Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 507: Good start

I circled a cross, is there such a shameless one?

Even if it is clear in his heart that he will be deliberately targeted this time, but Qin Shaofeng never expected that the other party would be so shameless!

"Slot, you are too shameless!"

Xia Yan behind Qin Shaofeng was the first to spit out a swear word.

It was Geng Qiutong who paid more attention to his words and deeds in front of outsiders, and at this moment he couldn't help but whispered: "Shameless!"

Even Qiao Tian and others looked a little unnatural at this moment.

But Wu Cheng was not embarrassed at all, still smiling.

"No wonder?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, glanced around calmly, and then smiled at Wu Cheng: "How come, but do you really plan to do it like this?"


A strange light flashed in Wu Cheng's eyes, and he smiled and asked, "Oh, I don't know what Brother Qin do you mean?"

"Ha, actually I don't mean anything!" Qin Shaofeng laughed, "I just feel that if we fight like this, our strength here is not as good as yours, but it is not weak. If we start fighting, you won't find anything in the end. Cheaper!"

When Qin Shaofeng said so, Wu Cheng and others' expressions also changed.

Indeed, the number of them here was more than twice that of Qin Shaofeng's.

And all of them are not weak, at most they have 30 million points of spiritual power.

If this is fighting, it is definitely their side who wins.

But just as Qin Shaofeng said, if they really fought, they would lose a lot here.

And among them, Xiang Qianyang and a few special characters, they wouldn't really kill them, because in that case, the trouble would be big.

To be honest, Wu Cheng is not very happy about such things.

Seeing the changes in the faces of several people, Qin Shaofeng smiled again: "I said, your goal is nothing more than me. So, let the people behind me leave, I stay, or a complete fight, maybe we will lose. But don’t make it easier!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Wu Cheng's complexion changed instantly, and some of them moved.

Just to Qin Shaofeng alone, you can't blame Xiang Qianyang, the young master of the Qianshan Sect, this result couldn't be better.

But with such a result, Xu Tianyang was unhappy.

The reason why he agreed to this encirclement and suppression operation was not only because of Qin Shaofeng, what he most wanted to do was to let Xiang Qianyang stay here.

If it doesn't help, he also wants to abolish Xiang Qianyang, or create some incurable injury.

This is his main purpose for Xu Tianyang!

Therefore, he immediately objected to him at the moment.

But it seems that he has long known that he is thinking. Qiao Tian and Wu Cheng looked at each other and nodded secretly. Then Qiao Tian said: "No problem, even as long as you Qin Shaofeng hand over all the achievement points of your identity token. , Then I can also let you retire peacefully!"

Damn it!

When Qiao Tian said this, Xu Tianyang was furious.

But in the face of such a situation, Xu Tianyang also knew that he couldn't say much at this moment.

Otherwise, the next moment, maybe Qiao Tian and the others will turn their attention to him.

Hmph, it doesn't matter, anyway, there is still time, and there are opportunities to start with Xu Tianyang.

With a cold snort in his heart, Xu Tianyang said nothing more.

As for the first master of Xingyue Sect and Sea Breeze Sect, he didn't say much.

So, very smoothly, a hole appeared in the team of several major sects.

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and then winked at the three Qianyang.

Geng Qiutong and Xiang Qianyang opened their mouths, wanting to say something, but they were stopped by Lu Hai'an, and dragged them to retreat with the other Qianshan Sect disciples.

Xia Yan was also unwilling to look at Qin Shaofeng, and finally withdrew.

Not long after, all the disciples of the Qianshan Sect of more than three hundred retreated, and only Qin Shaofeng was surrounded by groups.

But at this time, Wu Cheng looked at Xiang Qianyang and the others who had retreated, suddenly feeling a little more disturbed in his heart.

It was because he suddenly discovered that when Xiang Qianyang and the others left, it was completely expected in advance, without the slightest panic.

There is no conspiracy, right?

There was a slight surprise in his heart, but then Wu Chengcheng shook his head secretly and denied it.

I should think too much!

And even if there is any conspiracy, with our strength, there is no need to care at all. At present, Qin Shaofeng is here, and the others are completely unimportant.

Thinking of this, Wu Cheng glanced at Qin Shaofeng, then smiled faintly: "So now, Brother Qin, what are you going to do?"


Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said with emotion, "What else can I do in this situation?"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng said this, Wu Cheng and the others thought that Qin Shaofeng was going to give up.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng smiled weirdly, and said, "I am also a little interested in the first place in this hegemony competition, and what else can I do under the circumstances?"

While speaking, no one noticed that Qin Shaofeng's right hand flipped slightly, and a card that no one could see instantly turned into many stars and scattered.


Does he want to face someone like us alone?

Wu Cheng's expression changed, he felt a little weird, and he didn't believe it.

But then Qin Shaofeng's behavior completely dispelled his disbelief in his heart.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, his eyes flashed with purple light, and the six-pointed star pattern of eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes appeared instantly.

However, under deliberate concealment, no one present could notice the change in Qin Shaofeng's eyes at the moment.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng snorted secretly.



Along with Qin Shaofeng's low drink, a black flame rose up and burned in an instant with the thousands of people united by several big sects around him!

Qin Shaofeng suddenly shot!

not good!

Perceiving this scene, the faces of Wu Cheng, Qiao Tian and others changed instantly.

Fortunately, there are more than a thousand people, after all, their strength is relatively strong, and their realm is not low. The first time the black flame of Amaterasu appeared, many people condensed their spirit armor.

But even if the response was timely, some people still suffered!




The screams sounded one after another, Wu Cheng's expression changed, because he had noticed at this moment that there were more than fifty people on his team's side that hadn't used their spirit armor to defend the weird black flame.

In fact, Wu Cheng had secretly guarded against this black flame and warned everyone.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng suddenly took action and completely caught the subject by surprise!

"Quick! Attack Qin Shaofeng quickly!"

At this point, Wu Cheng gave up on those who were burning black flames without knowing when, and immediately shouted to the people around him.

In such a situation, it was obvious that an attack on Qin Shaofeng was the most correct move.

Qiao Tian and the others also understood this, so they rushed away like Qin Shaofeng in an instant.

For this, Qin Shaofeng had long expected it.


With a step on his feet, ten phantom clones flew out of Qin Shaofeng instantly, flying towards Qiao Tian and the others.

This is the phantom clone of Ling Bo Weibu, but because it only possessed Qin Shaofeng's 30% strength, it was quickly solved by Qiao Tian and others.

Qin Shaofeng had already expected this.

And he had never expected that these phantom clones could stop Qiao Tian and others, all he needed was some time for the phantom clone to help him.

Taking advantage of this time, Qin Shaofeng's eyes condensed, and the six-pointed star pattern flashed slightly on his eyes.


In the distance, the black flames on the dozens of big sect disciples who were burned by Amaterasu instantly rose, and the next moment, the identity tokens of dozens of them were all shattered.

Because the ‘first person in a thousand mountains’ has experience points for both defeating and killing opponents during the mission period, Qin Shaofeng now only needs to defeat the opponent to gain experience points.

It's just that no matter whether a person is defeated or killed, Qin Shaofeng can only get experience points once, and there is no such thing as a second time to get experience points repeatedly.

Qin Shaofeng knew this from the time Xia Yan and others conceded to him.

In this secret space, as soon as the identity token is crushed, it means that it has been defeated.

So at this moment, Qin Shaofeng instantly gained dozens of people's kill experience points.

"It's not so bad!"

Looking at his experience value at the moment, Qin Shaofeng said softly in his heart.

Then, the six-pointed star in Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed again.

"Monthly reading!"

In an instant, the spiritual energy in Qin Shaofeng's body was exhausted, and even his mental power was somewhat over-consumed.

But at the same time, more than two hundred people around him fell to the ground inexplicably, and at the moment they fell to the ground, the identity tokens of more than two hundred people instantly turned gray, and everyone's record points were transferred to Qin Shaofeng at the same time.

The monthly reading that Qin Shaofeng has just performed is specifically for people whose surrounding realm is below the eighth layer of the Great Yuandan.

Although there are a large number of people, Qin Shaofeng only drags the mental energy of the question into the monthly reading space, suggesting the idea of ​​making them concede defeat to themselves and then fall asleep.

And because of this, these people just passed out at the moment.

However, even so, it is considered that Qin Shaofeng defeated all of them.

Therefore, more than two hundred people gave Qin Shaofeng a lot of experience points instantly.

With the bonus of ten times the experience bonus card, defeating one person Qin Shaofeng can also get 1.6 million experience points.

Ten people equals 16 million, 100 people equals 160 million, and 200 people equals 320 million experience points.

Therefore, at this moment Qin Shaofeng finally gained enough experience points to upgrade from the eighth layer of the Great Yuan Pill to the ninth layer of the Great Yuan Pill.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Great Yuandan Nine Layers

Experience value: 21.645 million/9 billion

Occupation: Devil

Spiritual power value: 123.6 million / 23.6 million

Talented spirit root: body of dark thunder (seventh rank spirit root), body of demon king (unawakened), original world

Skill: King’s Blessing...


At the moment when the system improved his own upgrade, Qin Shaofeng checked his current attributes, and the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, very happy.

The nine layers of the Great Yuan Pill, the spiritual power value exceeds 120 million!

Moreover, the previous exhaustion, and the exhaustion of mental power, have also been restored because of the level increase.

This is a very good start!

And at this moment, Qiao Tian and others just happened to solve Qin Shaofeng's phantom clone.

In fact, this was also a momentary matter, but it was such a short time, what happened, but the faces of Wu Cheng, Qiao Tian and others were shocked.

At the beginning, he lost more than two hundred combat power.

Especially, they still don't know how to lose so much.

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