Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5025: can't stop

The five Body Refinement Divine Runes shattered.

When the Divine Body Refinement Mark was printed on Qin Shaofeng's chest this time, the flesh and bones on his body were torn apart.

Fortunately, the cultivation of this pattern is only on the body, but it did not cause him to suffer too serious damage directly.

Rao is so.

The various elixir he was going to consume also began to multiply.

This body training is the most dangerous one since Qin Shaofeng's body training.

Fortunately, there was such a ruthless person who took advantage of it, otherwise he might have died here.

Ruthless waiting for the children of the dynasty, I have long heard of the horror of the Divine Rune Refinement.

This is the first time I have witnessed it myself.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng when he was training his body and limbs just now, although he was exhausted, his face was expressionless, but at this time his face was full of pain, and his mental exhaustion was even greater.

No wonder the power of the Divine Runes of Body Refinement is the second in power and the difficulty in cultivation is the first.

For so many years in history, there are very few people who dare to practice the first four lines, and most people die on the first four lines.

But a few people know that the first four lines are almost like a joke in comparison.

How long Qin Shaofeng endured in the fifth pattern, how long they were shocked.

Time unknowingly, more than half a month has passed.

The refining of the fifth pattern is still not over.

Jue Rui was awakened by Ye Huang.

Seeing that he finally reacted, Ye Huang said, "You don't have any elixir yet? Hurry up, or Brother Xiaoyao will die."

Only then did Rui Rui notice that there were only the last two plants left in the elixir before he knew it.

Dare not to hesitate.

Once Qin Shaofeng falls, he is afraid that this trip will be in vain.

The space ring flashed, and three divine patterns appeared.

Crushed one by one, three hill-like elixir appeared in front of everyone.

Surprised to see this scene.

Even Qin Shaofeng, who was a little confused under the pain of body training, couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

This unjust prince is too rich, isn't he?

Just thinking about it, he felt as if he was staring at an extremely powerful beast.

Suddenly turning back, he saw Qicai rushing towards him quickly.


Ruthless discovered this scene at the same time and exclaimed.

He has paid so much, how could he let Qi Cai do anything?

While shouting loudly, he threw out a divine rune.

The divine pattern burst and turned into a tortoise shell-like defense.

Although Qi Cai's speed was fast, it failed to pass through the defense in time and slammed into it fiercely.

He just felt like he had hit a ball of cotton and was thrown off.

The two half-step eternal powerhouses brought by Ruthless, even acted at the first time, turning into two streamers to surround the seven colors in the middle.

"This friend, the third prince has made a promise before, and asked his friend to give the prince a face." The hunchbacked old man said in a deep voice.

He didn't make a move, but he let out his breath completely, trapping Qi Cai tightly.

The old man Xianfeng Daogu also did not hesitate.

Under the shroud of the two extremely tyrannical breaths, Qi Cai may be able to defeat the two, but it is impossible to take another shot at Qin Shaofeng before the two can react.

Relentlessly looked back.

After confirming that the two of them can completely block Qicai's actions, they no longer care.

His eyes turned towards Qin Shaofeng again.

Compared to Qi Cai, who could never have been killed by the two and a half-step eternal powerhouses, he wanted to watch Qin Shaofeng absorb the Divine Rune of Body Refinement.

Maybe as he watched Qin Shaofeng absorb and refine the stronger Divine Rune little by little, he could learn something from it.

In this way, he also has the qualification to absorb the Divine Runes of Body Refinement.

Even if only the first four lines are absorbed, the benefits it can bring to him are unimaginable.

The absorption of Divine Mark continued.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed.

The absorption of the fifth divine rune was about a month away, and Qin Shaofeng's cultivation came to an abrupt end at this moment.

The moment the fifth pattern was absorbed, he fell into a coma.

A full coma for three days and three nights.

After Qin Shaofeng woke up again, it took him two more days to recover to his peak state with the supply of the ruthless and infinite elixir and fruit.

Don't waste any more time and start your next absorption right away.

The sixth divine rune, which was refined directly, was his head.

Fortunately, the training of the head is not like the body, otherwise it will be turned into ashes, but it is not a joke.

Countless times the head is broken and resuscitated, I am afraid that no matter how powerful the existence is, it will die on the spot.

Rao is so, Qin Shaofeng can clearly see that a little bit of flesh and blood is being wasted, and then it will be restored to its original state.

This continued, and in the blink of an eye, it was another two months.

The slow training of the head finally came to an end.

Qin Shaofeng still felt a little dazed, and when he wanted to rest for a few days, he felt like his internal organs were about to shatter.

The seventh pattern, which he had already kept beside him, even began to flicker.

It seems that this Divine Rune is having some kind of communication with him.

It seems that the Divine Rune is about to start merging with him on its own.

"No, this is out of control?!"

Qin Shaofeng's face really turned pale.

The change between the two Divine Runes is completely spontaneous.

In other words, after he finished practicing the sixth pattern, the seventh pattern began to change because of the needs of his body.

That's true.

Doesn't it mean that the first time he finishes practicing the seventh pattern, he will start the practice of the eighth divine pattern non-stop.

The pain in the body has reached its peak.

He didn't dare to delay any longer.

He quickly crushed the Divine Rune, allowing the Divine Rune to quickly merge into his body, causing his internal organs to collapse and reorganize.

Qin Shaofeng came in a hurry, and looked at Chao Jue ruthlessly.

A wry smile.

"Big brother, it seems that you can't think of a solution for your brother now. What happened just now may just be an accident, but you should know how likely it is, brother." Qin Shaofeng's voice was hoarse and weak.

The ruthless face suddenly became ugly.

The two half-step eternal powerhouses who also used their spiritual sense to pay attention to the scene just now also felt what had just happened, and their faces were very strange.

The huge gap in cultivation made them very clear that what happened just now had nothing to do with Qin Shaofeng.

It seems that our calculations are all wrong!

The cultivation of the Divine Rune of Body Refinement is so difficult that once you reach the sixth rune, you can't stop it.

The two old men looked towards Jue Rui in unison.

They just can't make up their minds.

Rui Rui also looked at them, and they could clearly see the helplessness in the other's eyes.

The Body Refinement Divine Rune has such a big problem.

But they do need Qin Shaofeng to help, which makes them really helpless to the extreme.

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