Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5017: Divine Mark Vulnerability

"Don't chop these branches and leaves, observe everything here carefully, there should be countless divine patterns that we can't see with the naked eye, find out and avoid them as much as possible." Qin Shaofeng said quickly.

God pattern?

Zhao Ding was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he nodded wisely, held the knife in his backhand, and pushed the weeds away a little bit.

Only then did they pass the surrounding spiritual energy fluctuations, and the divine pattern of light flickered faintly on the ground.

The Divine Mark here is not a real thing, but it is together with the rhizomes of the few weeds he just chopped down, which is why the attack is launched because of his attack.

Now that they have found the reason, it is much easier for them to avoid nature.

This is the first time Qin Shaofeng has encountered such a divine pattern.

After watching Zhao Ding's technique of avoiding the divine runes for a while, he directly took out a few wooden sticks from the Void Starry Sky Realm and handed them to the crowd one after another.

The deeper they walked into the canyon, the more divine marks they encountered.

Various **** patterns that even Mie Sanxian, Ye Huang and others could not name appeared.

After reaching hundreds of feet deep, they could hardly move an inch.

In front, back, left, and right, there are countless divine runes filling the air. If you really walk forward, if you step on it casually, it will trigger multiple divine runes attacks.

"Master, should we avoid this place and find another way forward?" Zhao Ding couldn't help asking.

He, who also has deep exploration experience, also knows that doing so may lead to a greater crisis.

But he couldn't help but speak.

"I have thought about what you said over and over again. Maybe the people here have been arranged to deal with smart people, but I still don't think that the treasures of the Ruthless Dynasty, the first Jedi of the Ruthless Dynasty, will really give us. Such an opportunity." Qin Shaofeng shook his head.

How could Zhao Ding not understand?

His brows were tightly wrinkled, looking at the dense lines around him, he still felt his scalp tingling.

They have not even been able to walk over one-tenth of this canyon, and they have encountered such a thing.

It is really hard to imagine, when they really go deep into the canyon, will they enter the Jedi with no way forward and no way back.

But he also admitted Qin Shaofeng's statement.

Hesitate for a moment.

He still had to choose to nod.

Qin Shaofeng turned his head at this moment and said, "Ye'er, use your Millennium Eye to see if you can see the danger of the divine pattern here. We try to find the divine pattern with less danger and go."


Ye Huang shook his head decisively and said, "I have been observing the situation here since I came in."

"Looking for the least dangerous Divine Rune stamping seems to be a good choice, but I can feel that the danger that it can bring will be even greater, and it may even kill us."

What? !

Everyone took a deep breath.

Even people with rich experience in rivers and lakes can't understand the reason.

Qin Shaofeng also frowned for a moment.

Immediately, he looked up at the thunder that was still falling down in the sky.

"A composite divine pattern?"

Hearing his statement, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then, they all understood.

The effect of the **** pattern here can even be superimposed.

If the trampling and calculation are not in place, one step out, it is very likely that the effects of the two divine runes will be superimposed, and the power of directly killing and releasing them will erupt.

"Does anyone know how to calculate the power of the Divine Rune?"

Qin Shaofeng immediately asked everyone.

He doesn't have that ability.

Not to mention calculations, he couldn't tell what the most common Divine Runes of the Ruthless Dynasty were, how they looked, and how effective they were.

This was really his greatest weakness.

"I understand a little bit, but I need to know what kind of divine runes I will encounter next." The angel said suddenly.

Qin Shaofeng looked back.

"Long Chai takes over the task of Angel, and Jun Sisi takes over for Long Chai."


The two moved quickly.

The angel fell for the first time and became one of the protected personnel.

The crowd stopped together.

The angel quickly took out the pen and paper, and frantically wrote a string of things.

Qin Shaofeng's spiritual sense explored for a moment, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The things written by the angel actually gave him the feeling of a mathematical formula, but it was a combination of divine runes and attributes, which directly made him choose to ignore it.

This thing is not worth his research at all costs.

Just by looking at the angel's writing, you can understand that the amount of knowledge contained in it is too terrifying, but it is not easy to understand it in a while.

"Are you thinking about gain or loss?"

Song suddenly remembered the sound in his ears, causing him to subconsciously look in the direction the sound came from.

"I suggest that you better learn it. If you learn this thing well, it will be of great benefit for you to fight against people with divine marks." Song continued.


Qin Shaofeng suddenly became interested and began to look at what the angel was writing.

The more he looked, the more he felt a fog in his mind.

At first glance, the relationship between Divine Runes is like the combination and decomposition of various products between heaven and earth, but it is different from his normal cognition.

The only thing that made him see it, maybe it was just the things contained in it, there seemed to be some strange loopholes.

That loophole seems to have become the gathering place of the gods, but he can't understand it.

Angels kept writing, Qin Shaofeng and others kept researching and learning for three days.

Angels take care of everything.

When Qin Shaofeng looked at it, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

What the angel wrote, actually used paper as high as ten feet thick.

Fortunately, when Qin Shaofeng was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

The angel specifically explained: "You don't need to worry too much. When I was calculating and writing, I had already discarded most of the useless things, and only one-tenth of what was really useful to us."


Everyone is full of black lines again.

That's all?

You know, you wrote a full zhang, more than three meters!

Even if it's only one-tenth, it's more than thirty centimeters. What makes people want to vomit blood most is that these are all thin papers.

The angel quickly put away the useless ones, and then divided more parts and distributed them to everyone.

"Everyone look at the information in their hands. There should be only seven combinations that are absolutely dangerous to us. One person must remember what kind of combination of gods is." The angel explained.

He handed a piece of paper to Qin Shaofeng.

"Son, this is the divine pattern we need to worry about. Take a closer look and remember carefully. As long as these combination methods are used, there is a danger to us." The angel said again.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly became interested.

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