Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5022: The three princes are ruthless

"Everyone is here to get the treasures out, so why bother here?"

Another powerful breath came.

The breath of the person who has not yet appeared is indeed not as good as Qi Cai, but it also makes Qi Cai's face seem a little distorted.

Half-step eternity!

Qin Shaofeng and others could feel the breath of this person clearly.

Soon, a crack appeared in the space.

Seven figures came out of it.

Walking in the forefront was a handsome young man in a white robe, and his cultivation in the realm of the Venerable was not weak.

Walking behind the white-robed son are two old men.

One was hunched over and looked very weak.

The other person gave people a sense of immortality.

Both of them are half-step eternal realm.

Seeing the existence of such a level of cultivation, there are still two at once, and the expressions of Qin Shaofeng and others suddenly changed greatly.

Before he came to the Ruthless Dynasty, he still believed that sages were extremely rare.

Unless you see it with your own eyes.

He couldn't imagine the scene in front of him at all.

When did half-step eternity become Chinese cabbage?

Two came out at random?

Walking in the back are two young people, a man and a woman are not from the same family, each followed a sage behind them.

When facing the Three Immortals Pavilion, Qin Shaofeng had secretly enjoyed the lineup of several parties, but in front of such existences, they were directly exploded three streets.

Do not! It's not comparable at all.

The Nirvana level of those two sages is probably not lower than Li Naling at all.

If the battle really starts, all of them together may not be an opponent of one person, let alone facing two existences of this level at one time.

"The Magic Sea Devil Cave is not one of the most dangerous places in the entire ruthless dynasty. Why did so many people suddenly come here?" Ye Huang asked in surprise.

Qin Shaofeng was also wondering about this.

But when he glanced at the young son a few more times, he no longer cared about this issue.

A young man who can lead two and a half steps into eternity is obviously from the ruthless royal family.

Since this place used to be the place of the royal family, maybe the royal family has some monitoring here.

Thinking of this, he was relieved.

Now is not the time to think about why they are here, but to think about what to do next.

The dynasty has some control over this place, so he can't let the song do it.

It's true that they were the first to come here.

But the problem is, with the arrival of Qi Cai and this group of people, they have become the weakest link.

Once the war begins, no matter which side they are, they can easily kill themselves and others here.

He's rambling over here.

The two parties over there didn't take them to heart at all.

No more than the realm of sages.

It seems that there are still a few good seedlings, but so what?

With such a little strength, they can easily be destroyed.

Seeing that Qi Cai was so angry that he didn't speak for a while, the young master smiled and said, "Sir, you are not so angry, that little brother obviously saw through your intentions long ago. Besides, what he cultivates is a kind of soul. Defense Divine Rune, and he also cultivated the body refining Divine Rune of our family, and the level of cultivation seems to be not weak."

"So what? As long as you don't talk nonsense, the old man will definitely choose to accept the inheritance of the old man." Qi Cai was so angry that he smoked.

The young man was unmoved, still smiling faintly.


Do you really think everyone is a fool today?

What's more, I still need that kid to help me continue to solve the danger ahead, how can I watch him be taken away by you now?

What a joke.

"The old gentleman still underestimates my family's Body Refinement Divine Rune."

The young gentleman smiled lightly, shook his head, and continued: "To be honest, my clan's body-refining divine pattern has another name, and that is the space-time divine pattern. It's not something you, an outsider, can control."

"This prince has said so much, and you must understand that he is not a very good object to take home, why don't you give this prince a face, let's just forget about it?"

Although the colorful facial expressions are very vague, people can clearly feel the changes in his expressions.

It was already furious to the extreme.

You kid clearly came here with a purpose, and it's a pity that you can still say it so well.

Even the Divine Runes of Time and Space have been spoken out.

Colorful fury.

Qin Shaofeng was stunned.

Time and space **** pattern?

No wonder he had long felt that the name of Body Refinement Divine Rune was too ordinary and should not appear as the second existence on the Ruthless Dynasty Divine Rune Ranking.

Compared with the lofty names of other gods, it is completely incomparable.

The emotional reason is here.

Seeing Qicai, the young master didn't know if he was angry or was really persuaded by him, so he stopped talking to Qicai and looked at Qin Shaofeng instead.

"This little friend, that senior must not have any other thoughts about you. Little friend, let's continue to observe the situation here. At least before leaving here, this prince will ensure the safety of the little friend." The young son took the initiative to Qin Shaofeng said.

before leaving here?

I'm afraid he didn't say this to himself!

Qin Shaofeng saw through the young man's mind immediately.

This guy must think that he can lead people here, and there must be a way to continue to lead them to the end.

If their strength is stronger than that young son, I am afraid this will not be the case.

It's obviously to use yourself!

It's not him that you need to pay attention to.

Qin Shaofeng's mind suddenly came to the words that Ge had told him not long ago.

Is Qi Cai really trying to help himself?

No matter how colorful it is.

Qin Shaofeng made a decision after a little thought, and slowly looked towards the young son.

Want to take advantage of yourself?

It's not that easy.

What's more, the set of ruthless Divine Marks in the Magical Sea Devil Cave is bound to be acquired by him, and here is him breaking out and roaming, so it is naturally impossible for this young son to **** it.

The final battle is clearly unavoidable.

That being the case.

He wouldn't have much fear of this young son.

"Dare to ask who this son is? The royal prince?"

Qin Shaofeng tentatively bowed his hands to the young son and asked.

"The third prince of the Ruthless Dynasty is absolutely ruthless."

The young gentleman also folded his fists and smiled slightly: "Identity is just a title. Little friends don't need to care about these things. Let's find a way to move forward first. There are seven barriers here."

Is the fox's tail finally showing?

He wanted to continue, but Qin Shaofeng didn't want to move forward that much.

With a faint smile, he said, "It turned out to be His Royal Highness. The kid is really blind. I didn't expect His Highness to come to such a dangerous place in person."

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