Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5026: Eight lines, qualitative change

"It seems that I can't do it without looking for my father."

Jue Rui smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, you cultivate here first. I will lead someone to find a way to see if I can contact my father and ask my father to find a way to send the last two divine marks."

Qin Shaofeng was really powerless to open his mouth after a period of training in the five internal organs, so he could only nod his head.

Ruthless knows that Qin Shaofeng's state is not good.

Looking back at Xi Wuqing and Ku Wuqing, he said, "The two of you stay here first, and these two sages will use this prince first."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The two were absolutely ruthless in their fight, but they dared not be so casual to Qin Shaofeng.

While Ruthless is borrowed, it is a true commanding attitude.

As soon as the voice fell, he took the lead and left in the direction where he came.

The two sages did not dare to delay even the slightest, so they could only follow up obediently.

Time is still passing slowly,

Ruthless wanting to get the last two Divine Runes seems to be an extremely difficult task, and it took more than half a month.


What Qin Shaofeng and others didn't know was that for the past half a month, it wasn't that Ruthless was really asking for the **** pattern from the Ruthless Emperor.

In the Divine Rune World of the second level, there is actually a teleportation altar connecting the ruthless royal family and this side.

Jue Rui directly took the two away on the teleportation altar.

He did look for the Ruthless Emperor.

In addition to the ruthless emperor, he also called many top bosses of the ruthless dynasty.

Everyone stayed in the discussion hall for ten days.

No one should approach without permission.

ten days.

They first discussed Qin Shaofeng's affairs in detail.

Final confirmation.

Regardless of Qin Shaofeng's affairs, they can really fully cultivate the body-refining divine rune, and they have to decide on this body.

As for the remnant of the colorful soul, just kill it.

A mere remnant of souls.

Although it was difficult for the two half-step eternal powerhouses to kill, it was not much different.

After some deliberation.

The Ruthless Emperor still decided to take out a set of Soul Destruction Divine Mark.

Qi Cai was an eternal powerhouse after all.

If they set a trap, or bring another strong man, Qicai would probably notice something.

Once the snake is not dead, it is likely to cause a lot of trouble.

The remnant soul of an eternal powerhouse who can take over his body and re-cultivate his body will not be much weaker than the eternal powerhouse.

Although the Ruthless Dynasty has eternal powerhouses, they are all in deep retreat.

For such a trivial matter, they wouldn't bother to bother.

The strong cannot be dispatched.

The Soul Extinguishing Divine Rune Great Array has become the best weapon.

When this thing is used, even if it is ruthless, there is a high probability of killing Qi Cai, not to mention that there are two strong people by his side.

Under such a lineup, if Qi Cai can still escape, then Ruthless and the others will simply kill themselves.

There is no need to come back alive.

Jue Ruqing still did not rush back to the Magic Sea Devil Cave, but gathered a group of people again and made a lot of preparations, especially for the protection of the soul.

Colorful combat power is indeed terrifying.

But in his opinion, Qi Cai is only a powerful soul that can be killed.

Once such a soul finds danger, if he really no longer aims at Qin Shaofeng, but chooses to take him away, he will never be able to resist.

If that happened, the trouble they were going to face would be really big.

Figured it all out.

He wouldn't waste any more time, he continued to prepare, and it took five days for him to feel that he was almost ready.

As for what was lacking, there was nothing he could do.

After all, what he has to face is the remnant of an eternal powerhouse.

Unless he can find an eternal powerhouse to protect him, there is no preparation at all.

Rao is so.

When he came back, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation at this stage was still not over.

Body Refinement Divine Rune As a Divine Rune, it does not mean that it can be achieved through cultivation for the existence that is difficult to cultivate.

In the blink of an eye, it took another half a month for him to end this stage of cultivation.

It did not exceed Qin Shaofeng's imagination.

After the internal organs were thoroughly cultivated by the Divine Rune, he began to feel an unimaginable headache.

Ruthless, who had already returned, had to take out the follow-up Divine Mark.

The eighth way of the body refining divine rune began to flow toward the sea of ​​consciousness, and the direction of cultivation turned into the soul.

Qin Shaofeng's soul is already strong, and he has the protection of the ever-changing spirit and divine pattern obtained from the Ever-changing True Monarch. It makes him feel the easiest to practice.

Under the continuous transformation of Divine Mark, his sea of ​​consciousness began to condense towards the feeling of materialization.

when it's all over.

Qin Shaofeng doesn't feel angry anymore to know his sea of ​​knowledge.

The once chaotic sea of ​​consciousness turned into a small garden, with divine patterns all over the garden, and the ever-changing spirit divine patterns were not affected by the body refining divine patterns at all.

Among the pavilions and pavilions, two figures could be seen secretly observing.

It was the ghost face and the blue sky snow.

Qin Shaofeng just glanced casually and withdrew from the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

The cultivation of the eighth path of the Divine Rune of Body Refinement is over.

He felt an inexplicable feeling again, as if there had been some kind of strange change all over his body, so he had to look at it as soon as possible.

After all, the unstoppable strange feeling of the Body Refinement Divine Mark made him have to choose to treat it with caution.

The moment to open your eyes again.

A strange feeling came suddenly.

The Body Refinement Divine Rune has not been completed. Although the first eight layers are considered a whole, they are only a part of the whole.

Just this part made him clearly feel the power at this time.

It is not a little bit, nor can it be measured by multiple numbers.

him at this moment.

If he were to speak for himself, it would be as if a qualitative change had occurred.

Before he finished practicing the eighth body refining divine rune, although he also had a combat power that was not weaker than the current one, it seemed that he was not on the same level at all.

If he really wants to fight against him before he cultivated, it seems that he can kill his former self with just a random move.

Body Refinement Divine Mark.

Could it be that my current physical cultivation has reached a level that can be called a qualitative change?

Qin Shaofeng was thinking constantly in his heart.

But he also has a strange feeling that he is indeed powerful now, but still seems to be lacking something.

In order to truly unleash the power of the Divine Rune of Body Refinement, it is necessary to smelt the results of each type of cultivation to be unique.

That one is the ninth divine pattern of the body refining divine pattern.

"Big... big brother..."

Qin Shaofeng has experienced several previous divine runes, and already has a deep understanding of absolute ruthlessness.

The kid has made sure he can't stop.

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