Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5070: Who counted who?

Qin Shaofeng's complexion suddenly changed.

He actually knows everything about himself, doesn't it mean that he also knows about the song?


This is very bad!

The eternal powerhouse didn't know that there were so many secrets in him, and he didn't think too much about it at all.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng want to resist, Qicai has a tendency to fight him desperately, and is even more angry.

A small ant, the remnant soul of an eternal powerhouse, was not put down by him at all.

Even if the current Qicai has already captured the body, its combat power is comparable to eternity, but it is no longer the real eternity it once was.

How could he care about such an opponent?

Smile coldly.

"Since you want to die, then die all!"

The anger in the eternal powerhouse's heart surged.

This person's name is Jun Tianhong, and even in the Ruthless Dynasty, he is the top existence.

The strength of its combat power, although it cannot be compared with the eternal powerhouses of the older generation, is also the second person in today's ruthless dynasty.

With such a cultivation level of combat power, he was underestimated by a few people who could not even reach eternity.

His anger can be imagined.

"The Eternal Powerhouse is worthy of being the Eternal Powerhouse."

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help laughing when he heard the words.

Under these circumstances, he is no longer allowed to use songs.

Smile lightly.

However, there was no trace of fear on his face, causing Jun Tianhong's expression to change slightly.

This kid... is there any other cards?

"Eternity? Hehe! When did the trash that couldn't fully integrate the power of eternity be qualified to call itself eternity?"

What responded to Qin Shaofeng was a contemptuous laughter.


Can't fuse the power of eternity?

what is that?

Could it be... that another eternal powerhouse has appeared?

Everyone exclaimed again.

The Eternal Powerhouse is the most arrogant existence in the entire world. Today, three Eternal Powerhouses suddenly appeared here.

Although one of them is a remnant soul, this is a scene that ordinary people will never see in a lifetime!

Jun Tianhong's complexion changed greatly.

He hurriedly looked in the direction where the voice came from.

I saw a girl dressed like a dancer, holding a sword in both hands. The blade of the sword was not very long, light and thin. If it weren't for him being in the eternal realm and his ability to observe, he would subconsciously think that the two swords were nothing.

The cultivation base is enough, so that he can already see the fierce power of the double swords.

Such peak treasures, even if only one of them, can greatly increase the combat power of the eternal powerhouse. That eternal girl actually has two handles.

this, this, this...

When did the powerhouse of the eternal realm become so worthless?

A girl who came out casually turned out to be an eternal powerhouse, and looking at the contempt in her eyes, she clearly did not take herself seriously!

"Qicai, I have seen the four generals."

Seeing the appearance of the song, Qicai took the initiative to turn around and bowed towards the song.


"Four generals?!"

"The eternal powerhouse that suddenly appeared, turned out to be the master of the eternal remnant soul and colorful?"

Everyone shuddered when they heard the words.

Qin Shaofeng is no exception.

He had already figured out the words of the song, and he had doubts about Qi Cai's identity.

Now, it is completely confirmed.

"There is no need for so much red tape. After all, this is in the realm of the ruthless dynasty. Since your strength has recovered a lot, this battle will be dominated by you." Ge said softly.

"Yes, my lord!"

Qi Cai is not unhappy with such a request, but is overjoyed.

This is the former four warlords of the dynasty!

The strongest defender of the country in the entire Xia Dynasty.

To be able to fight with this general, how many lifetime blessings he has cultivated!

How could he be upset?

Ge glanced at Jun Tianhong calmly, and then said to Qin Shaofeng, "Don't be idle, get rid of the two of them as soon as possible, and never let them leak the news."

"They can't leak it."

As a prince, Qin Shaofeng is already very familiar with Ge and others, so naturally he will not be as bad as Qi Cai.

With a faint smile, he said: "I have searched the entire palace complex, and I have destroyed the four teleportation formations that may have contact with the outside world. Even if someone wants to leave through that altar, we can destroy the jade. box, and let those who rush in die without a place to be buried."


Hearing the words, Jue Rui stepped back several steps in a row, and fell to the ground.

Along the way, he thought that he was calculating Qin Shaofeng, even if he was at a disadvantage many times.

But he never thought of how terrifying Qin Shaofeng's calculation was, as for Si.

Immediately, he seemed to think of some life-saving straw, and asked Jun Tianhong in a loud voice: "Grandpa Tianhong, since you have always followed us, you must have found his hands and feet, and you should have sent a certain teleportation Has it been repaired?"

"Repair? Hahaha... How can it be so simple?"

Qi Cai laughed loudly when he heard the words: "From the time he appeared, the old man has already noticed it. Why do you think that the old man has always refused to take action after he came here?"

The ruthless complexion became even paler.

Jun Tianhong's expression was equally gloomy, he really didn't care about Qi Cai very much.

But the existence of the song still made his scalp feel numb.

Even if Ge won't go all out to prevent his breath from leaking out, with the strength of the two of them working together, it is definitely not something he can resist.

But the truth is as colorful as said.

On the one hand, he did not want to disturb Qin Shaofeng and others, but on the other hand, he thought that with his own combat power, Qin Shaofeng and others were completely determined.

Where can one think that Qin Shaofeng still hides an eternal powerhouse beside him?

Knowing this earlier, how could he be so big?

"Hahaha, good, good, good!"

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng laughed wildly and said, "Ye'er, Long Chai, Dwarf, the three of you go and destroy Jue Rui, don't rush to kill first, just make sure he can't make any struggles, and the others will take that one with me first. Crumbly slaughtered!"

In the wild laughter, he was the first to take out the sword.

Angels soared into the sky.

The eight eyes that were still palm-length just now turned into terrifying star beasts of dozens of meters in an instant, completely blocking the door on that side.

If you want to try to enter the altar, you need to pass her level first.

Mie Sanxian followed Qin Shaofeng.

Even if Zhen Wuqing was seriously injured, it was not something that the lowest level Nirvana martial artist could contend against, but Qin Shaofeng's words almost reminded them to help.

as predicted.

Qin Shaofeng took out dozens of spirit fruits, left a few, and threw the rest directly to her.

These spiritual fruits are all things that are sent out ruthlessly.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng was going to use the power of the things they brought out to deal with them, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Before the three of Ye Huang could take action, he fainted.

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