Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5018: rage colorful

When the angel wrote it just now, he noticed that this part seemed to be what really worked for him.

He really took it over, and after a while of observation, he realized it at a glance.

The final summary of all Divine Runes is basically in four changes.

One is the Ruthless Divine Rune, the other is the Space-Time Divine Rune, and the other is the Shura Divine Rune.

The superposition of the three divine patterns will turn into an existence without a written name.

When combined with the angel's writing, Qin Shaofeng stole some things that he quickly understood.

The loophole in each kind of divine pattern turned out to be the link connecting the three kinds of divine pattern changes.

If you really combine the three **** patterns, it will produce a kind of existence similar to the pattern king.

Or it should be said that Zuwen is more appropriate.

Time and space **** pattern?

Shouldn't it be the Body Refinement Divine Mark?

Qin Shaofeng thought again and again.

In particular, the many gods of the Ruthless Dynasty, after thinking for a long time, was surprised to find that there was no introduction to the space-time gods.

The closest thing seems to be the Space Divine Rune.

The two **** patterns seem to be similar, but the gap is infinitely huge.

After he pondered for a while, everyone opened their mouths, and they all remembered the various divine patterns they needed to remember.

People really just started moving forward again.

When everyone remembers a changing situation, it is extremely fast for them to distinguish the gods that cannot be touched.

Every few breaths, they can leap forward.

A distance of at least ten feet, or even several feet, is spanned at a time.

If someone observed it nearby, they would be shocked by the way Qin Shaofeng and his party moved.

They don't walk normally at all.

Various jumps.

Sometimes it is more than ten feet, sometimes even a jump is ten feet or eight feet, and then it is a long exploration.

The group continued to explore and search, and it took three days before they reached the end of the canyon.

The moment they came here, the divine patterns formed on the top of their heads turned into seven paths.

Each of the seven divine patterns is in the content that Qin Shaofeng needs to worry about and integrate.

Fortunately, it is not one of the fusion changes.

Otherwise, he would really start to feel scared.

"It seems that there will be another pause in front, but no matter how you walk, it seems that it will cause the fusion of the gods, and it is likely that three fusion gods will be added at one time. Let's take a closer look. Is there any other way of walking? "The angel looked at the many divine patterns he had just explored, and his face was already hard to see the extreme.

What he holds in his hand is a list that is second only to Qin Shaofeng's.

Although the three most terrifying **** patterns will not appear.

But it is all in the fusion **** pattern in his hand, no matter which one is formed, it will be merged into one of the three terrifying **** patterns second only to Qin Shaofeng's hand.

Qin Shaofeng also saw the end of the canyon.

It was a huge stone gate.

A gap was opened in the stone gate. From the gap, you could vaguely see that there was a long passage inside, and there was no divine pattern.

As long as they get there smoothly, danger can be avoided.

It sounds simple enough.

When he heard the angel's voice, he was still nervous.

Reach out to the angel.

The angel knowingly handed over the guts that wrote the changes in the divine rune.

Qin Shaofeng's face became ugly after some observation.

He had been paying attention to the list in his hand before.

Until this moment, he didn't know why the angel's face was so ugly, because no matter what kind of divine pattern formed next, it would be merged into one of these three divine patterns.

The colorful and exquisite tower is powerful.

Qin Shaofeng did not have absolute confidence to stop it.

Angel is naturally more worried.

"Okay, everyone doesn't need to think too much. We only need to enter the front passage and believe that we can pass the danger here, which means that we probably only need to block a breath for a while." Qin Shaofeng comforted everyone.

But no matter who it is, the tension in my heart still can't really disappear.

These Divine Runes are one of the powerful Divine Runes of the Ruthless Dynasty.

And it's the strongest attack.

Its power is only high, and I am afraid it will not be much weaker than the attack of the eternal powerhouse, and it is unknown if it is even worse.

Mie Sanxian and the others were just worried.

The three of Xian Xiaoying raised their heads subconsciously, and looked at the colorful and exquisite tower above their heads that was resisting various attacks from the gods.

They clearly know that this is a real eternal treasure, and it contains a lot of eternal power.

"Go there."

Qin Shaofeng thought about it for a while, and then pointed to a place less than two meters away from Shimen.

"That's... where the Divine Runes of Jiuxiao Shenlei converge?"

The angel recognized it at a glance.

"Okay, everyone, don't think about it any more, and don't need to persuade anyone to say anything. When I say to move forward, everyone must rush over in the shortest time. We only have one breath at most." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.


Everyone put away the things in their hands and nodded.

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath.

Immediately, two **** were taken out of the storage ring, and the eternal power was extorted from the eternal funeral.

As soon as the power of eternity came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.


Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly, and immediately, he cast the power of eternity towards the colorful exquisite tower.

The colorful and exquisite pagoda received the blessing of the eternal power, and the golden light suddenly became bright.


Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted, and the first one rushed forward.

The figure swept past and landed directly on the position mentioned earlier.

Numerous divine patterns rose into the sky and quickly merged in the air.


Qin Shaofeng raised his hand and made a gesture of support.

He didn't know what would happen after entering that door. If he couldn't control the Colorful Exquisite Pagoda, all the people behind him would die.

No one dared to hesitate any longer, and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng quickly.

Leverage on his outstretched palm.

Immediately, he rushed through the door.

The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder in the sky finally took shape, and it suddenly bombarded the Colorful Exquisite Tower.


A deafening sound resounded.

Qin Shaofeng felt that blood was flowing out of his seven orifices.

An even more terrifying scene appeared.

The aftermath of the bombardment spread out, causing countless divine patterns to be alarmed, and large swaths of divine patterns converged toward the sky.

Look at the back, there are two more people.


Qin Shaofeng shouted anxiously.

Mie Sanxian and Long Chai, who was also behind, also discovered this scene, and no one dared to hesitate any longer, and rushed over almost at the same time.

See them rush in.

Just as Qin Shaofeng was about to move, he heard a roar from the air.


"Damn bastard, the old man wants to pass it on to you, why haven't you come to accept it for so long, and you have to use the old man's tower of inheritance to resist this kind of attack?!"

It was the colorful voice that was furious, and there was no sense of lack of intelligence at all from it.

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