Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5021: I'm so kind

Qin Shaofeng's left palm is hidden in his sleeve.

He turned his head and glanced in the direction from which the voice came, and with a slight stroke of his left finger, he opened a small opening in the ghost house.

"Ge, pay attention, if the remnant of the old guy in the back is going to mess up, I'm afraid you will have to help." Qin Shaofeng entered the ghost house through sound transmission.

"It's probably not him that you need to worry about."

The sound of the song appeared directly in his ears.

Not colorful?

Is Qi Cai really not malicious to himself?

Shouldn't it be?

Or does the song mean that the colorful colors do not pose the greatest threat to him, and that the greatest threat is actually someone else?

While he was in doubt, he felt a powerful wave of energy waves sweeping towards the surroundings.

The roar resounded.

The darkness around him suddenly disappeared.

The sudden light of this remark made Qin Shaofeng feel a wave of discomfort.

Colorful is behind.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to be careless, he endured the discomfort in his eyes, and still looked behind him. His consciousness monitored everything he could detect.

Perhaps because of his gaze, Qi Cai stood motionless.

It is determined that the colorful has no action.

He finally came to rush to observe the situation around him.

Do not see do not know.

Seeing this, it really startled him.

They seem to be in another world.

Not far away, there is a small bridge, flowing water, pavilions, and pavilions, and there is a strange mountain in the distance.

The lower half of the mountain is green, but the upper half is covered with thick snow, but there is black smoke rising from the top of the mountain, which is obviously an active volcano that may erupt at any time.

How could such a volcano appear between heaven and earth?

Is it another fantasy?

Doubt flashed in my mind.

Qin Shaofeng's attention fell on Qi Cai again.

No matter if this is really a fantasy, or some other place, what needs his attention the most is the colorful.

"Boy, do you need one to stare at the old man like this?"

With an innocent expression on Qi Cai's face, he said, "This old man just wants to choose you as the inheritor. Why are you guarding against this old man?"

"Of course."

Qin Shaofeng wouldn't believe it.

He has seen many people who really want to send the inheritance out, but none of them are like Qi Cai.

The land of inheritance that was last prepared during his lifetime was destroyed.

Not only did it not dissipate directly, but it could also fight against a powerhouse that was condensed from many special beings and whose combat power was comparable to that of eternity.

Afterwards, they followed, and they broke open the strange space that had stopped them for so long.

Such a thing cannot be done by a dead person.

I believe that there is no conspiracy in Qi Cai, unless there is really a problem with his head.

"Boy, this old man has a good heart, how can you talk like this to hurt the old man's heart?" Qicai continued to persuade him.

What Qicai said made Qin Shaofeng feel stunned.

Mie Sanxian and the others almost sewed out their eyeballs.

Could it be that this senior really wants to inherit?

But this shouldn't be!

His soul looks broken and illusory, but it still has such a strong combat power, even if it is reborn, it may not be impossible.

Rebirth? !

Thinking of this possibility, everyone trembled in their hearts.

Why didn't they think of this possibility just now?

No wonder Qin Shaofeng will always be on guard against him, and even now this person will give such a reply when he persuades him with kind words.

Although they didn't know why Qicai didn't take action directly, they subconsciously chose to stand on Qin Shaofeng's side.

Whether or not Qicai really wants to benefit Qin Shaofeng.

"Don't you really know why?"

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes fiercely.

Knowing that the opposite Qi Cai has a conspiracy, but their strength is not enough, it really makes him depressed.

"Boy, you really don't need to be so wary of this old man."

Qi Cai seemed to be still depressed that Qin Shaofeng didn't believe him, and said, "The old man is really kind. After all, you have already obtained some of the old man's inheritance, and you can be regarded as half of the old man's successor. Only you can truly carry forward the old man's mantle and mantle. ."


Qin Shaofeng couldn't help it.

He has said it to this point, but this old guy is still so reluctant, it really makes him not know what to say.

Can we really do this as human beings?

"Senior, I have already cultivated enough things. I have the martial arts of my life, and the powerful divine runes. I really don't need your inheritance. You should find another successor!" Qin Shaofeng is still holding on to luck.

Qi Cai didn't seem to understand: "No, the inheritance of this old man can only be given to you."

Hearing his words that he would not change no matter what, Qin Shaofeng was so angry that he was jumping with rage.

The big deal is to call Song directly for help.

Expose is also exposed.

"Senior, we can't be like this. Although your body is destroyed, it doesn't have a big impact on your combat power. If you want to find a good successor, it's really not difficult. Even re-cultivating a body is easy. Simple!" His words were very explicit.

Even the body can be easily cultivated.

Wouldn't it be easier to take home?

"It's not simple, it's not simple, the old man is no longer good." Qi Cai shook his head again and again.

Are you still wearing it?

Qin Shaofeng had more black lines on his face, and couldn't help but say: "If that's the case, then you can directly condense the inheritance, and then self-destruct the remnant soul. The junior will naturally accept the inheritance of the senior, and you can swear to God."

"The old man is the eternal powerhouse!"

Qi Cai roared and said: "Boy, you still don't know what eternity represents. This old man's remnant soul is a complete inheritance. If it is destroyed again, there is no way to inherit it."

"I don't think there is any way to take the house, right?"

Qin Shaofeng clenched his fists with a creaking sound, but at the same time he opened his mouth, he was slowly retreating.

Mie Sanxian and others noticed it and immediately protected him.

Li Naling even enlarged the Zuiyue Tower, as if she could take Qin Shaofeng into the Zuiyue Tower at any time.

"What are you doing? The old man just wants to pass on to him, how could he take him away?" Qi Cai didn't even look like he was about to explode.

Did he really not lie?

How is this possible?

"You guys are still finished. Your kid has the Divine Rune that he fears in his soul, and the Divine Rune you cultivate has restraint on him, so he can't directly seize you."

Suddenly, a voice came.

Qin Shaofeng and others trembled all over and turned their heads.

Colorful is even more violent.

He turned back suddenly, and roared in the direction of the voice: "The little **** of the ruthless dynasty, the old man didn't pierce your hiding, why do you still ruin the big thing of the old man?"

The power of heaven and earth fluctuated wildly.

Rao's breath was not aimed at Qin Shaofeng and others, but it also made them all have a dangerous feeling of dying at any time.

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