Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5027: ninth pattern

In order to be able to enter the deepest part of the magic sea magic cave, Jue Rui has already taken all the divine marks, and naturally he has no plans to keep anything.

If he didn't take this opportunity to ask for all the divine marks, he would be stupid.

Seeing his familiar expression again, Jue Rui couldn't help but sigh deeply.

As a strong performer.

He naturally also felt that Qin Shaofeng's breath changed slightly when he completed the eighth divine rune cultivation, as well as the hesitation during that time.

But what can he do?

The Divine Rune has been brought over, and they have already prepared a perfect back-up, so naturally they won't care so much anymore.

He never thought that Qin Shaofeng might leave alive.

Whether or not to give him the last divine rune, the difference is really not too big.

Think about this.

He threw the last divine run at Qin Shaofeng.

The pain in Qin Shaofeng's face suddenly diminished.

Take the Divine Rune and smash it into pieces.

The Divine Rune was directly integrated into his body.

But this time, he didn't feel any pain anymore.

A faint wave of divine patterns circulated from time to time on the surface of the body, but it seemed like nothing had happened.

How is this going?

Qin Shaofeng was stunned for a long time.

Going toward the inside of the probe, he quickly discovered the problem.

In the end, the fusion of this Divine Rune is completely different from the previous ones, and the difference is even huge.

This divine rune will no longer create any conformity to his body, but instead fuses every part of his cultivated body into one.

As such.

Although it will not cause too serious damage to him, it has obviously become an extremely huge time period fusion.

I believe that the fusion this time, even if it is not as good as the addition of every previous divine rune, it must take at least a year or so.

During this period of time, he was afraid that if he didn't want to wait, he could only wait.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Jue Rui looked at Qin Shaofeng's surprised expression and couldn't help but ask.

A bitter expression suddenly appeared on Qin Shaofeng's face.

"Looks like we can only move forward."

With a wry smile, he explained the general condition of his body.

Anyway, after the successful cultivation of the Eight Dao Divine Marks, he would not say casually about the changes to his body.

You don't need to worry about the effect of the ninth divine rune.

"This is also a good thing. After all, with the ability of the brothers, the combat power of the eight gods is enough to let us go to the last level." Jue Rui said with a smile.

He was secretly happy.

Not being able to integrate quickly is a great thing.

Otherwise, once he is allowed to successfully cultivate the Body Refinement Divine Rune, the changes that will occur will likely be troublesome.


Eight Divine Runes, and they are still in the cultivation of Divine Runes. I want to see how powerful you can burst out.

"No matter how much, we can't wait for my complete integration to succeed. Let's go back and watch everything." Qin Shaofeng nodded lightly.

The two people who seem to be the youngest are actually the most calculating.

"As it should be, haha!"

No ruthless laughter.

His calculations for Qin Shaofeng, at least in his opinion, have gone to the extreme.

But I don't know.

Behind Qin Shaofeng's smiling face, he was also full of murderous intent.

Take you in first?

I will definitely take you in, and even I can let you collect the treasures in this magical sea cave at will.

But the moment you take it down is the moment you should stay here forever.

What about the prince of the ruthless dynasty?

Qin Shaofeng doesn't care so much.

With a smile, Chaojue clenched his fists ruthlessly before he really began to observe the situation at this level.

He absolutely believes that he can lead everyone out of this hurdle.

He didn't have that much self-confidence.

Who knows what's going on here, let alone breaking the level easily, that's simply impossible!

Body Refinement Divine Rune is a well-known borrower.

He is constantly groping.

Those two half-step eternal powerhouses finally returned to the ruthless back of the Fourth Prince.

Qin Shaofeng is now in the best condition.

If Qicai was really capable of taking Qin Shaofeng out of this state, there would not be so many messes before.

They are very relieved about it.

This exploration is a full two days.

The pavilions, the small bridges and the flowing water are actually all flowers in the moon and mirror in the water. They seem to be very close to them, but they are actually very far away.

It is impossible to get close.

Is it the kind of fantasy that just came in?

Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate too much, and once again showed the ability of the star of the sky.

Unfortunately, still nothing.

All means were exhausted, so I had to choose honestly to turn this space all over again.

This space looks huge, but in fact it is not.

The real range seems to be not much different from that of the first level, but it is obvious that other means need to be used here.

He explored here for two days, but made the two young ladies of the Ruthless Dynasty a little angry.

Didn't you say long ago that refining the Divine Rune will be able to break open this place?

Why haven't you responded for so long?

They wanted to call out several times, but they were all ruthlessly aware of the problem, so they turned their heads and stared back.

Can't be broken? so what?

The divine runes he took out were not given to Qin Shaofeng for nothing.

Even if Qin Shaofeng really can't take them down, he can kill Qin Shaofeng and bring back Qin Shaofeng's body, which has been cultivated to the ninth pattern of body refining.

Overall, he won't have much to lose no matter what.

"Why not?"

Qin Shaofeng began to feel bad after exploring for a long time again.

He has used all the means he can use, but he has not found anything.

Does it mean that he can't pass this level at all?

Can't make it through?

Jue Ruqing has already given himself a full set of body refining divine marks, and it is absolutely impossible to return without success. If they cannot enter the deepest part, they will definitely have a fight.

He has absolute confidence to kill without mercy.

But what about after?

After beheading the fourth prince of the ruthless dynasty, it was too late for him to hide from the ruthless dynasty, so how could he search for the ruthless dynasty's strongest **** pattern?

Under such circumstances, if you dare to go to the ruthless dynasty, is it not that you are courting death?

So, he has only one chance.

His heart was full of emotions, and he couldn't keep his clearest mind.

His left hand was lightly attached to the air like a transparent barrier, and under a slight anger, he couldn't help but punch the barrier in front of him.


Ripples suddenly appeared in the space in front of him.

The barrier actually began to fluctuate violently under his punch.

"No way?"

Qin Shaofeng's concentration couldn't help but exclaimed.

This level actually needs to be broken through?

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