Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 510: Contest for hegemony ended


Suddenly hearing Qin Shaofeng's voice that was obviously mocking, Qiao Tian was instantly angry.

But the next moment, something extremely shocking happened to him.

I saw the huge purple spiritual power giant in the distance, a sudden surge of spiritual power on the right shoulder that had disappeared.

Then, a new complete right arm came out again.

"how can that be?"

Seeing this scene, Qiao Tian let out an exclamation.

Because it is too unrealistic.

After being slashed by the Sword of Heaven, the power of the Sword of Heaven must be left behind. It is just something condensed with spiritual power, and most of it will be eroded. Therefore, Qiao Tian does not believe that Qin Shaofeng can restore his purple spiritual power giant again. come.

There is another point. Qin Shaofeng is afraid that he has consumed a lot of spiritual power before and after. He is afraid that there will be a pill to supplement. At this moment, the spiritual power in the body should be low, and there is not enough spiritual power at all. Li, go to restore the purple spiritual power giant.

But now, Qiao Tian realized that it seemed that he was thinking too simple.

"Damn it!"

With an anger in his heart, Qiao Tian's eyes flashed, he raised his head to look at Qin Shaofeng, and sneered: "Hmph, even if it recovers, Qin Shaofeng will cut you in half with your purple spiritual power giant this time. I want to see how you can recover!"

"Really, then you can give it a try!" Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly.


With a secret anger in his heart, Qiao Tian finally couldn't help it, controlling his sword of heaven, and yelled: "Sword of heaven, cut! Cut! Cut!"


Turning back, the huge sky sword above Qiao Tian's head turned into a sword light once again and cut it to Qin Shaofeng.

Facing the huge sword light this time, Qin Shaofeng had no intention to evade.

With another sound, the profound iron heavy sword appeared in Qin Shaofeng's right hand, and Xu Zuonenghu's right hand also condensed a huge Leiqi great sword in an instant.

At the next moment, facing the huge sword light that was cut, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and he directly raised the profound iron heavy sword and cut it down instantly.

Break gas!

Broken sword style!

Huh! Huh!

Two huge invisible sword auras instantly slashed towards that huge sword light, and the next moment, something incredible happened.

After the first sword energy hit the sword light, the sword light that the sword of that day turned into a violent stop, instantly retreated from the rapid sword light, showing the huge sky sword.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's second sword aura struck instantly!

Broken sword style!


The invisible sword aura swept the sword of that day without power, but with such a sweep, the extremely powerful sword of heaven trembled in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant with a light swing.


how can that be?

Seeing this scene, Qiao Tian was completely dumbfounded.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly, and the six-pointed star pattern on his eyes suddenly flashed with purple light. The next moment, Qiao Tian's whole body trembled, and the body floating in mid-air gave a violent halt before falling weakly. Go down.

However, before falling to the ground, Qiao Tian's body flashed with a white light, and completely lost his trace.

Teleported away?

Seeing this scene, everyone on the scene didn't even know that Qiao Tian inspired the identity token and sent it directly away from the secret space?

For a while, everyone present was very surprised by this scene.

But when he thought that it was very possible that Qiao Tian had finally left because of the sword of the sky, he could not stand it, and he was relieved.

But no one knew that, in fact, Qiao Tian still had the power to fight again.

It was just that Qin Shaofeng directly used the monthly reading, pulled into the monthly reading space and gave him a hint to admit defeat and leave, and Qiao Tian inspired the identity token.

But no matter what the situation is, it doesn't matter to the remaining disciples of the few major sects.

What makes them really care is that Qin Shaofeng is still there!

The horrible purple spiritual power giant is also safe and sound!


I don't know who it is, suddenly shouted, and then the few big sect disciples who were still able to fight, began to flee for the first time.

And some people who were seriously injured and unable to fight again, gritted their teeth, unwillingly glanced at the purple spiritual power giant in the distance, and finally chose the identity token that inspired them.

"Don't panic, everyone, don't run away, only if we work together or..."

Seeing his team panicked completely, Wu Cheng's expression changed and he yelled fiercely so that everyone would not panic, but his voice suddenly stopped in the next moment.

Because at this moment, he suddenly saw the huge purple spiritual power giant in the distance, flashed fiercely, and then ten huge figures appeared.

Damn, can Qin Shaofeng show this trick?

Seeing the ten huge phantom clones, Wu Cheng's face was ugly, but what made his face even more ugly was that one of the phantom clones actually rushed straight towards him.


Without hesitation, Wu Cheng flashed and dashed.

He was afraid of these huge phantom clones.

And the most important thing is that his own strength is not very strong. Although he also has a spiritual power value of over 100 million, his strength is probably slightly inferior to the two masters of the Star Moon Sect and the Sea Wind Sect.

At this moment, being pursued by Suzuo Nenghu's phantom clone, Wu Cheng naturally did not dare to fight.

Like Wu Cheng, the number one master of Xingyue Sect and Sea Breeze Sect, as well as several other people who possessed Purple-Gold rank identity tokens, ran away without hesitation at this moment.

Want to escape?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of his mouth. The next moment, with a move in his heart, the ten phantom clones that must have been able to be shuddered instantly, and he stretched out his hand and punched it hard.


And it's a thousand mountain boxing with nine boxing in one!

With the help of infinite spiritual power, Qin Shaofeng's Qianshan Fist erupted at this moment, but the power has increased a lot, and every phantom clone of the Suzuoneng can blast out nine Qianshan Fist Shadows.

After the nine punches are unified, the power is extremely powerful.

In an instant, the shadows of Qianshan fist like meteorites roared out.

This made the ten people who were chased who possessed the Purple Gold rank identity tokens felt the powerful breath, and their hearts trembled.

Damn it!

In the distance, Wu Cheng roared in his heart, but he decisively inspired the identity token for the first time.

There were a few others who acted like him, but they were the number one master of the Xingyue Sect. He didn't inspire the identity token, so he didn't want to give up.

The number one master of the Sea Breeze Sect saw this and he hesitated, but in the end he gritted his teeth and swelled the spiritual power in his body, trying to block the punch like the number one master of Xingyue Sect.

But when the Qianshan Fist Shadow really smashed down, he regretted it.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret it.


The horror fist shadow fell, and the spirit armor on his body was directly shattered for the first time, and then the whole person was completely blasted into the ground.

However, at last he was a Great Yuan Pill pinnacle master with more than 100 million spiritual powers, and in the end he managed to get it down.

It is a pity that even if it is resisted, he will end with a serious injury.

In the end, in desperation, he chose to inspire the identity token to abandon this competition for hegemony.

After the ten huge Suzuoneng phantom clones disappeared, it didn't take long for the Suzuoneng where Qin Shaofeng was to disappear.

It's time for one minute of spiritual fruit effect!

But in just one minute, the situation changed drastically.

Qin Shaofeng really used his own power to face the super geniuses of several big sects and thousands of elite disciples.

Qin Shaofeng actually won in the end of such a disparity in the battle.

Moreover, in the entire battlefield, the geniuses who possessed Zijin-level identity tokens in the major sects had already inspired the identity tokens to leave the secret space.

As for those elite disciples, there are still three to four hundred people, but Qin Shaofeng didn't chase them at all.

Because at this moment, Xiang Qianyang, who had been waiting for a long time in the distance, had already led more than three hundred thousand mountain sect disciples, and began to hunt down these three to four hundred.

On the one hand, a lot has been consumed and morale plummeted.

On one side, it was in a state of complete victory. Because of the depression for a long time, a strong morale broke out as soon as it broke out.

As a result, it was clear that as long as the disciples of the few major sects were not stupid, they would probably choose to surrender the first time to stimulate their identity tokens.

The battle is over soon!


"how can that be?"

Looking at the rankings on his identity token, the purple-gold names that disappeared one after another, and the large number of golden light spots dimmed, a trace of disbelief flashed in the eyes of Hong Kun's cousin.

Hong Kun was not surprised by the result.

It was just a guess, and Qin Shaofeng would not lose in the end.

But Hong Kun never expected that from the beginning of the battle, it would end so soon.

"Well, in this way, this competition for hegemony is almost over!"

Looking at a certain direction in the distance, Hong Kun said softly, but a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

It seems that Qin Shaofeng's real strength is much stronger than I can guess!

With such a lineup, it is mine. I am afraid it will take half an hour to solve the beasts below the Three Element Realm, but Qin Shaofeng is much faster than me.

Gee, it's so interesting!

I really want to do my best to fight with that guy Qin Shaofeng!

How about I go and fight him now?

The light in Hong Kun's eyes changed in an instant, and he became a little about to move.


At the other end, a cloud of pink mist was floating invisibly in the sky above a mountain forest. This person is the Young Master of Bliss Palace.

"Heh, Qin Shaofeng is really amazing!"

Without a weird tone, the voice coming out of the pink mist this time was a clear and sweet voice.

"Well, if you add this Qin Shaofeng, it should be enough, right?"

The pink mist swayed lightly, revealing a face of peerless beauty in an instant.

However, when Young Master Bliss had just finished saying these words, the void behind the pink mist was slightly twisted, and then there was a middle-aged beautiful woman.

"My lord!" As soon as the middle-aged beautiful woman appeared, she respectfully said to Young Master Bliss.

"Well, you are here!" Young Master Bliss whispered.

Then, he turned his head and smiled slightly, and said to the middle-aged beautiful woman: "Okay, the goal has been determined, you can leave!"


The middle-aged beautiful woman didn't ask much, just nodded, and then with a light stroke of her right hand, there was an extra space gap in front of her eyes.

But for the appearance of this space gap, at this moment, the Three Sects and Seven Sects, especially the Tianmen who advocated the establishment of this secret space, did not even notice.

At this moment, no one knew that the two figures stepped directly into the gap in the space and left the secret space directly.

However, if there are some more powerful masters in the three sects and seven sects, you will be extremely surprised.

Because the middle-aged beautiful woman who respectfully respects the Young Master of Bliss is not someone else, but the owner of the Palace of Bliss!

But the palace owner of the Palace of Bliss actually attacked the Young Master of Bliss like this, what is going on?

Isn’t it a rumor from the outside world that Young Master Bliss is the child of Palace Lord Bliss?

It seems that things have become more complicated.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know at this moment, he seemed to have been targeted by an extraordinary person.

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