Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5058: true treasure trove

"This prince is finally here."

Jue Ruqing kept recalling all kinds of knowledge about this treasure trove in his mind, and the excitement in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

The legend of the Magical Sea Devil Cave is not a secret of the ruthless dynasty.

But the dynasty spread it out by various means.

The various crises they experienced in front of them, although they were also brought out by the powerhouses of the dynasty.

As the prince, he knew that it was not only used to increase the danger, but to ensure that someone could enter through that piece of death.

This is the treasure land of the dynasty, how can the treasure be taken away by anyone?

It's true that the powerhouses of the dynasty have no way to come in.

However, they knew very well that when they left this treasure trove, they would be teleported to somewhere, and there were strong men stationed there all the time in the dynasty.

As long as someone can get the treasure, they can get the treasure without any effort.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Dynasty treasures have been hidden for far too long.

Regarding the various arrangements here, they also do not have a completely safe way to open it.

But no matter what.

As the prince of the ruthless dynasty, after he came here, his advantages far surpassed Qin Shaofeng and others.

Perhaps just by taking Mo Ziqi along with him, he can break all the restrictions here.

thought here.

When he looked at Qin Shaofeng again, a little killing intent began to appear in the look in his eyes.

Soon, the killing intent will all converge.

Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry.

This kid has too many secrets. He is the first person who can come here in hundreds of thousands of years. Maybe I can't solve the problem, maybe he can solve it.

As for the threat Qin Shaofeng might bring to him, he didn't even think about it.

Two low-level sages, two sages who obviously did not have a completely stable realm, plus a group of venerables.

Even though Qin Shaofeng has a lot of strange abilities.

What if there is even an extremely powerful body of Nirvana?

In front of the realm, all this is in vain.

He was very sure that there was no need for Mo Ziqi to take action, and Zhen Wuqing could kill them all here with just a few casual moves.

Since he was sure of everything, why should he be in such a hurry to kill the donkey?

If he really wants to kill, he has to let him use all the power he should exert before killing him.

As soon as he thought of this, he began to heal.

As everyone knows.

Although Qin Shaofeng was recovering with all his strength, the small tower in his hair and the eight eyes hidden in his sleeves were aware of the murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

The news has been passed to Qin Shaofeng.

Li Naling is fine.

Bamu didn't know much about Qin Shaofeng, so he was somewhat worried. For fear that they would suffer a big loss in battle, his voice was obviously anxious.

"Don't worry about Bamu, we'll just wait quietly for the third prince to take action." Qin Shaofeng replied with a chuckle, and then ignored the outside world.

Two and a half steps forever?

Is it really powerful?

Others might think so, but he doesn't take it seriously.

As long as the song shoots, beheading Mo Ziqi is no different from killing two ants.

not to mention.

What happened recently has made him clearly feel that Qi Cai said that he wanted to take him away, but in fact he was protecting him everywhere.

Combined with the reminder of the song, he believed that even if the song didn't work, Mo Ziqi and the two would not be able to cause him any harm.

As for ruthless.

Ha ha.

Just a little Venerable, even he can easily settle it, not to mention that there are so many strong people around him.

There is only one thing to worry about next.

That is, beheading is absolutely ruthless. After getting all the treasures here, how should they deal with the pursuit of the ruthless dynasty.

He has offended too many people, and it is really not a good thing to offend the ruthless royal family.

Back then, the True Monarch who knew the true power of change all died in the hands of the royal family.

He wanted to escape safely, which was really difficult.

Think for a moment.

Another thought appeared in his mind.

Why should I run away?

Jue Rui used his hand to come here. It can be seen that although there are many strong royal family, they are not able to kill here casually.

Then why can't he hide here for a while?

The three years given by Xia Huangjie were indeed not long.

Now and not too long ago.

But after he can get the complete Ruthless Divine Rune here, the only thing he really lacks is the last two Asura Divine Rune.

Just do it!

Qin Shaofeng quickly made up his mind.

After finding the treasure in this place, kill the ruthless, prepare to leave at any time, and then practice the ruthless Divine Rune here.

Until the Ruthless Divine Rune is completely cultivated successfully.

Or when the three-year period is very close, he will use the ability of his starry sky to escape from here and go to the southwest to find the Shura tribe.

Once he made up his mind, he became more at ease.

A full two days of rest.

Qin Shaofeng was the last to wake up.

Stand up and stretch.

"This level seems to be very different from the previous one, and I feel that the previous teleportation altar is likely to teleport us to another unimaginable area, which must be very different from the previous five levels. Is there any explanation in the records of your dynasty?" Qin Shaofeng took the initiative to ask Jueruqing.

Jue Ruqing wanted to let Qin Shaofeng open the way, so that he would benefit from the fisherman.

I never thought that Qin Shaofeng would take the lead in attacking.


There was no ruthless hesitation.

He is very aware of Qin Shaofeng's shrewdness.

Since Qin Shaofeng took the initiative to say so much, he has obviously seen something.

If I lied at this time, I am afraid that it will be easy for him to see.

"Brother's guess is good, the five levels in front are not arranged by our dynasty at all, but the great formation of heaven and earth formed for some unknown reason when there was a war."

"Our royal family has thought of a lot of ways, and in the end, we can only divide that kind of heaven and earth array into five."

"But even after layering, we can only go directly to the second level according to the originally arranged teleportation array, there is no way to break through, and naturally there is no way to get back the things in the treasure house. "

Jue Rui sighed deeply and said: "And here is where the real treasure house is located, but the treasure house has undergone tremendous changes after being suppressed by the outer world, and we have nothing to do about it, otherwise we just need to Turn on the teleportation, and you can directly teleport in."

He sighed deeply as he spoke.

This is true and false. He doesn't believe that Qin Shaofeng can find out his lies from his nine truths and one falsehood.

He was right, Qin Shaofeng really couldn't find the loophole in his words.

But at this moment, the voice of the song sounded in Qin Shaofeng's mind.

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