Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5039: white space

"The treatment of the prince is good!"

Qin Shaofeng looked at the battle in the distance and couldn't help feeling emotional.

Mie Sanxian and the two standing behind him laughed bitterly, but neither made any comments.

As for whether Jueruqing and others heard it, what kind of reaction would it be, Qin Shaofeng didn't think about it at all, but said to the angel: "Go over there and watch, after they get a group of insects, they will give it to the angel. I'll bring it over."


The angel's black wings spread out and glide toward the mountain.

Ruthless because of Qin Shaofeng's special requirements, although he has obtained a few insects and beasts, he is still studying them.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng actually sent an angel over, he felt a little uncomfortable.

He threw most of the insects and beasts to the angel with his backhand, but he also began to study it openly.

For a long time, he had already killed several insects and beasts in Qin Shaofeng's way, but he could not find any useful clues, so he had to choose to give up.

Maybe he is not suitable to look for?

Relentlessly giving up, let the insects and beasts send them to Qin Shaofeng one after another.

Although their three top sons, the speed of advancing and arresting is far less than that of Mie Sanxian and Angel, they still make Qin Shaofeng very satisfied.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, three hours later, a group of three people finally advanced to the place where Mie Sanxian and the two went a few days ago.

There are too many insects and beasts on the mountain.

The rest of the past few days has caused many insects and beasts to gather.

Although the scene like a few days ago can no longer be created, it will take a period of expedition.

But when they came here, they felt the difficulty of moving forward.

It is really good that the insects are hiding.

If they are not careful, they will find that more and more Divine Marks are touched.

The two sages are indeed helping them to block the attack of the gods, but they are only limited to those gods that have gathered in the sky.

When the power of the Divine Rune just burst out, they still need to resist it themselves.

In view of the smoothness before, they immediately gave them a disgrace.

A full half an hour.

They finally stabilized the rhythm and began to advance normally, but the speed was more than several times slower than before.

It was another good period of progress, and they couldn't help but start to think.

It seems that it is not unacceptable to let the two formers brought by Qin Shaofeng continue to be responsible for opening the way.

At least for now, this kind of advancement is too difficult.

The emergence of this emotion quickly intensified.

They are the most noble existence of the entire ruthless dynasty, the young generation, when did they do such a tiring thing?

Thinking like this in their hearts, they didn't dare to say it directly.

After all, as a prince who is absolutely ruthless, he just said that half a day ago, if you want to open the way yourself, you must at least persist for a while, right?

It was the existence of this emotion that made them persist for two days.

If Mie Sanxian and the angel continued to take action, it would be a road that could be advanced in half an hour, which would drag them on for two days.

Qin Shaofeng only needs to kill the worms and beasts that were sent over, and the extra attention is naturally on the side of Ruthless and others.

From the eyes of several people, he could see that the three young people were afraid that they were completely impatient.


Qin Shaofeng greeted Mie Sanxian.

Immediately, he rushed to the mountain and looked at the divine runes in the air. Although the momentum was terrifying, the two sages in the air were still able to handle it with ease.

He just said: "Big brother, you have been busy for a few days. Next, let the younger brother bring someone to replace you. You should rest first!"


Rui Rui has long been waiting for him to bring someone to replace him.

It has been thought for a long time that once Qin Shaofeng opens his mouth, how can he pretend to shirk a few words.

When the words came to his mouth, he realized.

After two days, he had already lost all corners and immediately agreed with Qin Shaofeng's remarks.

Qin Shaofeng doesn't talk nonsense.

Waving to the two of them.

The angel rushed up immediately, together with Mie Sanxian, and directly replaced the three of them.

Combat substitutions.

The ruthless trio soon noticed the difference.

It is also an open circuit, and it will also trigger the Divine Rune due to the actions of the insects and beasts.

Mie Sanxian and Angel can always use the most tricky angle to avoid the triggering of the Divine Mark as much as possible.

The speed of advancement is so fast that they cannot understand.

See this scene.

They were completely convinced.

When they didn't take action in person, they couldn't imagine that they were also advancing, and there were so many technical things in it.

When they found the insect beast, they often shot directly, trying to take down or kill the insect beast as quickly as possible.

The level of insects and beasts is indeed far behind them.

But the insects and beasts are not fools. The first time they see their attack, they will touch the divine pattern of the branches and leaves.

Their combat power is indeed very strong, but there is no way to completely avoid them.

Mie Sanxian and Angel are not.

The two are also shooting at the insects, but they can always make some unexpected moves. In addition, they are also extremely skilled in the use of the sage's repressive power.

There are indeed many Divine Marks triggered by insects and beasts, but they are at least one-third less than them, or even as much as half.

It looks scary, mainly because the speed of the two people's shots is too fast.

"Uncle Zhen, you should also help the two of them to resist the Divine Mark!"

After watching it for a while, I felt a little fascinated.

After doing it himself, he already had a lot of fascinated feelings about the fighting style of the two.

Strange to say, once in the dynasty, many strong people wanted to teach them to fight, but they were all ruthlessly abandoned, but now they can't wait to watch for a while.

The person in charge of opening the way was replaced, and the second old man in the air immediately turned pale.

It wasn't that he couldn't resist, but that he was frightened.

Seeing that the third prince was also watching over there, the two of them felt even more wanting to cry without tears.

Three princes!

Why did you promise to let them go ahead?

Doesn't this want our lives?

They were saddened in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show the half-step eternal powerhouse that looked at the immortal style.

Mie Sanxian and the two rested for such a long time, and they shot again like a tiger into a flock, and the speed was really fast enough to make the three of them feel dizzy.

In the blink of an eye, they often have shot two or three times.

The speed of propulsion is increased all of a sudden.

Qin Shaofeng didn't lie a few days ago, his consciousness did find a blank area.

There are no trees or ice and snow there, just like a resting area left by the people who created this mountain.

The people who opened the way were replaced by two people who killed the three immortals.

In just over half an hour, they were able to clearly see the blank area.

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