin Shaofeng's force, Guo Yunjian's sternum broke two instantly, and Guo Yunjian himself vomited blood.

Until then, the disciples of the Divine Sword Peak finally reacted. One of the disciples of the Great Yuan Pill with ten layers of spiritual power of more than 90 million said fiercely: "Qin..."

When this disciple was about to roar Qin Shaofeng's name, Qin Shaofeng glanced back at him violently. At this sight, his head suddenly shrank, and the original roaring sound became stammered.

"You, you, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Qin Shaofeng chuckled lightly, and then put his right foot harder.


Another dull sound of fracture came from Guo Yunjian's chest.


Guo Yunjian snorted again, but if he gritted his teeth without shouting, he would just stare at Qin Shaofeng with his eyes.

Qin Shaofeng sneered coldly when he saw it, and sneered at Guo Yunjian at his feet, and said, "Don't be convinced, this is your own self-inflicted feeling!"

"I'm making it myself?" Guo Yunjian was angry, and forced to endure the pain in his chest. Guo Yunjian opened his mouth to say something.

But before he could speak, Qin Shaofeng shouted to Xia Yan who was not far away: "Xia Yan tells me what will happen if I commit a crime below the Qianshan Sect!"

After staying with Qin Shaofeng for a while, Xia Yan had already understood some of Qin Shaofeng's hints. At this moment, when he heard Qin Shaofeng's words, Xia Yan remembered something, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The words of the uncle Huishi, those who commit crimes under my Qianshan Sect will have to pay a hundred rods and face the wall for three months, but will abolish the cultivation base and expel Qianshan Sect!" Xia Yan shouted loudly.

Regarding Xia Yan's words, both Lei Shenfeng and Shenjianfeng's disciples were a little confused.

On the contrary, Geng Qiutong seemed to think of something, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he looked at Guo Yunjian at Qin Shaofeng's feet and showed a hint of sympathy.

Guo Yunjian did not react at this time, and roared at Qin Shaofeng: "What the following is committed, Qin Shaofeng, I will tell you, you shot me, my God Sword Peak..."

Suddenly, Guo Yunjian didn't say anything.

Because he finally remembered at this moment, what Xia Yan called Qin Shaofeng just now.

Master Uncle!

In an instant, Guo Yunjian's face changed and became very exciting.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and said, "Why do you finally remember it!"

While speaking, Qin Shaofeng lifted his right foot slightly, but even so, Guo Yunjian didn't get up because he seemed to know that he was in great trouble.

At the very least, this was a beating!

Sure enough, Qin Shaofeng's next words made Guo Yunjian's guess come true.

"Guo Yunjian! I really admire you, and dare to yell at me and call me directly. You are so bold!"

With a faint smile, Qin Shaofeng suddenly awakened that he was pretending to be forceful at this moment, but Qin Shaofeng had only one word in his heart.

This is really cool!

"In Qianshan Sect, it’s your master Xu Feiyang. You have to call me Master Uncle according to your seniority. What kind of thing do you dare to call me by name and beat you? I’m killing you now. What can the master say?"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng turned his gaze, fell on the group of disciples of the Divine Sword Peak, and shouted: "What are you doing? You also want to commit the following crimes and shoot at me? Rebellion!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng uttered this sentence, the disciples of Shenjian Peak recklessly put away their weapons and stood aside honestly.

Because they finally understand where the problem is!


This person in front of me is a master-uncle-level figure!

Indeed, the Qianshan Sect is divided into three major factions, but in any case the three major factions are all the disciples of the Qianshan Sect. On weekdays, even if they meet the disciples of Shenjianfeng and Wuxingfeng who are struggling with each other, they will formally call each other. Brother or brother.

The elders of the bees are naturally more respectful. Those who should be called Shishu are called Shishu, and those who should be called Shizu are called Shizu. This is true for the entire Qianshan Sect.

Because the first rule of the Qianshan School is for all Qianshan School disciples, you must never commit them!

But because Qin Shaofeng's age was too young, even younger than most of the people present, this made everyone subconsciously ignore his identity.

The peak master of Thunder God Peak, the disciple of the highest ancestor of the Qianshan Sect.

In addition, Shenjianfeng had long been arrogant and domineering, and it was precisely because of this that Guo Yunjian didn't take Qin Shaofeng in his eyes, so he was sadly reminded.

At this moment, the Divine Sword Peak disciple who had spoken to Qin Shaofeng before was extremely grateful in his heart, fortunate that he did not call Qin Shaofeng's name, or Guo Yunjian on the ground would be his role model.

Regarding such a thing, it can be big or small, but Guo Yunjian knows in his heart that if Qin Shaofeng grasps this matter, he will suffer in the end.

Therefore, after understanding this, Guo Yunjian struggled, and then under Qin Shaofeng's somewhat surprised gaze, he directly knelt down to Qin Shaofeng.

"The disciple knows, and I hope my uncle will forgive me!"

I wiped it, I kneel down?

I haven't had enough fun yet!

Seeing Guo Yunjian knelt down, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt bored.

"Okay, for your first offense, this master will forgive you this time!" Qin Shaofeng waved weakly.

"Thank you Master Uncle!" Guo Yunjian said respectfully again, but when he lowered his head, there was a bit of bitterness in his eyes.

At this time, a disciple of Shenjianfeng finally went up and helped Guo Yunjian up.

Because at this time they had discovered that their Senior Brother Guo Yunjian had been seriously injured.

With the support of the two Shenjianfeng disciples, Guo Yunjian planned to leave.

Because he never wanted to stay with Qin Shaofeng anymore, even for a short while.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng said again.

"and many more!"

Guo Yunjian trembled all over, but in the end he came back to his senses and said respectfully, "Uncle Master, what else do you have to order?"

"Well, it's actually nothing!" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, "Guo Yunjian! Actually, I really agree with what you said before!"


this is?

Guo Yunjian was a little confused, but the next moment, his face became very ugly again.

I saw Qin Shaofeng said to Guo Yunjian very meaningfully: "You said before that your strength is too weak to keep your record points. I deeply agree with the master. Indeed, if the strength in this secret space is low, the record points are only If you get robbed of shares, or even score points too much, it will cause death!"

"So, Master, I decided to sacrifice a bit. In order to prevent your kid from being killed, I will leave your record points to Master for safekeeping. Don’t worry. After returning to the sect, I’ll follow Sect Master said that when the time comes, the Sect will definitely reward you greatly!"

When Xia Yan heard Qin Shaofeng's words so boldly, the corners of his mouth almost twitched.

But Guo Yunjian's expression was ugly to the extreme.

At this moment he finally understood what it meant to lift a rock and hit him in the foot.

I also suddenly understood what Qin Shaofeng's previous sentence meant by making himself up.

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