Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5040: contradiction

"What is there, how can there be a blank space on this mountain?"

The three of them were too fascinated to watch before.

It wasn't until the blank area was in front of him that he finally realized this scene, which made Jue Ruqing slightly stunned.

As soon as the question sounded, his consciousness had already detected the strangeness of that area.

There is indeed a blank space there.

But in that blank area, there was a huge pothole, and it was dark inside, and I didn't know where it would lead.

"We'd better get out of there."

Qin Shaofeng was already using his divine sense to investigate soon after the two of them had killed Sanxian.

Potholes look very ordinary.

The question is, where is this place?

This mountain is full of divine patterns, and there are so many worms and beasts that are comparable to the real monarch of Hongmeng.

A cave like that would definitely not be a place for them to rest.

Look at what that cave looks like.

He guessed that it was probably the nest of an insect beast, and it was probably a very powerful insect beast with special abilities.

Such insect beasts can indeed bring him more starry sky value.

But don't know why.

In the bottom of his heart, there seemed to be a voice telling him that if it was not necessary, it was better not to approach the other side.


Relentlessly asked directly.

As the prince of a ruthless dynasty, he is always guarded by a half-step eternal powerhouse, and he has really developed a character that is not afraid of heaven and earth.

The appearance of the pothole immediately aroused his curiosity.

"Maybe it's a sixth sense!"

Qin Shaofeng never thought to hide it. After all, there is a half-step eternal powerhouse in the team, and the benefits it can bring to them are still huge.

Maybe, even if they go around, the crisis hidden in that cave will suddenly appear.

If something like that happened, they really couldn't run if they wanted to.

Whether or not to investigate, he was actually hesitating.

Since Jue Ruqing has such curiosity, it's okay to hand over the decision to Jue Ruqing.

"Sixth sense?"

Jue Rui almost glared out his eyes and exclaimed: "You have to let us avoid it just because of your sixth sense? Don't forget, the current Divine Rune is not strong enough to be unstoppable, In the event of danger, Uncle Zhen will definitely be able to take action in time."

"What do you mean, big brother?"

Qin Shaofeng has already understood, but he still has to let him say it himself.

Jue Ruqing didn't think about it that much, and said, "Since you find something weird, of course you have to go over and take a look. Maybe there is a clue in that hole for us to pass this level."

"Since the big brother has decided, let's do it."

Qin Shaofeng nodded directly, but sent a voice transmission to Sanxian Sanxian and the angel: "Don't be in a hurry when you kill near that cave later, if you find danger, do your best to act as if you can take me and Rui Rui to escape. "

The two did not reply, but the speed of their shots slowed down significantly.

"Kill near that open space, be careful, fully open your consciousness, and pay attention to every trace of danger." Qin Shaofeng then ordered.

The speed of the two of them slowed down a bit again, but they were still more than ten times faster than when the three of them opened the way.

They were not far from that clearing now.

Just tea time.

They had killed him through the woods and came to the cave.

The cave seemed to be forcibly dug out of the rock by some creature, but not only for some reason, but the nearby plants were not growing.

The three of Jue Rui also extended their consciousness towards the cave.

Just when Qin Shaofeng was puzzled, Li Naling's voice suddenly sounded.

"Everyone, be careful. I sensed the poison from the nearby breath. It is very likely that there is something highly poisonous here, so that there are no plants in the vicinity of thousands of meters."

The faces of the three of them changed suddenly.

No longer dare to be careless, quickly take out all kinds of poison avoidance items and put them on themselves one by one.

Jue Ruqing soon realized that Qin Shaofeng didn't do anything.

He searched again from the space ring, took out a divine pattern, and handed him a seven-pattern fruit.

"This divine rune has the function of avoiding poison. This spirit fruit is called Wandu Fruit. It can be used to avoid poison, but you cannot take it. Otherwise, the toxicity of this fruit will poison you to death." Jue Rui said .

Qin Shaofeng is surrounded by the most poisonous expert in the starry sky.

He was indeed a little apprehensive of the possible dangers in the cave, but it wouldn't go to the level of Ruthless and others.

After taking the spirit fruit and observing it for a while, he pinned it to the belt along with the divine pattern, and looked at the cave again.

Absolutely stunned slightly.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't take out any anti-virus things just now, he subconsciously thought that Qin Shaofeng's net worth was completely incomparable to him.

Until this moment, he faintly felt that something was wrong.

Qin Shaofeng's various performances made him think that Qin Shaofeng is a son of the Shura tribe with a high status, how could he not have some spiritual things on him?

Looking at Qin Shaofeng's style again, he felt a sudden realization.

He is the prince of the dynasty, with a prominent identity, and it is not too much to say that he is the first-class prince in the entire ruthless dynasty.

But Qin Shaofeng is second only to him, how can there be no life-saving things?

With an embarrassed smile, he also looked towards the cave.

"Brother, this cave doesn't seem to be small, do we want to go down and have a look?"

He looked at the cave ruthlessly and asked softly.

Can't you see?

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

Since I came here, it is natural to explore the situation of the cave.

But he trusts the sixth sense created by wandering on the edge of life and death all the year round.

Let his people go to investigate?

How is that possible?


Seeing that he didn't answer for a long time, Jue Rui looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Shaofeng shook his head lightly and said, "Don't worry, either we go back and wait for a while, and after the divine pattern in the sky dissipates, let a high-level sage enter, and the elder brother, the half-step eternal powerhouse, will stand in the line, or let The half-step eternal powerhouse will go and see for himself."

"Don't be so nervous, right?" Jue Rui was stunned.

He originally wanted Qin Shaofeng to send Sanxian or an angel down.

How could he have thought that Qin Shaofeng would protect the calf to such an extent?

"It's not that I'm too nervous, it's that you underestimate this cave, even if a high-level sage is allowed to enter, he must not leave the sight of the half-step eternal powerhouse, or he will die in it. ." Qin Shaofeng said solemnly.

"I don't think so?"

Xi Wuqing was full of resentment towards Qin Shaofeng for a long time, and when he heard his words of shirk again, he suddenly spoke angrily.

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