"There seems to be something wrong with that kid's words. I feel that when he said that he could be teleported in, his mental fluctuations were very large."

That's all the song says.

This sentence alone made Qin Shaofeng stunned.

He originally thought that there was a part of lies in the ruthless words, but it should be because he was helpless about the formation or the level here.

I never thought it was here.

Have to admit.

This is indeed what worries him the most.

If he gets the treasure here, the people of the dynasty can be broken and teleported in because of the restrictions here.

Even if he has the means to reach the sky, he will definitely die.

Now that he understands this, he is even more relieved.

"Ge, Guiyan, Xiaoxue, you help me stare at all the mental fluctuations of that guy. I need to determine whether the strong men of the ruthless dynasty can be teleported in, and the location of the teleportation array." Qin Shaofeng said to the three in a deep voice. .

Song did not respond half a cent.

Bikongxue and Guiyan answered again and again.

In addition to the three second-generation ancestors, the first to arrive in the Ruthless Dynasty, the weakest also had the cultivation of high-level sages.

The two of them, led by the third prince ruthlessly, stepped into the eternal realm with half a foot.

It can be seen from this.

The Ruthless Dynasty is very concerned about the situation here.

If they really all died here, if they come again, it is likely to be one, or even more than one eternal powerhouse.

Song is indeed the eternal powerhouse.

But this is in the realm of the ruthless dynasty. Once she fights against the eternal powerhouse of the ruthless dynasty, no matter what the outcome of this battle is, they are destined to have no good fruit to eat.

Half an hour passed.

Qin Shaofeng put away all the thoughts in his mind and opened his eyes again in the peak state.

He no longer deliberately exerts the power of Nirvana, it seems that he is really just an ordinary Hongmeng True Monarch.

He could clearly feel it.

After several improvements in cultivation, the combat power that can be mastered and displayed now is at least ten times that of the past.

After using the power of Nirvana, the feeling seems to be not much different.

But after all, it is a special method and cannot be used too much.

Such an improvement still makes Qin Shaofeng extremely happy.

Feel the change in your own state.

He just looked at the crowd.

Mo Ziqi and Zhen Wuqing didn't really consume too much in the previous battle, and they have fully recovered after this period of time.

On the contrary, the three princes are absolutely ruthless.

Although there are many treasures on him.

The wound after the bite of the strange insect is obviously not so easy to heal.

After such a long time, his body is still covered with hideous scars, and it will obviously take some time for him to recover completely to his former graceful appearance.

Seeing him look over, Jue Rui folded his fists and said, "Brother, I have already heard from the two uncles about the previous level. I don't want to say thank you. The benefits of this level must be shared by brothers."

"Thank you bro."

Qin Shaofeng has already scolded Ruiruqin in his heart.

I am afraid it is not because he is not sure. With the three of them being able to easily solve the crisis that has not yet occurred here, I am afraid they have already shot at him, right?

It's a shame he could say such a thing.

It is enough to be clear.

Now is not the time to turn around.

Jue Ruqing thinks he has the strength to use him, why doesn't he want to use Jue Rui?

As long as the eternal powerhouse of the ruthless dynasty does not appear.

He is the real oriole here.

"Brother, we'd better not be too happy now. Since this place was set up by the royal family in the ancient times, and then mutated, the danger may not be as good as before, and the difficulty of opening may only be higher." Qin Shaofeng took the initiative to remind one sound.

"indeed so."

There was a sullen look on his face.

Obviously Qin Shaofeng talked about his pain points.

Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart, and asked again: "Brother, did you get some information from the dynasty before you came here? Whether it is useful or useless, it will not let us know nothing about this place, right?"

He looked at him with a ruthless frown.

His face hesitated.

For a long time.

He still took out a drawing and laid it on the ground.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the map, and the look of astonishment on his face suddenly became stronger.

The description of the Treasure Palace on the map is nothing, and the problem of the various divine emblem restrictions written on it is simply a crisis one step at a time.

If there is no mutation, perhaps the identity of the ruthless prince can really have some effect after entering.

It is a pity that it is only an assumption after all, and it is obviously impossible to become a reality.

On this map, he clearly saw the signs of three teleportation formations.

There are three? !

Qin Shaofeng was slightly startled, and then he sneered in his heart.

The ruthless conspiracy is indeed very skilled, but he is too tender.

Maybe it's because he thinks he can eat himself.

Or, in the three teleportation arrays, only one of them is the place to enter or leave, and there is no need to worry about him being ruthless.

After all, after the teleportation array was destroyed by him, he wouldn't even want to leave here.

"Brother, can you feel that the Divine Mark here has not changed too much, and can still be barely controlled?"

Qin Shaofeng remembered everything on the map in his mind before asking.

Jue Rui heard him ask such a question, and his heart was also determined, saying: "It's less than 30%, maybe... not even 10%."

He himself was not sure about his words.

The variety and changes here are too great. He said that the Divine Mark here has been changed by external influences, but it is not just that simple.

"This is really troublesome."

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath and looked at the map again.

The palace complex occupies a very small area.

There are nine main halls alone, with nine side halls standing on the left and right. Although there are connecting passages, only a few other main halls have doors leading to the side halls.

What makes people want to vomit blood most is that a basement is even depicted on this map.

Or an underground treasure trove.

There is the most core place, and it is obviously where the number of treasures is the most astonishing.

If they want to go there, no matter how hard they avoid it, they must come into contact with more than 70% of the Divine Marks.

"Brother, there are twenty-seven halls in the picture, we all have to walk through them."

When Qin Shaofeng was still thinking about how to avoid more halls as much as possible, the ruthless words sounded again, making him look up in amazement.

what the hell?

We don't want to avoid some useless side halls, but we still have to take the initiative to meet them?

Jue Rui smiled bitterly and explained: "Brother, you don't know anything, when I established this place to the ancestors, in order to ensure that the treasures would not be obtained by outsiders, I divided the keys to unlock the treasures into twenty-eight pieces, except for the ones I brought. One piece, one piece is placed in each hall here."

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