Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 506: Sure enough there is a conspiracy

At this time, the two masters of Xingyue Sect and Sea Breeze Sect stopped talking.

What's a joke, just with such a strength, Hong Kun doesn't need to dispatch any one of his life beasts, he can defeat both of them with one enemy and two.

Hong Kun's terrifying power is not a joke.

If someone else said this, these two masters would definitely glared at him, but now the person who said this was Qiao Tian's words, that would be different.

With Qiao Tian's arrogance, he would naturally disdain to lie, so how can this be true?

So Qin Shaofeng actually possesses such strength?

The faces of the few people present changed slightly, and some were unsightly.

Especially Xu Tianyang, there was an incredible face on his face at this moment, just a kind of disbelief.

He knew Qiao Tian's strength, and even though that Hong Kun himself had never been in contact, Xu Tianyang knew that, Qiao Tian had personally admitted that he could only maintain the appearance of not losing against Shang Hong Kun, and just not losing.

If Hong Kun used his own beast, even if it was just an ordinary beast, then it would only be Qiao Tian who lost.

Therefore, Xu Tianyang felt more jealous of Hong Kun than Qiao Tian.

But he really didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng had such strength.


Seeing that there was some silence in the scene, Wu Cheng coughed softly and said, "In this case, do you agree to the plan I proposed before?"

At the beginning, Wu Chengcheng had already said, gather everyone's strength to kill that Qin Shaofeng, and if it doesn't help, he will force the other party to inspire the identity token to exit the secret space.

"I don't have any opinion!" Qiao Tian smiled coldly. In fact, he was most in favor of this plan.

At this time Xu Tianyang also nodded and said: "That's good, anyway, we all need to distinguish between one and the other in the end. After we have solved Qin Shaofeng, we will have a try, and then we will rank according to the strong and weak!"

"In this case, then I have nothing to say!" The master of Xingyuezong nodded.

At the same time, the master of the Sea Breeze Sect also seconded.

"That's right, it's going to be a fight anyway, it's better to gather together and make a difference!"

"If you say so, everyone is fine!"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Wu Cheng was also relieved.

"That's it, then we will proceed as planned and start delivering the news! As for that Hong Kun..."

After a slight pause, Wu Cheng's expression flashed with hesitation.

"Go and inform! Anyway, the character of that guy will definitely not come. After all, the people of their Royal Beast Gate can also enter the top ten with their current record points. Hong Kun will definitely not come to join in the fun!" Qiao Tian said. Definitely said.

However, what he said was affirmed by several people present.

Indeed, this is really Hong Kun's character!


After three hours, the entire secret space was spreading a message.

Under the leadership of Tianmen Qiaotian and several other strongest people, the remaining reason for the purple gold-level identity tokens will be held in a final contest.

The time is tomorrow, which is the last day of the competition.

The final ranking will also be determined by tomorrow's competition.

Qin Shaofeng and others naturally received such news.

As soon as they got the news, Xiang Qianyang and Lu Haian came to Qin Shaofeng and Geng Qiutong to discuss.

"What do you think of Qin Shaofeng?" Xiang Qianyang looked at Qin Shaofeng and asked.

Unconsciously, both Xiang Qianyang and Lu Hai'an began to regard Qin Shaofeng as their principal.

At this moment, Xiang Qianyang wanted to know what Qin Shaofeng thought.

"What do you think?"

A glint flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and he sneered: "What else? Then Xu Tianyang agreed to such a plan on behalf of our Qianshan Sect, what else can we do?"

Upon hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Xiang Qianyang's expression sank.

Regarding Xu Tianyang's private proposal, he directly represented Qianshanzong in all the competitions and discussions this time, and directly agreed.

This made Xiang Qianyang a little angry.

After all, in the final analysis, he is the Young Sect Master of the Qianshan Sect, and to represent that is him to represent the Qianshan Sect!

That Xu Tianyang can represent their Divine Sword Peak at best!

Seeing Xiang Qianyang's angry look, Qin Shaofeng thought for a while, and said: "Okay, let's not talk about more. Since Xu Tianyang has done this, we can't help but go, and if we can't tell, he looks forward to it. We do not go, and then encourage those people to deal with us!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng said these words, Xiang Qianyang's complexion instantly changed.

If you think about it carefully, maybe it's really possible.

In fact, Wu Cheng was also worried that Qin Shaofeng would not come, so he invited Xu Tianyang.

The discord between Qianshanzong's Zheng and deputy sects is already well known.

And they didn't intend to kill Xiang Qianyang, so the young master of the Qianshan Sect, let alone destroy the Qianshan Sect, Xu Tianyang would naturally not disagree.

Even for Qin Shaofeng, Xu Tianyang was very upset. If he could really kill Qin Shaofeng, this would be something Xu Tianyang would like to comment on.

Although he understood this, Geng Qiutong couldn't help but said, "Shaofeng, are you not afraid of their conspiracy?"


The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly, and he smiled with certainty: "It must be there!"

"Then you still..." Geng Qiutong opened his mouth to say something, but before she finished speaking, Qin Shaofeng interrupted.

"Don't be nervous, the conspiracy is not important, the important thing is that this is also an opportunity for us!"

"Chance?" Xiang Qianyang didn't understand.

Qin Shaofeng smiled and didn't say anything, but at this moment no one saw that Qin Shaofeng's eyes already had a six-pointed star pattern.

How can it not be an opportunity, so many people gather together, I am afraid I will be sure!


At the same time, on the other side, Hong Kun also got the news.

At this moment, beside Hong Kun, there was a 17-year-old boy who looked unwilling and depressed.

"Cousin, are we really not going to participate in this competition?" The boy's tone was a little anxious.

"If we don't participate in this, maybe the top ten won't have our Royal Beast Gate!"



The boy took a hard hit on the head and gave a painful cry.

"Hmph, you know what a fart!" Hong Kun said very dissatisfied.

"Then Qiao Tian and Wu Cheng made it clear that they set up a situation to deal with Qin Shaofeng. Where are we going to join in the fun?"

"The situation to deal with Qin Shaofeng?" The boy asked subconsciously with his eyes lost.



The corner of Hong Kun's mouth twitched, very helpless for his cousin.

In the generation of the Hong family, he and his cousin were two males. Hong Kun himself had no interest in the master of the Royal Beast Sect.

In this way, the sovereign can only be entrusted to his cousin.

But for the mind of his cousin, Hong Kun was very helpless.

To be honest, Hong Kun was very worried that if the Yu Beast Gate was handed over to his cousin, would it be defeated.

However, at this moment, he was not in the mood to say anything more, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


But sometimes, what I think is an absolute conspiracy, it may also be an act of death!

Qin Shaofeng, your strength, I have already seen it.

Now let me see your strength!


The next day, the one-month competition for hegemony finally ushered in the last day.

On this day, in the most central area of ​​the entire region, there are already many people around.

Tianmen, Blazing Fire Sect, Sea Breeze Sect, Xingyue Sect, and even the number one master of Qingyun Sect, as well as people with Purple Gold rank identity tokens for other reasons, have all gathered together.

At this moment, with the exception of the few people who have purple gold-level identity tokens in the Royal Beast Gate as Young Master of Bliss, and Qin Shaofeng and others, all the people who have purple-gold-level identity tokens have gathered here.

It didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng and others to finally come here.

This time, the disciples of the Qianshan Sect next to Qin Shaofeng's people were almost all of the Great Yuan Pill's cultivation level above 6,000, and no one had a spiritual power lower than 30 million.

This number is more than 300 people1

Such a lineup made Qiao Tian, ​​Wu Cheng and others slightly surprised, but when they thought of their own strength, they felt relieved.

As soon as he came here, Qin Shaofeng felt that the atmosphere was unstable.

Because after I waited for someone to appear, my own more than 300 people have been faintly surrounded.

Sure enough, there is a conspiracy!

After realizing this, Qin Shaofeng sighed softly in his heart, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes showed a hint of excitement.


Suddenly a figure suddenly fell in front of Qin Shaofeng and others, and the next moment, he suddenly remembered with a big laugh.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng didn't expect you to come!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't need to raise his head to hear who the voice was.

"Xu Tianyang, what do you mean?" Xiang Qianyang stared at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, and shouted angrily.

The person who suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng and the others was naturally Xu Tianyang.

"What do you mean?" Xu Tianyang gave a weird laugh, and then said coldly, "Of course you are solved!"

Hearing the sound, Xiang Qianyang and the others changed their faces, but none of them asked angrily why this was happening.

Because at this moment, Qiao Tian, ​​Wu Cheng and others have appeared in front of them, and even the disciples of several major sects have surrounded more than 300 of them.

There is no need to say anything, the action has already proved some.

Damn, it really is like this!

Looking at the situation in front of him, Xiang Qianyang let out an angry roar, Lu Haian and Geng Qiutong also had ugly faces at the moment.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng was still calm, his gaze skipped Xu Tianyang and glanced at a few people, and finally stayed on that Qiao Tian and Wu Cheng, and then asked: "You don't have such a big battle. Say it's because of me!"

Qiao Tian snorted and didn't say a word. He is now completely sure that Qiao Fei died in Qin Shaofeng's hands, so when he heard the news of Hong Kun fighting Qin Shaofeng before, he deliberately asked Hong Kun.

It was precisely because of this that he lost his former arrogance and joined hands with others to deal with Qin Shaofeng.

Because if Qin Shaofeng is not resolved, the champion of the competition will hardly fall to him.

The most important thing is that as long as Qin Shaofeng is still there, he will not be able to attack Geng Qiutong.

Therefore, when Wu Cheng found himself, he did not hesitate at all.

Qiao Tian didn't say anything, then Wu Cheng smiled slightly, and said kindly: "Brother Qin joked. With the strength of Brother Qin's first master in this secret space, we have no way to make this move. Do not blame Brother Qin!"

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