Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5056: Mutation

True Monarch of the Starry Sky: Qin Shaofeng

Companion: Blue Sky Snow

Level: Starry Sky True Monarch Ninth Order (0/1 billion)

Void Star Realm: All Things Period (0/10 billion)

Soul: True Monarch Starry Sky (126,000/500,000)

Star Position: Star King

Life: True Monarch of the Starry Sky

Martial Art: Starry Sky Martial Art (Secondary Eternal)

Physical Value: 3975/10000

Ghost Mark: Star Emperor Mark

Martial arts: colorful, ghost fire, tai chi seal, Tibetan star chaos, star movement

Natasha: Blade of Heaven, Heaven and Earth with a Sword, Shrinking Earth into an Inch, Fingers of Qingfeng, Huangquan Road, Emperor Sword

Inheritance: colorful, ghost fire, life is nothingness

Starry Sky Origin: 1 million/1 million

Star value: 4.7 billion

Innate Skill: Tome of Gods and Demons

Qin Shaofeng looked at the changes in the character interface, and his shocked mouth couldn't close.

He has already raised his cultivation base to the ninth rank of Hongmeng Zhenjun.

According to the previous upgrade, the next level should be the level of the next level.

No matter how you look at it, it shouldn't be a billion.

The thing that should have happened the most, appeared in front of his eyes so clearly, how could he recognize it?


The next level is absolutely impossible to be the eternal realm.

In the past, one billion starry sky values ​​can indeed be regarded as a huge number.

But in the current state of cultivation.

Not long ago, when the eighth-order starry sky was promoted to the ninth-rank starry sky, it consumed a full 500 million starry sky points. No matter what, it is impossible for him to directly upgrade his cultivation to the eternal realm. .

Could it be…

What level is there between the Hongmeng Zhenjun and the next level that I don't know about?


Anyway, he now has sufficient star value, so he doesn't need to worry about the problem of insufficient star value.

In contrast, he more like to know what kind of changes will be brought to him when the cultivation level is improved again.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current Starry Sky True Monarch is at its peak."

True Monarch Starry Sky... Peak? !

Qin Shaofeng's mouth trembled slightly.

He still clearly remembered that every time he heard about the martial arts level, he could hear the peak of the True Monarch of Hongmeng.

If it wasn't for the upgrade of the system this time, he had reported it to him directly, and he would have really forgotten about it.

There has never been a peak state, so he has long forgotten this state.

Qin Shaofeng's mood is constantly changing.

His movements did not even pause for even a minute, and one after another, the Bone Congealing Beast fell one after another in his continuous sprint.

A slight increase in his cultivation base might change his combat power at ordinary times.

Now, when he uses this kind of combat power that he can't control now, he can't make him feel any difference.

The only benefit is that two consecutive upgrades have restored his mental state a lot.

The figure is still rapidly approaching the front,

With two half-step eternal powerhouses to ensure his safety, he only needs to rush forward with peace of mind.

After another upgrade.

When he noticed the next upgrade, it turned out to be 150,000,000, and he couldn't help but become more curious.

What exactly has my cultivation level become?

Why is it completely different from what I imagined?

Curiosity is great though.

However, he has not directly raised his cultivation base to the eternal realm without the slightest chance of luck.

The next breakthrough is uncertain what it will look like.

Overthinking is useless.

He simply continued to move swiftly.

The Bone Congealing Beast seems to be endless.

What made him feel helpless the most was that these bone-solidifying beasts were all Xiu Ang without the slightest thought. Apart from rushing forward desperately, they kept rushing forward.

It was as if they hadn't noticed the changes in the bone-solidifying beasts that had died tragically in his hands.

In the blink of an eye, it was another half-day rush.

When he began to think again, whether to continue to improve his cultivation, or to choose to continue to accumulate the power of the source to evolve the small world, he saw some changes in the distant horizon.

It was a large altar.

Teleport the altar?

Qin Shaofeng had seen too many similar altars, and he was overjoyed.

Finally saw the possibility of entering the next level.

At the same time of excitement in my heart, there are also many entanglements.

The Bone Congealing Beasts here are all his experience points to improve his cultivation base and small world!

Seeing that the accumulated star value has reached 8.7 billion, only the last 1.3 billion can make the small world evolve.

According to the level of the small world, the next evolution will be able to cross the period of growth of all things, and make the virtual starry sky world become a real starry sky world.

At that time, he really hoped to turn the Void Star Realm into a hidden treasure like the Snow Demon Palace.

While he was still thinking to himself.

A very strange energy fluctuation radiated from the sky and the earth.

The countless bone-solidifying beasts that were rushing towards them actually dissipated in the fluctuation of the heaven and earth.

It seems to have turned into piles of gravel and melted into the desert underfoot.

"This... what happened?!"

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed.

From the moment he heard the first system sound, he had already guessed that something was wrong with these bone-solidifying beasts.

But no matter what, he never imagined that the Bone Congealing Beast that appeared here could still undergo such a change.

The Bone Congealing Beasts were immediately eliminated.

How to get his last 1.3 billion star value?

Tangled room.

He found that the sky seemed to be getting darker, and layers of black clouds came from the distant sky and quickly approached here.

The three turned back suddenly.

Divine Consciousness tried to explore the distance, but the black cloud was so far away that they couldn't see anything.

"Something's wrong, those are not black clouds, they are more like sand. Let's go, the old man feels the power of those sands is very terrifying!" Qi Cai's voice was a little panicked.

It can make the remnant soul of the eternal strong feel terrifying.

Qin Shaofeng felt his scalp go numb.

Zhen Wuqing was shocked.

Mo Ziqi's movements were even quicker. At this moment, he grabbed Qin Shaofeng's arm and rushed out towards the altar with him.

They don't know how far the black cloud of sand is from here, nor how fast it is.

On the contrary, under the leadership of Mo Ziqi himself, Qin Shaofeng felt the terrifying speed of a powerhouse whose cultivation base is extremely close to eternity.

A few blinks.

They even came to the altar.

Zhen Wuqing began to investigate, but did not say why for a long time.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng had to start his own research.

He had encountered at least a few of similar great formations in person, but he was not as unfamiliar as them.

Maybe they can find a way to open it first.

After some observation, he immediately felt a deep sense of familiarity from this great formation.

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