Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 508: First

Damn, this Qin Shaofeng is really weird!

Wu Cheng's face sank, and he couldn't keep the smile on his face.

"Everyone, be careful, this Qin Shaofeng is too weird, you must maintain the spirit armor!"

Wu Cheng yelled loudly, and at the same time turned his head and said to Qiao Tian, ​​"Everyone, don't hesitate, do your best to solve Qin Shaofeng!"

Qiao Tian and others nodded, naturally understanding what Wu Cheng meant.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's performance was too weird.

If there are so few more visits, there will be not much left for their men.

At this time, several people not only thought, perhaps it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng had previously requested that Qianshanzong disciple quit.

Because this situation continues, when there is no one on their side, the more than 300 disciples of the Qianshan Sect will be a strong lineup.

Therefore, it is best to solve Qin Shaofeng directly.

Moreover, everyone thought it was better to kill such a strange enemy.

For a time, these few Great Yuan Pill pinnacle masters with spiritual power worth over 100 million were full of killing intent.

Qin Shaofeng was naturally aware of this situation.

"Solve me? Ha!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed suddenly, and at the same time he rose up with a tyrannical aura.

"Just because you want to solve me? I have to say that you are too naive!"

While speaking, Qin Shaofeng held hands together.


Two silver bright thunder lights instantly appeared on Qin Shaofeng's hands, bringing together the most terrifying lightning to form two thunder and lightning giant swords over ten meters long!

Lei Dun Lei cut with both hands!

Qin Shaofeng spent a full 20 million points of spiritual power to display the Lei Che's sword. After compression, the two Lei Che's swords exuded this extremely terrifying aura.

"Huh, we are naive? Qin Shaofeng is afraid that you are too arrogant!"

With a low drink, Qiao Tian made a move with both hands, and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng first.

An instant violent shot, a powerful fist burst directly.


Facing Qiao Tian's attack, Qin Shaofeng directly raised the Lei Qi sword in his right hand and blocked it.

After a loud bang, Qin Shaofeng felt a slight lightness in his right hand.

The Lei Che's sword, which was condensed with tens of millions of spiritual power points, was blown away by Qiao Tian's fist.

Hey, he deserves to be the number one genius in Tianmen, this Qiao Tian's strength cannot be underestimated!

With a light sigh in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was not surprised.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's face changed abruptly, his left hand immediately shook, and then he shook out the Leiche sword in his right hand.

And just as the sword of Leiqi flew, the sword of Leiqi condensed with the power of thunder and lightning was instantly covered with a layer of frost!

It was actually frozen!

If Qin Shaofeng hadn't let go, the frost would have spread to him.

this is?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng twitched the corner of his mouth, and instantly knew who the shot was.

Sure enough, the next moment a cold arrogant sound sounded, Qin Shaofeng flashed in front of him.

"Huh, Qin Shaofeng, is this your strength?"

An arrogant figure appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, it was Xu Tianyang.

Wu Cheng was also relieved to see that Qiao Tian and Xu Tianyang had used Qin Shaofeng's terrifying sword of thunder and lightning to directly solve them.

This Qin Shaofeng is weird and powerful, but we are not without masters!

Seeing Xu Tianyang's arrogant look, Qin Shaofeng's face flashed a sneer.

"It doesn't matter whether my strength is strong or not, because just your Xu Tianyang strength is so vulnerable in my eyes!" Qin Shaofeng sneered.

"You..." Xu Tianyang was furious.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng leaned forward and instantly disappeared before Xu Tianyang's eyes.

Xu Tianyang's heart tightened, and the next moment a breath came from behind him, and then one hand directly patted Xu Tianyang's body.

"Tsk tusk, why did I get close to me so easily?" Qin Shaofeng laughed.

Not only did Xu Tianyang not feel angry at Qin Shaofeng's laugh, he even smiled triumphantly.

Without taking a look at Qin Shaofeng next to him, Xu Tianyang smiled coldly: "Qin Shaofeng, do you know why I didn't condense the spirit armor?"

"Why?" Qin Shaofeng asked very cooperatively.

"Because I just wait for you to approach me, so you will never escape!"

Xu Tianyang laughed loudly, his expression sullen.

At the same time, Xu Tianyang used the spiritual power in his body to directly freeze Qin Shaofeng's right hand. After this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't escape.

This was Xu Tianyang's plan, deliberately approaching Qin Shaofeng, without condensing the spirit armor, let Qin Shaofeng approach him, and then directly freeze the opponent while he was not prepared.

Once frozen by himself, Xu Tianyang was confident that Qin Shaofeng would definitely be dead.

The plan went smoothly, even more smoothly than I expected.

Xu Tianyang did not expect that Qin Shaofeng would directly contact him.

How dare you pat yourself on the shoulder, Qin Shaofeng?

With a sneer in his heart, Xu Tianyang was looking forward to it, the next moment Qin Shaofeng was frozen by himself, which made him a little excited.

But soon, Xu Tianyang's expression changed.

Because at this moment, he suddenly felt a wave of weakness coming from his shoulder and spreading all over his body in an instant.

Moreover, under this feeling of powerlessness, Xu Tianyang discovered in horror that he could no longer use his strength.

Damn what is going on?

Finally unable to hold on, Xu Tianyang slumped directly on the ground.

"Yo, what's wrong with our young master Xu?"

With a chuckle, Qin Shaofeng also sat down with Xu Tianyang and squatted down, his right hand still did not leave Xu Tianyang's shoulder.

As if he finally understood something, Xu Tianyang turned his head back hard and said angrily at Qin Shaofeng: "You, it's you, what did you do to me!"

"What have you done?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and did not turn around Xu Tianyang or anything, but said seldom playfully: "Xu Tianyang sees it as a disciple of the Qianshan Sect, inspire identity tokens! If not..."

Xu Tianyang's face sank, and his heart was extremely angry.

However, at the same time of anger, there was also a trace of panic in his heart.

He knew that his powerless appearance was definitely what Qin Shaofeng did to him.

What Qin Shaofeng said made him flustered.

Because he felt that if he really didn't follow Qin Shaofeng's motivating identity token, he was afraid that something bad would happen.

Damn it!

Although he was extremely angry and frustrated in his heart, Xu Tianyang honestly inspired the identity token and was sent away by the light of the identity token.

At the moment of being teleported away, Xu Tianyang heard a sentence that made him so angry.

"The first one is solved without trouble!"

Seeing Xu Tianyang being transported away, Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly in his heart.

Idiot, even if you are a hundred times stronger than me, you are a weaker in front of my Qin Shaofeng. Really young master's things are so easy to handle?

For such a situation, Qiao Tian and others were dumbfounded.

Xu Tianyang's strength, the few masters present are very clear, especially Qiao Tian, ​​but Xu Tianyang is somewhat helpless.

But how did Qin Shaofeng do it?

The moment Xu Tianyang sat on the ground, Qiao Tian knew that Qin Shaofeng must have done something to Xu Tianyang.

But it was precisely at this point that Qiao Tian became extremely alert to Qin Shaofeng for a while.

Qin Shaofeng could do what Xu Tianyang did, and I'm afraid he could do that too.

Wu Cheng seemed to be aware of this, but he didn't panic, instead shouting loudly: "Don't fight with that Qin Shaofeng up close, come and attack him from a distance!"

With Wu Cheng's roar, Qiao Tian and the others immediately realized that they had distanced themselves from Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Shaofeng shook his right hand for a few traces of water, and wanted to say to a few other people that this method will not work for you, you don't need to be so vigilant.

However, thinking that even if he said it, the other party probably didn't believe what he said, Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything.

And Qin Shaofeng has no chance!

call out!


At this distance, Qiao Tian and others immediately attacked Qin Shaofeng.

A series of powerful aura attacks were shot out by several people in an instant.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng frowned, but he didn't plan to avoid it either.

The next moment, a violent spiritual power gushed out of Qin Shaofeng, and instantly a twenty-five-meter purple spiritual power giant appeared.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

As soon as Susano appeared, he blocked the attack of several others.

Wu Cheng and others were not surprised by the appearance of this purple spiritual power giant, because they had known that Qin Shaofeng had this trick.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, I found that this purple giant of spiritual power could actually block the attacks of several of them, but did not show the slightest damage, and Wu Cheng's faces were not very good-looking!

Damn, the defensive power of this purple spiritual power giant is so strong?

After seeing a few explosions, Wu Cheng's face sank, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes, the purple spiritual giant still unscathed.

Although he had heard before that Qin Shaofeng possessed this weird and powerful method, Wu Cheng didn't care about it before, but now he found that he was still miscalculating.

However, it does not matter!

With a sneer in his heart, Wu Chengmeng turned around and yelled at the seven or eight hundred people behind him: "Everyone listens to my orders, give me a full attack on the purple spiritual power giant!"

Strong defense?

I don't believe that you, Qin Shaofeng, can withstand the attack of seven or eight hundred people.







Following Wu Cheng's command, the next moment, seven or eight hundred people shot together.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Geng Qiutong and others in the distance changed drastically.

They didn't leave very far, because Qin Shaofeng seemed to have known such things before coming, so he discussed with them.

They withdrew and Qin Shaofeng stayed. This was also the result of discussions.

It is precisely because of this that they did not hesitate to withdraw directly before.

Even seeing Qin Shaofeng being attacked by so many people, several people finally couldn't help it.

But when they thought of Qin Shaofeng's repeated warning not to let them get close to the battlefield, they had better hold back.

When looking at the battlefield in the distance, the huge purple spiritual power giant still has worries in his eyes.

Bang bang bang!

Facing seven or eight hundred, the lowest is the attack of a master with a spiritual power value of more than three thousand.

Even the Suzuo Nenghu that Qin Shaofeng displayed at this moment was totally unstoppable.

Had it not been for "Bei Ming Divine Art" and "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that his Xu Zuo Nenghu would have been blown up.

But even with the assistance of two major skills, Qin Shaofeng suffered too many attacks in the end, so that Qin Shaofeng couldn't control it at all, and couldn't resolve his luck. In the end, Xu Zuo Nenghu was directly blown up.

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