Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5071: half-step eternity

"Damn you!"

Zhen Wuqing also saw this scene and gritted his teeth angrily.

These things all came from them, but now they have become the resources used by Qin Shaofeng to deal with them. How can he not make him angry?

"Damn? Oh, then come and try."

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly and took the lead in waving the sword in his hand, then rushed towards Zhen Wuqing.

"Hooho! Damn it! Damn it!"

Zhen Wuqing's eyes were already red.

All the way ahead, he has already known Qin Shaofeng's cultivation status.

If he hadn't been seriously injured, with his cultivation strength, he could be killed with a single move.

But now...

What is Tiger Falling Pingyang? What is Longyou Shoal?

Qin Shaofeng even clamored with himself and dared to take the lead, which really made his killing intent grow stronger.

"Relentless knife, open!"

Zhen Wuqing waved the Pu Dao in his hand and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

Now he just wants to behead this hateful guy in front of him.

The raging rage nearly set him on fire.

Quickly took two steps forward, and the Pu Dao in his hand slashed down towards Qin Shaofeng. Driven by the power of the source, the tyrannical Nirvana atmosphere rolled away, turning into a sky-shattering sword light coming towards Qin Shaofeng.

"The same move, performed under serious injury, do you want to hurt me with this state?" Qin Shaofeng laughed out loud when he saw this.

He had already foreseen this battle.

For the upcoming battle, he had already prepared too much.

When he dealt with the Bone Congealing Beast in the desert, Mo Ziqi and Zhen Wuqing's fighting style had been observed and figured out for a long time.

In the end, the result was that Mo Ziqi's strange brushing and saber technique made him feel even more difficult to deal with.

If he was facing Mo Ziqi now, he might still be worried.

Zhen Wuqing doesn't have that qualification yet.

Zhen Wuqing's combat power is indeed strong, and even when he is doing his best, he has no confidence to block his three moves.

Not in that situation now.

Especially after his repeated observation, he had already determined that Zhen Wuqing's cultivation level was equal to that of Mo Ziqi.

But he is more like a savage warrior.

Although these attacks are equally powerful, they are very easy to restrain.

Especially when facing him.

Seeing Zhen Wuqing's attack, he also did not hesitate.

The power of Nirvana is simultaneously exerted.

The sword suddenly swung into the sky, and a shocking sword light shot up into the sky.

The stable space in this strange space seems to be divided into two halves under the light of his knife.

The rumbling sound resounded in the void.

It seems that the world is a little unbearable under the attack of his sword light.

"One sword world!"

Qin Shaofeng's shout finally sounded at this moment.

The rift in space became even bigger.

The roaring sound stopped after a while, as if he really let him in this space and opened up another space.

After being in the space, he quickly put a spiritual fruit in his mouth.

The aura of heaven and earth was madly transformed into the power of the source, so that the source he had just consumed was quickly flooded.

It's too late, it's too soon.

When he was doing these things, the sword light that Zhen Wuqing slashed out had also slashed fiercely in front of the space of Yijian Tiandi.

The roar resounded again.

The world trembled for it again, and large swaths of spatial fluctuations swept toward the surroundings.

The spatial vibrations fell on the walls of the surrounding palaces without interruption, causing the Divine Runes to flicker wildly.

It seems that the divine pattern defense of the temple here will not be able to withstand the aftermath of the attack by the two of them.

"Shrink to the ground!"

Qin Shaofeng's voice sounded at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the figure had already gone behind Zhen Wuqing.

Just this step.

In the past, it only made him feel a lot of consumption at most, but now it makes his complexion extremely pale.

The space here is too stable.

Rao is that he first used a sword to open up the other side of the space, but he didn't cause much disturbance to the space here.

Even if Shrinking the Earth is just moving through space, and it's not an attacking ability, it still makes his consumption more than ten times more than usual.

He quickly shoved a spiritual fruit into his mouth again.

The sword in his hand then once again fully used the Heavenly Dao Blade to slash towards Zhen Wuqing.

"What about people?!"

Zhen Wuqing suddenly found that his figure had disappeared, and was stunned for a moment.

But soon, he had already reacted, and he turned around suddenly, and the blade with a fierce force slashed towards Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but burst into hatred.

My condition is still too bad.

Under normal circumstances, his knife would be at least half a second earlier than it is now.

Don't say half a second.

In a battle at this level of cultivation, even if it is a ten-thousandth of a second, there is a possibility of life and death.

The knife that was originally so wonderful was lost because of the act of swallowing the spiritual fruit.

Even though he really wanted to continue slashing the knife towards Zhen Wuqing, he knew very well that if he really did this, the ruthless knife would also fall on him.

Although he has practiced the Divine Rune of Body Refinement, he can reverse the Divine Rune at any time so that his defense becomes a body of time and space.

But the other party is a half-step eternal powerhouse after all.

He wasn't sure whether the body of time and space that he had not cultivated to the limit could hold the sword of Zhen Wuqing.

Not daring to hesitate too much, the blade of the battle knife in his hand turned slightly, and he was greeted by the Pu Dao who was slashed by Zhen Wuqing.


The blade has not been lifted, and the terrifying roar has already resounded.

The world trembled violently.

But those who have not yet reached the realm of sages, all turned pale under this blow, and seemed to have suffered heavy losses under such violent shocks.

The expressions of Mie Sanxian and the angel also changed drastically.

They just wanted to help Qin Shaofeng as much as they wanted.

Never thought of anything.

A simple confrontation between the two has reached this level.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng was at the forefront of the battle.

If it were them, even if they joined forces with Bamu, who had just entered the realm of sages, they would all die under the sword of Zhen Wuqing.

This opponent is really scary.

"Finger of the breeze!"

Qin Shaofeng is not a person who is used to being beaten passively.

When the knife changed direction, the left hand had already moved quickly, and the fingers containing the huge power of the source pointed towards Zhen Wuqing in the air.

Qingfeng refers to the fourth move of his natal martial arts.

The time he really mastered this move was not counted, and he rarely used it.

After all, the power of this kind of **** is not comparable to Huangquan Road, let alone compared to the Emperor Sword.

His most accustomed attack is the Heavenly Dao Blade.

The auxiliary class has a sword of heaven and earth and an inch of the earth.

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