Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 509: But so


The huge Suzuo Nenghu exploded in an instant, causing a violent energy to sweep out all around.

Feeling that powerful explosive force, I am afraid that it is an ordinary Earth Element Realm master, and I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand such a powerful violent explosive force.

Fortunately, it seemed that Qin Shaofeng had been aware of this a long time ago, and Qin Shaofeng retreated from Xu Zuo's body in time.

Seeing that purple spiritual power giant exploded, Wu Cheng could be regarded as taking a sigh of relief.


Fortunately, the purple spiritual power giant is not invincible, and can be blown up by the combined efforts of himself and others!


Turning his gaze, Wu Chengcheng soon found Qin Shaofeng's figure, with a complex look of emotion, shock and jealousy in his eyes.

This Qin Shaofeng is really amazing!

"Qin Shaofeng, do you have any means, just take it out!"

It seems that the explosion of the purple spiritual power giant made Qiao Tian regain his confidence, so he flew up into the sky and sneered at Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng smiled when he saw this scene.

"Why are you laughing?"

As if perceiving the smile on Qin Shaofeng's face, Qiao Tian was angry.

Qin Shaofeng did not look at the angry Qiao Tian, ​​but glanced at Wu Cheng and the others, and said with a faint smile: "I didn't want to do this, because it seems to bully you a bit. Unfortunately, this is no way. Who made me have to I want to win the first place in this competition! So, I'm sorry!"

Qin Shaofeng's words caused Wu Cheng's heart to suddenly burst, and it seemed that there was a very bad premonition.

When Qin Shaofeng finished speaking the last sentence, Wu Chengcheng saw that Qin Shaofeng swallowed something with his head raised up. It seemed that it was a pill or something.

Suddenly Wu Cheng felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

"Quick, stop him!"

Without even thinking about it, Wu Cheng shouted in an instant. To be honest, he didn't know why he did it.

But there is a feeling in his heart that Qin Shaofeng must be stopped, otherwise, something big will happen.

Wu Cheng yelled in a hurry, causing Qiao Tian to frown, and he did not immediately shoot.

But those seven or eight hundred disciples who joined the big sects, they did it in the first place.

Once again, it was a fierce storm's attack, blasting to Qin Shaofeng.

But the next moment, Wu Cheng's eyes widened, as if he saw an unbelievable scene.

Because in the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's body rose up with a visible spiritual power, that spiritual power burst into the void, and instantly turned into a huge purple figure.

The purple spiritual power giant appeared again.

And compared to the purple spiritual giant just now, this time it seems to be a bit bigger.

At a height of thirty meters, the armor of the whole body seemed to be more solid.

Not only that, at this moment, on the armor of this purple spiritual power giant, there are countless terrifying tiny lightnings.

In terms of momentum alone, this purple giant of spiritual power is actually several times stronger than before!

Of course!

What Qin Shaofeng just took was not a pill, but the second fruit of spiritual power obtained during the mission of the ‘First Person in the Thousand Mountains’ stage. Qin Shaofeng had kept it before and used it at the critical moment.

And now is the critical moment, and it is precisely because of this spiritual power fruit that Qin Shaofeng dares to face hundreds of thousands of powerful teams alone.

Spiritual Fruit: Special props, after taking it, allow players to use any skill within one minute without consuming any spiritual power.

A fruit of spiritual power is completely equivalent to allowing Qin Shaofeng to possess unlimited spiritual power within a minute.

And it is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng knows where the limit of Suzuo Nenghu who condenses with the spiritual power in his body is.

With the infinite spiritual power provided, Qin Shaofeng not only raised the Xu Zuo Nenghu to a huge body of 30 meters, but the spiritual power formed by the entire body has surpassed the general spiritual power.

To use a more obvious example, that is, Suzuo Nenghu at this moment is exactly equivalent to the Gui Yuan Jia that Yuan Chao has used!

Even worse than it is!

Therefore, facing the attack of seven or eight hundred people this time, Qin Shaofeng was calm.




A series of attacks fell on Suzuo Nohu's huge body, but what shocked Wu Cheng and Qiao Tian and others was that this time, after the attacks calmed down, the thirty-meter purple spiritual power giant was intact!

"You attacked me twice, so now it's my turn!"

When Wu Cheng and others were horrified, they suddenly heard Qin Shaofeng's sneer.

not good!

Wu Cheng's eyes narrowed, and he subconsciously prepared to speak out to make everyone vigilant.

But the next moment, the scene he saw made him instantly forget to remind everyone that he was dull.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The huge shadow flashed again and again, and in the next moment, ten huge purple spiritual giants appeared on the battlefield again.

Ling Bo microsteps!

Lingbo Weibu's phantom clone can also be displayed in the state of Suzuo Nenghu, but that kind of spiritual power consumption, even if Qin Shaofeng has a spiritual power value of hundreds of millions of points, it is impossible to display it.

But now under the infinite spiritual power of the spiritual power fruit, Qin Shaofeng not only displayed it, but also displayed the ten phantom clones of the suffocating energy at the moment, and each of them has a huge thunder-cut giant sword in his right hand!


Ten huge Suzuo Nenghu Phantom clones, holding a huge Leiqi great sword, just used a few mortal level one-star skills, and smashed at the seven or eight hundred people.

But even if it is a mortal level one-star skill, it is extremely terrifying to be displayed by these huge Suzuo Nenghu at this moment.




The huge attack completely broke up the seven or eight hundred people.

Faced with such a violent terrorist attack, the disciples of the several major sects were panicked.

With just two or three attacks, many people's spirit armors have stopped exploding.

Even people with bad luck were severely injured in direct confrontation with the power of the attack center.

Had it not been for Qin Shaofeng's deliberate control, two or three hundred people would have been killed or injured long ago.

Qin Shaofeng is not crazy, although he has the ability to kill these people at this moment.

But these people are all elite disciples of several major sects. If they are all killed, even if the competition for hegemony has rules of life or death, it would be a big trouble for Qin Shaofeng.

Anyway, as long as you can defeat it, you can gain experience points, and Qin Shaofeng will not go crazy to kill these elite disciples of the major sects.

But even so, the elite disciples of the major sects have collapsed at this moment.

Is this still human power?

How could this Qin Shaofeng be strong?

"Qin Shaofeng!"

Suddenly, a roar instantly spread throughout the battlefield.

The next moment, a figure flew up in the sky, but it was that Qiao Tian.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Qiao Tian was filled with disbelief.

This is Qin Shaofeng's strength?

For a time, Qiao Tian's heart was filled with incomparableness.

But this situation did not last long, and Qiao Tian became angry.

Angry at his weakness, angry at Qin Shaofeng so powerful.

So, he broke out!

"Sword of Heaven!"

With a loud shout, Qiao Tian's hands burst into an astonishing momentum, and his whole body was filled with dazzling white light.

Then, above Qiao Tian's head, a ten-meter-long giant sword quickly emerged.

That is?

Looking at the giant sword above Qiao Tian's head that seemed to exist, a flash of shock flashed in Wu Cheng's eyes, and he said in disbelief: "Tianmen stunt, Heavenly Sword? How is this possible?"

It should be understood that the reason why Tianmen is called Tianmen is because Tianmen possesses a powerful holy-level unique knowledge-the sword of heaven!

But the Sword of Heaven is extremely difficult to cultivate. Not only does it require super-high kendo talents, but it also requires a holy spirit root at a minimum to cultivate.

But even so, under normal circumstances, to display this sword of heaven, at least one needs to enter the Trinity Realm.

Because only possessing the vitality can display the sword of the sky, because only the sword of the heaven condensed by the vitality can be completely embodied and form a real sword of the sky.

Qiao Tian, ​​who is only at the pinnacle of the Great Yuan Pill, can actually display the sword of heaven. How can this not shock Wu Cheng and the others?

has hope!

With this strength of Qiao Tian, ​​we still have hope to win.

Looking at the sword of heaven, Wu Cheng's eyes were full of expectation.

The next moment, he became more convinced.

"Heaven Slash!"

With a cold snort, Qiao Tian's right hand slashed into the void, and the huge sky sword flew instantly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The huge sword light flashed again and again, and the next moment, the ten phantom clones that were still attacking on the battlefield were directly smashed by Qiao Tian's sword of heaven.

"Hi, this..."

"Oh my God! This is the Heaven Sword of the Tianmen?"

"Awesome! Too great, it seems we are set to win!"


Without Suzuo Nenghu's phantom clone, the disciples of the several major sects on the battlefield can finally feel relieved at this moment.


After slashing the ten huge phantom clones, Qiao Tian was not satisfied, raised his head and glanced at the last purple spiritual power giant.

Qiao Tian's gaze directly penetrated Suzuonenghu, looked at Qin Shaofeng inside, and sneered: "Qin Shaofeng, I have to admit that you can push me to this point. I originally left this trick to Hong Kun. It’s just I didn’t expect you to have such strength, but that’s it!"

"Disappear for me! Qin Shaofeng!"

With the last roar, Qiao Tian's right hand slashed at Qin Shaofeng. The next moment, the sword that day trembled fiercely, and instantly turned into a huge sword flower and cut it towards Qin Shaofeng.

Facing the attack of Qiao Tian's sword of heaven, Qin Shaofeng, who was in Suzuonenghu, was also very surprised.

Because the speed of the sword of the sky is too fast!

So fast, it's too late to escape!

Slightly startled, Qin Shaofeng just had time, and the control Xu Zuo could almost tilt his body slightly.

call out!


The huge sword flower was slashed from Suzano Nohu. The next moment, Suzano's right shoulder was cut down.

The beheaded right arm instantly turned into a burst of spiritual power and dissipated directly.

"Did you escape the point?"

Seeing this scene, a trace of regret flashed in Qiao Tian's eyes, but even more sneered.

Because he already knew that his Heavenly Sword could definitely pose a great threat to Qin Shaofeng's purple spiritual power giant.

And with his current strength, he could also explode twice with the sword of heaven.

Two more chances?

However, it is enough!

Looking at the purple spiritual power giant who has no right arm, Qiao Tian's heart is full of confidence.

At this moment, Wu Cheng and others were relieved when they saw this scene.

In their opinion, facing Qiao Tian who can cast the sword of the sky, Qin Shaofeng's purple spiritual power giant has no threat.

But at this moment, a light laugh sounded, spreading across the entire battlefield in an instant.

"Tsk tusk, this is the sword of the sky? It's nothing more than that!"

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