Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5055: more and more brave

Qin Shaofeng stumbled when he landed, and the blood of the Bone Congealing Beast on his body poured him into a soup, and the blood kept dripping down the corners of his clothes.

"Xiaoyao boy, how are you, aren't you hurt?" Zhen Wuqing rushed over first.

Although Mo Ziqi didn't rush over, he swung the whisk at a faster speed, blasting all the Bone Congealing Beasts that kept approaching.

"Fortunately, it can be regarded as a solution to the Bone Congealing Beast."

Qin Shaofeng was extremely excited.

Divine Consciousness re-examined the situation of all the Bone Congealing Beasts, and shouted loudly: "Senior, give me ten Spirit Fruits, Zhen Lao pay attention to open the way, Mo Lao is responsible for picking me up, let's go ahead and kill."

Before the two could react, he rushed towards the Bone Congealing Beast that was about to approach.

Still stepping on the head of the Bone Congealing Beast.

After the experience brought by killing the Bone Congealing Beast last time, when he landed again, he directly drilled into the gap on the side of the Bone Congealing Beast.

The fists slammed down at the same time.


Another roar sounded.

The Bone Congealing Beast fell to the ground immediately.

At the same time that a punch opened a blood hole in the Bone Congealing Beast, the fierce punch smashed the Bone Condensing Beast's heart.

Swallowing a spiritual fruit, the whole person rushed out through the gap of the skeleton like a sharp sword.

After a few quick jumps, he got into the gap in the skeleton of the next bone-solidifying beast.

Immediately, there was another roar.

Take a breath.

A short breath of time.

Qin Shaofeng has already killed four Bone Congealing Beasts, and this still needs to calculate the time for him to rush to the next Bone Consolidating Beast.

"This, this..."

Zhen Wuqing felt that he was going to be stunned.

The weakness of the Bone Congealing Beast is actually on its back, and can it be killed by such a simple method?

Think about the battle they fought so long ago.

Zhen Wuqing felt ashamed.

"Mr. Mo, you are in charge of the reception, and the old man will also kill a few bone-solidifying beasts." Zhen Wuqing seemed to want to save face.

"never mind."

How could Mo Ziqi not see through his intentions.

With a wry smile, he explained: "Since that kid gave such an order, he obviously has a lot of confidence in dealing with the Bone Congealing Beast, and he is very worried that there will be accidents. The meaning of the order just now is only for you to respond, while the old man rests. ."

Zhen Wuqing opened his mouth in astonishment.

He really hadn't heard that Qin Shaofeng's simple words contained so many important meanings.

"Let's go!"

Mo Ziqi is also a character who grows step by step in the loose cultivation.

His thinking is the closest to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng is worried that the situation here will not be as simple as the Bone Congealing Beast, and Mo Ziqi can also think of it.

The only thing he can't think of is that Qin Shaofeng doesn't want others to **** his spoils.

Now that Mo Ziqi understood, he began to make arrangements for Qin Shaofeng.

The rush is still the same, but the speed has increased a lot.

Zhen Wuqing has completely adapted to the matter of the connection.

Although it will make the resentment in his heart unable to dissipate for a long time, at least there is time to take a breath, so that he still cannot see hope.

"This kid is really a pervert. He can actually see through things that we can't see through, and he can even find the weakness of the Bone Congealing Beast before us." Zhen Wuqing smiled bitterly as he followed.

Mo Ziqi shook his head with a wry smile, but did not answer.

When Qin Shaofeng said he stayed, he didn't have many ideas to refute. It wasn't that he didn't worry that protecting Qin Shaofeng would be troublesome, but he was looking forward to the surprises Qin Shaofeng could bring to them.

Unexpectedly, the surprise came so soon.

If not Qin Shaofeng.

He really doubted, but if the two of them were constantly rushing to kill, with the various spiritual fruits that the third prince had ruthlessly brought out, would they really be able to live to the end.

Nowadays, Qin Shaofeng is the most tired.

If something really happened, with the two of them and the colorful remnant soul with unknown combat power in the air, his confidence was greatly increased.

This level seems to have passed.

After the main force of the battle is replaced.

The two soon returned to their peak state, both physically and mentally.

On the contrary, the tired look in Qin Shaofeng's eyes kept increasing.

Every time Zhen Wuqing saw the tiredness in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, he wanted to replace Qin Shaofeng as soon as possible.

Knowing how to deal with the Bone Congealing Beast, he has full confidence in himself.

One Bone Congealing Beast kept falling.

Zhen Wuqing soon noticed that something was amiss.

Why hasn't Qin Shaofeng asked for a replacement?

In the blink of an eye it was an hour.

The tired look in Qin Shaofeng's eyes was still the same, but the speed of rushing and killing did not slow down in the slightest.

On the contrary, under an hour of slaughter, he really found the best way to deal with the Bone Congealing Beast.

While stepping on the head of the Bone Congealing Beast to borrow strength, it also made the Bone Congealing Beast's attack come true and would not pursue it.

This is impossible.

But the next moment he used his strength to jump up, he would reverse his body, directly condense a full-strength punch, and drop the attack directly through the gap in the skeleton on the back of the Bone Congealing Beast.

From the shot to the attack, it ends between the lightning and flint.

When he really landed on the back of the Bone Congealing Beast, he once again took advantage of his strength and rushed out like an arrow from the string.

If it weren't for those present, there would be no weak person.

Mo Ziqi and Zhen Wuqing even had a direct fight with the Bone Congealing Beast, and they would both subconsciously think that the Bone Consolidating Beast's combat power was nothing more than that.

Under such a high-intensity battle, it is indeed very easy to get tired.

Especially after every shot, you need to swallow a spiritual fruit, which will give people a dual feeling of physical and psychological exhaustion.


The real shot is Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng has faced too many high-intensity battles.

This kind of battle is really tiring.

But under the constant starry sky value of millions of units, the excitement in his heart has long forgotten everything.

Tired? What is that?

Not to mention the current fighting intensity will only cause some consumption to his mental state.

Even if it is really tired to a certain extreme state.

A random shout to upgrade will suffice.

The fighting continues.

In a blink of an eye, a day passed.

The end of the battle that Zhen Wuqing expected not only did not appear, but he found that Qin Shaofeng was already familiar with this kind of battle to the extreme, and the speed did not decrease Fan Zeng.

In the blink of an eye, there will be a bone-solidifying beast tragically dying in his hands.

All of their spiritual fruits have been consumed more than half.

He didn't count it carefully, but he could feel that at least more than 2,000 coins had been consumed.

According to one Spirit Fruit and one Bone Consolidating Beast, he killed at least 2,000 Bone Consolidating Beasts.

Such numbers are enough to make them feel terrified.

Is he still human?

In the face of this level of Bone Congealing Beast, can you still achieve such an effective killing?

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