Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5057: sand bug

This altar…

Qin Shaofeng looked at the altar in front of him and became more and more hesitant.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

He seemed to see some shadows of the strange formation in the endless prison from this formation.

The two are just too similar to make him unable to determine anything for a while.

Another long quest.

He finally confirmed what kind of existence this great formation really was.

Maybe there are some differences, but the principle should be very similar.

With a sudden wave of his left hand, he sent a voice transmission to the ghost mansion: "Brother, come out, I need something! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

He shouted twice in a row, making Jue Rui, who heard his shout, really anxious.

The figure flashed.

Jue Rui had already rushed out of the gate of the ghost mansion and appeared in front of them.

The sudden danger has been eliminated, and just as he was about to laugh a few times, he heard Qin Shaofeng's urgent cry.

"Quick, bring me all your spiritually rich things, stones, spiritual fruits, whatever it is, quick, quick!"

Qin Shaofeng's voice was unusually anxious, and Jue Rui was startled.

What's going on here?

Why did he suddenly become so impatient?

Absolutely ruthless.

But in Qin Shaofeng's anxious state, he didn't dare to say a word.

He hurriedly took out one of the rings from the storage ring and handed it to Qin Shaofeng one after another.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at it at all, and directly crushed the divine pattern he handed over.

Pieces of Lingguo Lingshi piled up on the ground.

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed.

With this prince by his side, it does bring them great danger, and it may be a lot of trouble.

But in this situation, it is a supreme help.

Without merciless help.

He wants to make such a number of spiritual things, but it is an extremely difficult thing.

Without even the slightest hesitation.

The power of the source operates.

The mountain of Lingguo Lingshi was crushed and shattered directly under his tyrannical combat power, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth rose into the sky.

"Altar teleportation! Open!"

Qin Shaofeng led the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to quickly gather on the altar.

In an instant.

The altar shone brightly, and the dense aura completely enveloped them.

It's too late, it's too soon.

When the teleportation started, the dark clouds in the distance had also swept in.


Only then can they use their divine sense to find out what the black cloud is made of.

It looks like a grain of sand.

But the problem is.

These sand-like existences are all composed of black and yellow insects, with pointed mouths and fangs. Although they are small in size, the sense of crisis they bring to them is unimaginable.

The bugs didn't care about the transmission power of the altar, and swept towards them directly.

Simply, never ruthless enough to be generous.

He also has enough understanding of this kind of altar, otherwise he is afraid that he will die among those black cloud worms.

At the moment when the black cloud of insects and beasts completely swept over, the transmission of the altar has also been completely launched.

The power of teleportation twisted everything on the altar.

When they looked at the surrounding scenery again, they found that they had appeared on the periphery of a huge palace group. Looking at the huge golden palace in the distance, everyone had a shocking feeling.

Before the surprise was over, Qin Shaofeng felt the pain of being bitten.

Suddenly he looked at him.

I saw at least hundreds of black sand worms teleported with them.

"Mo Lao, Zhen Lao quickly shot and killed this group of sand beasts!"

Qin Shaofeng hurriedly shouted, the body refining divine runes were spread out, and he waved his big hand to grab the black bug on his body.

The sand-like bug was caught by him, and Qin Shaofeng was surprised again.

These black sand-like little beasts, with their tyrannical defenses, even made him unable to squeeze them to death with the power of the current peak of the True Monarch Hongmeng.

On the other side, Jue Rui has already screamed.

If it wasn't for Qin Shaofeng's timely shouting, and Zhen Wuqing and Zhen Wuqing went to help regardless of themselves, I'm afraid that the unimaginable third prince who is really weak in combat is not weak, and will be bitten by sand bugs. into a skeleton.

When Qin Shaofeng saw that the insects could not be killed, he was immediately furious, and directly exerted the power of Nirvana.

Anyway, Zhen Wuqing and Mo Ziqi knew about this.

He doesn't need to hide anything.

Under the power of the sage realm, he quickly pinched the bugs to death.

But squeezing the worms can bring him a pitiful amount of experience points. A starry sky value of more than 20,000 makes it impossible for him to see the battle not long ago.

Another commotion.

After more than half an hour, a group of people finally killed all the thousands of sand-like bugs that followed.

They were completely relieved until they were sure that there was no more bugs.

The weakest Jue Rui had turned into blood dripping all over his body, as if he had been bled.

The color of fear in his eyes reached the deepest level.

He still remembered how anxious Qin Shaofeng was when he asked him to take out something.

If he hadn't hesitated at all, the tragic situation just now would not have happened.

Thinking of this, he shivered.

It's so dangerous.

He clearly knew that he was only in some kind of cave of Qin Shaofeng, if he failed to open the altar teleportation in time.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng and several people will definitely be bitten to death by the overwhelming black insects.

If something like that happens, he will surely die.

Fear, deep fear.

"It seems that this is where the sixth level is, everyone, let's take a good rest!"

Qin Shaofeng's full-strength shot for half an hour was already exhausted, and he sat down on the ground with no image.

After taking out the few recovery spirit fruits and eating them, he sat cross-legged on the spot.

Let's restore the state completely.

Although Mo Ziqi and Zhen Wuqing were just assisting Qin Shaofeng in the previous battles, they were exhausted to the extreme, and sat down at the same time.

Ruthless is the one who has the shortest hands-on time, but is also the most miserable.

He looked into the distance, the magnificent palace complex that was no less than the core of the Ruthless Dynasty Imperial City, and he kept thinking in his mind.

As the prince of the ruthless dynasty, his understanding of the magic sea cave is not like Qin Shaofeng and others.

There are a total of nine levels in the magic cave around the sea.

But in ancient times, there were actually only four levels, and only these four levels were set by the dynasty.

Again, these four levels are the real treasure trove.

All kinds of things on the periphery seem to be in the level of the Magic Sea Magic Cave. In fact, they are all due to the special changes in the world created by the various wars in the ancient times. After the eternal powerhouses of later generations, they were brought out with great supernatural powers.

This is also the real reason why people from the dynasty have no way to enter this treasure trove.

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