Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5054: force majeure

"I have practiced the Divine Rune of Body Refinement. The two seniors can rest assured. Unless I endure the attack of the Bone Congealing Beast with my body, I will not die." Qin Shaofeng is very confident.

The faces of the two became more and more difficult to look at.

Don't have to bear the attack of the Bone Congealing Beast head-on?

The matter is simple to say.

They can all think that Qin Shaofeng's next attempt will require him to get close to the Bone Congealing Beast.

Every time Qin Shaofeng makes a move, there will be a short-term situation where the power of the source cannot keep up.

Although the interval between shots is very short, it is only about a second.

The problem is.

What is going on right now is not a battle in the realm of Hongmeng True Monarch, but a battle in the realm of sages, okay?

One second was enough for the opponent to kill him a hundred times.

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng was ready, Zhen Wuqing hurriedly stopped her.

"What's up?"

Qin Shaofeng is ready to act.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but look back at him.

Zhen Wuqing didn't answer his question, but started to communicate with Mo Ziqi.

Both of them are half-step eternal powerhouses.

This discussion made Qin Shaofeng unable to hear the slightest.

Take a few breaths in the past.

Zhen Wuqing sighed deeply and said, "Boy, reverse the Divine Rune of Body Refinement."


Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised.

Available immediately.

He noticed Zhen Wuqing's complicated expression.

There are worries and remorse, and the most hidden of them is a murderous intent.

Is the real way of using the Body Refinement Divine Rune to be reversed?

Dare not to think too much.

Qin Shaofeng immediately reversed the use of the Body Refinement Divine Rune.

Now he is surrounded by Bone Congealing Beasts, and his life and death are related to whether Rui Rui can survive or not.

Unless the two of them don't want to live anymore, they will never harm him now.

Not to mention, he has indeed displayed his true cultivation, and in the eyes of the two, he is still a small person who can be pinched to death.

The reversal of the Body Refinement Divine Runes immediately made him feel as if his body was about to be disintegrated.

The severe pain made him cry out in agony.

Qin Shaofeng still didn't believe that the two would harm him. Although his eyes narrowed slightly in pain, his consciousness was observing himself.

He soon noticed that his body was twisted in waves.

It is not a distortion of normal flesh and blood, but a distortion similar to time and space.

at the same time.

He felt that just to maintain the current state, the power of the source was being consumed ten times faster.

It hasn't been attacked yet!

If he really takes a hit, I am afraid that he will be drained of his source power, right?

"This is…"

The pain gradually passed, Qin Shaofeng asked in shock.

"The Body Refinement Divine Rune is the former supreme power, and it was researched by the power of time and space. When the frontal operation is performed, the Divine Rune is used to assist in training the body. After the reversal, it is the real power of time and space, and it is the second real dynasty. And the space-time divine pattern on top of the highest divine pattern in your clan, the Shura divine pattern." Zhen Wuqing explained.

I see!

Qin Shaofeng immediately understood the reason why he struggled before.

Saying such a thing, then he has to kill himself. No matter who it is, I am afraid that he will struggle fiercely, right?

"Thank you."

Qin Shaofeng still thanked him.

No matter what the reasons were for the two of them, they all gave him a lot of help.

Once again, he asked Qi Cai for ten spirit fruits, and almost filled his sleeves before he suddenly left the team and rushed out towards a bone-solidifying beast that was about to approach.

Zhen Wuqing suddenly gasped in shock when they saw this scene.

Qin Shaofeng did indeed display the combat power of a sage.

But the problem is.

They all know that Qin Shaofeng's true strength is far from being able to fully display the power of a sage, and there is still an unimaginable gap.

Such a sprint is simply courting death!

It's too late, it's too soon.

The current Qin Shaofeng, after all, is displaying the combat power of a sage.

A series of phantoms flickered.

He had already approached the bone-solidifying beast.

The Bone Congealing Beast's defense is strong, but its attack methods are too simple, and it is just rushing towards him with its head covered with bones.

Qin Shaofeng was already fully prepared.

After understanding the function of the time and space divine pattern, there is no more timid emotion.

In the blink of an eye, the figure has already jumped high, and the toes slammed on the head of the bone-solidifying beast.

With a bang.

Qin Shaofeng felt severe pain from the leg that stepped on the head of the Bone Congealing Beast.

After all, it is the strongest attack of the Bone Congealing Beast.

It's not as easy as you might imagine.

Under the real use of the space-time divine pattern, his body has been turned into a space-time body.

The moment the pain appeared, it disappeared, and his whole body went directly to the back of the Bone Congealing Beast.

Summoned the system interface and swept towards the source of power.

The borrowing of strength just now actually caused him to consume 370,000 of his source power.

He hurriedly stuffed a spirit fruit into his mouth.


He pinpointed the gap on the back of the Bone Congealing Beast, and the whole person burrowed in like a slippery loach.

into the bone.

Qin Shaofeng really understood that his guess was accurate.

The highest point of the Bone Congealing Beast's bone is less than one meter away from the Bone Consolidating Beast's back.

In such a narrow place, he is not even capable of swinging a knife.

As a last resort, put away the sword.

His right hand clenched his fist and slammed it down towards the back of the Bone Congealing Beast.


A loud roar.

Zhen Wuqing and Mo Ziqi, who saw Qin Shaofeng get into the bones of the congealing beast with their own eyes, both widened their mouths in astonishment when they heard the loud noise.

In the roar, I saw the body of the Bone Congealing Beast swaying violently.

The whole body fell on the dune in an instant.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The loud noise resounded one after another, causing the Bone Congealing Beast to start screaming in the sky.

A full breath of time.

Qin Shaofeng just jumped up from the gap in the back of the Bone Congealing Beast.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the sage Bone Congealing Beast, obtaining 10 million Starry Sky Points, 100 Martial Body Points, and 100 Soul Points."

"System prompt: Due to resistance majeure, all attributes obtained by player Qin Shaofeng have been reduced to one-tenth."

Reduced to one tenth?

When he saw the system page change again, he almost couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

Reduced to!

Really reduced to ah!

Every item of data is reduced by a zero in an instant.

What he killed was clearly a Bone Congealing Beast in the sage realm, and even in order to find the Bone Condensing Beast's heart, he blasted into the Bone Consolidating Beast's body and inside, and he bombarded him repeatedly, turning himself into a **** man alive.

In the end, it was only such a result that he could accept it.


What if you don't accept it?

The only thing he wants to know is what kind of force majeure the system has suffered. Such a thing has never happened before!

The more Qin Shaofeng thought about it, the more puzzled he became.

Land on both feet.

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