Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 495: Meet the little princess again

In the end, Guo Yunjian handed over the record points on his identity token to Qin Shaofeng honestly.

There is no way this is also a very helpless thing for Guo Yunjian, because he not only knows now that Qin Shaofeng's seniority in the Qianshan Sect is much higher than himself, even Qin Shaofeng himself is much stronger than him. .

Because of his anger, Guo Yunjian hadn't thought of this for a while, but after remembering Qin Shaofeng's identity, he calmed down, and only then did he discover his own situation.

With just two moves, Qin Shaofeng not only defeated him, but even played with him in applause.

This made him fully understand that the peak master of Thunder God Peak is currently the disciple of the strongest member of the Qianshan Sect. It is really not a vain name, not what he had previously guessed, because of the relationship between his age and Qin Shaofeng’s short entry time. , His strength is definitely not as good as himself.

Otherwise, why did Qin Shaofeng just enter the area of ​​Xiao Yuan Dan from the beginning?

But now Guo Yunjian knows that these are too superficial thoughts.

But even so, Guo Yunjian felt extremely resentful towards Qin Shaofeng in his heart.

After leaving a distance with Qin Shaofeng and other Lei Shenfeng disciples, Guo Yunjian glanced back, his eyes filled with infinite resentment.

"Qin Shaofeng, wait for me, this matter will never end like this!"


"If you treat Guo Yunjian like this, you are not afraid of Shenjian Peak?"

Looking at the direction where Guo Yunjian and other disciples of Shenjianfeng had left, Geng Qiutong asked Qin Shaofeng softly.

Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, looking at his identity token with as many as 270,000 points, retracting his gaze, and looking at the fire-like enchanting and stunning woman beside him, she looked indifferent.

"What are you afraid of, his Divine Sword Peak can still eat me? Besides, I'm right!" Qin Shaofeng said calmly, as if he didn't take this matter to heart.

Upon seeing this, Geng Qiutong didn't know what to say.

But at this moment, Geng Qiutong's heart was filled with unspeakable joy!

In the same situation as her, the disciples of Lei Shenfeng at the scene had them, and even at this moment they looked at Qin Shaofeng, the same as when Xia Yan and others first met Qin Shaofeng.

Worship of the strong, this seems to be a matter of course.

However, when the situation of Xia Yan and others were learned by the other Lei Shenfeng disciples, each one of them dropped their jaws.

Even Geng Qiutong was extremely surprised by the changes in Xia Yan and others.

Xia Yan was a little better, but Geng Qiutong knew that among the twenty-five members of Xia Yan, there were better ones.

No, it should be said that it is more than 80% of people, it is impossible to cultivate spiritual power to tens of millions in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm.

But Qin Shaofeng did this, even compared to the average person who broke through the tens of millions of small yuan pill, even the worst of these 25 people, after entering the great yuan pill, compared to the average ten million The geniuses of the Great Yuan Pill who broke through at the first level are much more powerful.

Especially Xia Yan, with Xia Yan's current situation, I am afraid that he can probably cultivate hundreds of millions of spiritual power points in the Great Yuan Pill Realm. This can already be regarded as the top level genius in Nine Cloud Continent.

What an incredible thing!

This also made other Lei Shenfeng disciples envious, why didn't I be with Uncle Qin!

This is the thought of most of the Leishen Peak disciples present.

In view of their thoughts, Qin Shaofeng would naturally satisfy them and let them also improve their cultivation.

Then, under Xia Yan and their 25 people's smirking eyes, all the disciples of Thunder God Peak began the **** training given by Qin Shaofeng.

As for Geng Qiutong, although she now has over 100 million spiritual power.

But Xiaoqiuqiu secretly told Qin Shaofeng that in Geng Qiutong's situation, her potential in the Great Yuan Dan realm had only been discovered.

If it is a vigorous excavation and the spiritual power is over 100 million, that is just the beginning.

But Geng Qiutong learned that Qin Shaofeng could bring her strength to the next level, so she naturally chose to actively cooperate.

This time Qin Shaofeng's team grew stronger again.

There are more than a hundred Lei Shenfeng disciples, and they are different from ordinary disciples.

Although Thunder God Peak disciples are the least faction in Qianshan Sect, and there are not many top geniuses.

But the average genius is quite a lot.

Qin Shaofeng of more than one hundred people also understood that the lowest is the five-fold realm of the Great Yuan Pill, and almost no one has a spiritual power value below 10 million, and even most people have a spiritual power value of more than 30 million.

And Qin Shaofeng's requirement for himself was to transform these more than one hundred people into a realm with spiritual powers of more than 30 million.

In the next few days, these Lei Shenfeng disciples were trapped in the training of ‘deep water and fierce’, but felt that their strength was improving every day, and no one would complain.

In the past few days, the entire secret space seems to be a little weird.

Perhaps Qin Shaofeng had a Zijin-level identity token very early, which stimulated many people. As early as the second day when the Great Yuandan and Xiaoyuandan areas were connected, a third other than Qin Shaofeng and Xu Tianyang appeared. A person who owns a Zijin-level identity token.

And these days, there are already more than twenty people who have Zijin-level identity tokens.

Until then, Qin Shaofeng finally realized that he was not the only one who knew how to scoring points.

According to Geng Qiutong, in fact, many people will admit defeat to others, transfer their record points to other people, and then defeat the enemy and earn double record points.

However, such things seem to have a limitation.

People of the same clan can only be transferred, and defeating that way can't get double record points.

Because the entire secret realm space has the whole three sects and seven sects of Qi Luck, all this secret realm space distinguishes this point very clearly.

And that is, the upper limit of the maximum number of record points that can be obtained at a time is 100,000 points, which means that even if you are a white identity token, defeat a gold-level identity with 99,999 record points. The token player, the record points obtained in the end are only one hundred thousand points, which will not be the double record points of 99,999 points.

As for the person who defeated the Zijin-level identity token, he could only get all the record points on the opponent.

Such information has not been made public before, but in fact many people know that Geng Qiutong also heard it from a senior from the Five Gods Peak.

This was only what Geng Qiutong knew, but Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng more details.

In the past few days, Xiaoqiuqiu has been paying attention to the situation of the little fox's refining the psychedelic eye, and has not paid much attention to the outside world. At most, it is to help Qin Shaofeng see if there are strong enemies nearby.

But now that the little fox refines the psychedelic eye, in the final stage, there will be no problems, so the secret space of the little ball is a little extra attention.

And until then, Xiaoqiuqiu was surprised to find that the record points owned by everyone in this secret space actually had some connection with the luck of this secret space.

Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that once the identity token was promoted to the Zijin rank, some changes would take place, and it seemed to become a carrier of luck.

If the small ball is estimated to be correct, once the hegemony contest is over, the luck of this secret space will probably enter those who have the purple gold rank identity token based on the record points.

This means that at the end of this secret space, the three sects of seven sects and one percent of the luck are actually attributed to the person who has the Zijin rank identity token.

However, Xiaoqiuqiu also said that the luck of this secret space seems to have been deliberately planned. No matter how many record points, the person who may upgrade the identity token to the purple gold level is only seven, seven or forty. nine.

Moreover, after any one person’s identity token is upgraded to the Purple Gold rank, he will occupy one of these 49 places, no matter whether the other party has given up the competition for hegemony and inspired the identity token to be sent out, or owns the Purple Gold rank. The identity token is crushed.

No matter what the situation is, this is considered to be among the 49 places.

After knowing this, Qin Shaofeng finally had a specific idea about the existence of this secret space.

And because of this, Qin Shaofeng's idea of ​​quickly increasing his record points is no longer so strong.

Because he can see it, since there are only 49 people who can get luck, that means that the forty-nine purple gold-level identity tokens, I am afraid it is the best situation that all of them appear.

Because at that time, as long as you use these purple-gold-level identity tokens as your opponents and defeat those who have purple-gold-level identity tokens, you will reduce your opponents.

In this way, it is actually much more convenient.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was quite happy to see more and more things about the Zijin-level identity tokens these days.

As the number of people with Zijin-level identity tokens gradually increased, many people became anxious.

Even those who plan to upgrade their identity tokens to the Purple Gold rank in the last period of time can't help it after seeing a succession of people possessing the Purple Gold rank identity tokens.

On the seventh day when the large and small Yuandan realm areas were connected, there were more than twenty people in the entire secret realm space who possessed Purple Gold-level identity tokens.

On the tenth day, the number of people who possessed the Purple-Gold Identity Token had exceeded 30, and with Qin Shaofeng's 300,000 record point, he had already been squeezed out of the first place and ranked fifth.

After owning the Zijin-level identity token, many people chose to be quiet for the first time, and it seems that everyone has a tacit understanding, and they did not go to fight with other people who have the Zijin-level identity token in the first time.

Even when they met, the two sides consciously avoided it, without direct contact.

But this situation finally changed in the last few days before the end of the competition.

Because at this time, all forty-nine Zijin-level identity tokens have appeared.

At this time, someone discovered that after he finally had one hundred thousand record points, his identity token was still at the gold level, instead of being promoted to the purple gold level.

This kind of situation is appearing more and more, and soon some people understand that the amount of Zijin-level identity tokens is limited.

Since this is the case, many people speculate that if you want to upgrade your identity token to the Zijin rank, you should defeat someone who has a Zijin rank identity token.

There are not a few people who have such thoughts, and all the people who have followed the first time, those who have Zijin-level identity tokens.

The battle started very quickly, and it was still a kind of on-the-fly. In just three short days, the entire secret realm space was in a level of melee.

And just the day before twenty areas from the entire secret space were to be merged into one area, Qin Shaofeng and others met several people.

And the person headed by these people is the little princess Lian Yufeng who Qin Shaofeng hasn't seen for a long time.

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