Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5015: crack

"Success, the seventh layer of infinity!"

Qin Shaofeng almost jumped up in excitement.

For the past three months, he has been researching and cultivating the Asura Divine Rune.

Only when he truly understood the information that Song gave him, did he truly understand that all that was needed to cultivate the Asura God Mark was all fighting.

It was in his room anyway.

After he specifically notified Li Naling, he brought the song into the Snow Demon Palace hidden in the Void Starry Sky Realm.

Although there are not many people in the Snow Demon Palace, any one of them is the absolute elite of the Xia Dynasty.

With the help of such a big powerhouse, he cultivated.

It's no wonder he's progressing slowly.

In three months, it seemed that it was only from the third level of the Asura Divine Mark to the seventh level, but it was actually a difference between the early stage and the later stage.

When it is displayed, the power that can burst out is even more unimaginable.

"It turned out to be really unlimited, which is very good."

The next moment Qin Shaofeng's excited voice sounded, a hearty laughter sounded from the main hall.

Look back.

I saw Xia Huangjie and Xue Ji walked out side by side.

"See Emperor Xia!"

Many wrestlers quickly failed miserably.

"How many times this emperor has said that we are the only people left in the Xia Dynasty, and we don't need to give such a big gift again." Xia Huangjie shook his head with a wry smile.

He always lived in the main hall on weekdays.

It's not that he doesn't want to come out and see.

It is true that his identity is too special. Every time he walks out, it will make everyone uneasy, and the due practice will be temporarily stopped because of his appearance.

Even if he explained it again and again.

Hundreds of thousands of years of prestige cannot be covered up with a single sentence.

Seeing that everyone was just kneeling down and bowing their heads, they had to say, "Okay, let's all get up!"

Everyone got up.

Xia Huangjie walked over to Qin Shaofeng, looked at him up and down, then nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Yes, in three months, you will complete the cultivation of the Asura Divine Rune, and the next thing you need is just Get the rest of the Body Refinement Divine Rune and the Ruthless Divine Rune, and then go to the Shura Clan. The big deal is to grab the cultivation methods of the next two layers, and you can combine the three Divine Runes into one, and it can be regarded as this world. It's a good practice between martial arts."

"It's time to trouble my brother-in-law."

Qin Shaofeng has also learned a lot about the cultivation of the Shura Divine Rune.

The first seven levels of the Asura Divine Rune can be cultivated only after countless battles.

But the last two levels require the special secret technique of the Shura tribe.

The eighth level, Shura Cloud.

It is said that special secret cultivation within the Shura tribe is required.

As for the ninth-level Asura, it was even more troublesome, at least Xia Huangjie and others didn't know much about it.

These really need to rely on him.

"When you reach a bottleneck in your practice, just let Gee tell me." Xia Huangjie said with a smile.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

Qin Shaofeng clasped his fists and bowed.

Xia Huangjie just smiled lightly and said, "It's been three months since you came here, and there are still many things you need to do, so get out as soon as possible!"


Qin Shaofeng also wanted to speak.

He clasped his fists again and bowed before leaving with the song.

Go back to the training room.

I saw that in the room where Li Naling was, there was still the previous prohibition. I don't know if it was never coming out, or I should avoid thinking too much about it.

Looking over there, he stood up.

Without disturbing Li Naling who was cultivating, she opened the formation and various restrictions and walked out the door.

It's still dark here.

When he walked out of the room, his consciousness spread, and he noticed that everyone was still cultivating.

He didn't even think about disturbing the crowd.

Anyway, he has a song of an eternal powerhouse who has lived for several dynasties by his side, so he doesn't care too much.

Again to where they came in.

He just started to look again.

After Ye Huang broke through the sea of ​​blood, they were forcibly sucked in by the suction formed by the entrance of the magic sea cave.

The place where he came in was exactly where he was stepping on his feet now.

Look around.

At the same time, he fully exerted the abilities of the True Monarch Starry Sky.

As far as the eye can see, they are all space nodes.

In these space nodes, there seem to be many strange existences that are unclear.

That kind of thing he had never seen before.

Maybe it was just a special existence in the space, but he was still curious and walked step by step towards the things he could see.

Just a few steps away.

He had a strange feeling of extreme distance.

It took dozens of breaths to walk.

He finally came to the first strange space particle, raised his hand slightly, and wanted to grab that space particle.

But when he raised his hand.

It seems that there are violent fluctuations in space, and the space particle seems to be rushing away into the distance.

The line of sight is locked on that particle.

They soon discovered that this space particle turned out to be heading in the direction of the next space particle he observed.

After a dozen breaths.

The two space particles collided, and the space particle that was knocked away because of his arrival actually stagnated at the position of the other particle that collided with.

Another space particle began to move.

Space particles collided one after another, and finally formed a strange symbol in front of him, or a strange divine pattern.

The divine pattern shines brightly.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

When everything in front of him could be seen clearly again, he realized that he was no longer in the hazy space before, but came to a strange canyon.

It's not just him who is here.

There are even houses that he moved out of. Many people were swallowing the spiritual fruit, and they didn't enter the meditation too deeply, and they were alarmed and ran out.

Seeing the changes in their location, they all widened their eyes in surprise.

When Qin Shaofeng looked back at the people who came out, he felt a chill in the palm of his left hand.

He opened his palm subconsciously, and only then did he realize that the strange divine pattern that he had drawn out before had actually been branded into his palm.

"What kind of **** pattern is this?"

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled.

Just when he was about to pick up this Divine Rune to take a look, he saw a faint light flashed again from the Divine Rune before disappearing into his palm.

"Disappeared? What exactly is this? I don't seem to have refining it?"

Qin Shaofeng glanced in shock in the direction where the song was before, but found that the figure of the song had already disappeared.

Just as he was about to ask, he heard the sound of the song entering his ears.

"This is a strange divine rune. The specific situation and effect will have to wait for you to see His Majesty again. Let His Majesty explain your doubts." The voice of the song entered my ears.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Unexpectedly, his situation will change again.

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