Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5016: go ahead

"What's wrong, what happened?"

Xian Xiaoying just came out of the room, and when she heard his exclamation, she hurried over.

He quickly grabbed his left hand and watched.

After finding that there was nothing unusual, he breathed a sigh of relief, but the worry in the beautiful eyes remained unabated.

"It shouldn't be a bad thing."

Qin Shaofeng patted her head and explained, "This is just what I formed after I solved the situation here. Maybe it's the qualification certificate for us to continue to move forward."

He was smiling faintly.

Xian Xiaoying couldn't be happy no matter what.

It would be good if it was just what Qin Shaofeng said.

But she didn't think so.

After all, Qin Shaofeng had specially instructed them before that, no matter what the reason, they should not absorb any divine marks.

Others may ignore Qin Shaofeng's words, or even doubt them.

You cultivate the Divine Rune yourself, why don't you let us do it?

She doesn't.

"Go, wake up the big guys. Since this place is broken, we can't continue to retreat for the time being. Let's go inside first." Qin Shaofeng ordered.

In fact, he doesn't need his size, everyone has already spontaneously awakened others.

This sentence is more just to divert Xian Xiaoying's attention.

People from the three dynasties of the song **** pattern could not understand the **** pattern, and now it is meaningless to let others know what happened to him.

After a while.

All of them came out of their respective rooms.

Qin Shaofeng then took the initiative to go over and re-entered all the buildings into a star in the Void Starry Sky Realm.

"Angel, fly as high as possible and observe the surrounding terrain, but try to pay attention, this kind of place may not allow us to fly." Qin Shaofeng reminded.


Angels are equally worried about this.

The wings are spread out, but they are inch by inch into the air.

When I reached the position of nearly ten feet, I suddenly found that the color in the sky changed suddenly, and an aura that seemed to destroy the sky appeared.

The angel did not dare to be careless and fell to the ground immediately.

"Son, there should only be three big mountains in front of us, and there is just an ordinary canyon in front of us, but I always feel that the canyon is not easy to walk." The angel drew what he saw on the ground bit by bit, and explained at the same time .

"Is it just not easy to go?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

After thinking for a while, he asked everyone, "Is there any progress in everyone's current cultivation? If they encounter a crisis, how much confidence do they have to protect themselves?"

Destroying the Three Immortals, Angels, Gnomes, and Dragon Chasers did not improve much.

On the contrary, Xian Xiaoying and Ye Huang's two daughters have increased their combat power by at least dozens of times.

In particular, Xian Xiaoying, who is the weakest in cultivation, has now reached the peak of the initial stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng, and only one opportunity is needed to reach the middle stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng.

Ye Huang is able to master the power of sages.

Because the level of nirvana is too high, in ordinary times, she also does not dare to show the slightest.

Both Hami and Li Naling are making good progress.

Both have already mastered half of it.

After a few more months of retreat, Bamu should be able to completely become a powerful sage. Even if Li Naling is always supported by the spiritual fruit, I am afraid that it will take at least a year.

Secondly, Jun Sisi successfully reached the realm of the Venerable, while Ding Yuxin realized King's Landing, broke through the peak of Hongmeng Zhenjun in one fell swoop, and directly entered the realm of the emperor.

Although the latter two are still the weakest, no matter what they say, it is a good thing that everyone has improved. Qin Shaofeng nodded and arranged it.

The dangerous situation of the magic cave around the sea is not only now known.

Rao is because they have many sages, and Qin Shaofeng does not dare to be careless.

And everyone needs some experience, he didn't put anyone into the ghost house.

"The dwarf and me lead the way, Xiaoying and Ye'er are in the middle, Jun Sisi and Ding Yuxin pay attention to protect them, Bamu and Longzhui guard the left and right, the demon girl guards the back, and the angel takes off ten feet and is responsible for defending the air."

Qin Shaofeng quickly gave the order to everyone.

The formation quickly condensed.

Until this moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but look towards Li Naling, who was left behind by Qin Shaofeng.

Li Naling held up the small tower in her hand, and her figure entered the small tower.

The small tower slowly floated above Qin Shaofeng's head.

Others really need Qin Shaofeng to arrange.

But both Qin Shaofeng and Li Naling knew very well, but Li Naling didn't need it.

They have been together for far too long.

Even if it's just a look, or a loophole left in her words, Li Naling can clearly understand what she should do.

And Li Naling's experience in the arena is not much weaker than Qin Shaofeng.

If you don't give her an order, it can be regarded as letting her figure it out.

A person's wisdom, after all, is limited.

The team is completely formed.

Qin Shaofeng led the crowd towards the entrance of the canyon.

The angel did say that this canyon is dangerous.

Qin Shaofeng knew clearly.

As one of the most dangerous Jedi in the entire ruthless dynasty, the Magical Sea Devil Cave must not be easy for people to pass through.

Since you can feel the danger, you can only be confused that the danger here is the smallest.

On the other hand, those places where even angels can't feel the danger are the real horrors.

Wangshan ran the dead horse.

Qin Shaofeng and his party actually walked for more than an hour before they came to the canyon.

Just standing at the mouth of the canyon and looking into the canyon gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

It seems that even if he is such a nirvana existence.

Once you fall into it, you will die.

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath.


His decisions have almost become the heart or soul of this team.

No objection was raised by anyone.

Zhao Ding even slashed towards the weeds blocking the road in front of him.

The moment the blade touches the weed blade.

Thunderclouds rolled between heaven and earth.

It seems that there are countless thunders that may fall at any time.


Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

But immediately, he shook his head and said to himself: "No, this should be some kind of strange divine pattern, maybe it has something to do with the thunder divine pattern."

When they first entered the Ruthless Dynasty, they were on the first floor of the Ruthless Pagoda, and they encountered a Leiwen horse.

For the changes of such thunderclouds, one or two can be recognized.

The index finger and ring finger of the right hand are a little between the eyebrows, and immediately, he shouted: "Go!"

The colorful and exquisite tower suddenly appeared.

The Linglong Pagoda suddenly grew larger, enveloping everyone.

When Qin Shaofeng once got the Colorful Exquisite Pagoda, he really wanted to get the inheritance of the colorful.

As his cultivation became stronger and stronger.

Especially after I felt that there seemed to be some problems with the Colorful Exquisite Tower, I never thought about it again.

The inheritance of the colorful colors is not necessary, and he no longer needs it now.

But this colorful and exquisite tower is a real eternal treasure.

To deal with such thunder, it is a good treasure.

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