Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5072: What kind of evil is this?

Qin Shaofeng has many martial skills, which led him to use his full power for the first time after he completely mastered the Qingfeng Finger.

Point out.

Whether Qin Shaofeng or Zhen Wuqing on the opposite side, they all felt that everything around them seemed to have become still.

Everything in the space seems to have become silent.

In the silence, a gust of breeze was blowing slowly towards Zhen Wuqing.

Qingfeng didn't have any offensive power, but it was like a mother's hand, gently stroking towards the swaddled child.

Zhen Wuqing was stunned for a moment subconsciously.

But when he woke up suddenly, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his left eye, and Qin Shaofeng's fingers were withdrawing.

In the midst of the hazy, he was actually caught.

The entire left eye, even the small half of the head, was blown apart by the bombardment of Qin Shaofeng's finger.

If it weren't for his cultivation, he had already reached the half-step eternal realm.

After taking Qin Shaofeng's finger head-on, I am afraid that he will really die here.

What kind of attack is that?

How can he have such a strange ability, even a powerhouse like himself has not been spared, and he is almost motionless waiting for the other party's pointing in his eyes.

The more Zhen Wuqing thought about it, the more frightened it became.

As a powerhouse in the half-step eternal realm, the people he killed and the battles he participated in were not a few.

Such a strange martial art has never been heard of before.

How can there be such a martial art in the world?

how can that be?

Not to mention that Zhen Wuqing was shocked.

Qin Shaofeng, who displayed this martial skill himself, was stunned.

He never imagined that with a simple move of his own, such a terrifying combat power could erupt.

Is this the true power of Qingfeng Finger?

He has not really used the Qingfeng Finger before, but he has tried it roughly, and he is somewhat familiar with the general situation of Qingfeng.

But from what he knew, it was definitely not so scary!

The more I think about it, the more shocked.

But his reaction speed is still very fast.

Now in the midst of a life-and-death fight, no matter how shocked he was with the martial skills he displayed, he didn't have time to waste time thinking about it.

Even if he really wanted to, he would wait until Zhen Wuqing was beheaded.

Quickly take a few steps back.

Quickly put a spirit fruit in his mouth.

Without waiting for the effect of the spirit fruit to end, he bit the bizarre spirit medicine in the shape of a few leaves with his teeth.

The sword in his hand suddenly shifted sideways.

Huangquan Road's starting style has been completed.

The terrifying power of heaven and earth rushed towards him crazily, like a tornado that merged into the sword in his hand.


Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth and let out a low growl.

Immediately, the surging power of heaven and earth was on the edge of his blade, turning into a terrifying aura.

The consumption of the power of the source is even more crazy.

According to his general understanding of the power of the source, this time, although the use of Huang Quanlu is not as terrifying as it used to be, it will drain himself more than ten times.

If you really want to show Huangquan Road, you need at least three million source power.

Tap the tip of your tongue lightly.

Swallow three elixir leaves in a row.

The power of the source quickly began to recover.

He didn't dare to waste time thinking about it, he quickly raised the sword in his hand high, and suddenly fell towards him.

"Huangquan Road!"

A gust of gloomy wind suddenly rose.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but tremble slightly due to the strong breath.

The world suddenly changed color.

An eerie yellow spring trail shot straight down from the sky toward the ground.

The turbulent yellow spring with a terrifying and terrifying aura appeared from time to time in the sky, and then disappeared again.

Twinkling twinkling, like the stars in the sky.

But what really makes people feel extremely frightened is that there seems to be some kind of attraction that cannot be described in words.

It seems that people can take a look and want to be sucked into the soul by that strange yellow spring.

Emotions of fear emerged from Zhen Wuqing's heart.

"This, what martial skill is this, what kind of thing you are practicing, the previous Emperor Shura doesn't seem to have such a terrifying means?" Zhen Wuqing was so frightened that he exclaimed.

The scene in front of him was really terrifying.

Rao is because he thinks that his cultivation is tyrannical, and ordinary people can't take him in his eyes at all, but he never thought that he would be shocked like this one day.

Is that kid still human?

Even though the legendary Asura clan's methods are terrifying, has there been no existence like him?

Really, really scary!

When he was still in doubt in his heart, he suddenly realized that something didn't seem right.

Suddenly woke up.

He was horrified to find that he didn't know when, he had already stepped onto that sheep intestine path.

Really set foot on Huangquan Road.

Zhen Wuqing was so frightened that he almost jumped up and turned around to escape.

But before he could make a move, he saw figures appearing in the yellow spring in the sky.

Some of those figures waved at him.

Just looking at the slight swing of the hand, it gave people an unstoppable attraction, making him involuntarily walk towards the other party.

Some flew towards him, as if to welcome his appearance.

Zhen Wuqing was instantly frightened.

Keep your mind steady, you can't watch it anymore.

There are so many strange things in this strange Huangquan Road. It seems that if one is not careful, I am afraid that even I will not be able to escape here alive.

Zhen Wuqing understood very clearly in his heart, but when he wanted to take his eyes back, he was shocked to find that he couldn't do all this at all.

Fear is getting worse.

next moment.

He felt that his left and right and behind, there were a pair of hands coming up, and he began to forcibly drag him towards Huangquan Road.

"No! No! What kind of evil art is this? Zi Xiaoyao, how dare you commit such a taboo and practice such evil art?" Zhen Wuqing exclaimed repeatedly.

He was really scared.

It was the first time in his life that he had encountered such a bizarre battle.

At the same time, the Pu Dao in his hand was constantly waving towards the surroundings, trying to kill the big-handed master who was pulling him to Huangquan.

When he hit the owner of one of the big hands with a knife, he was shocked to find that it was just an afterimage-like existence.

Or it should be said that the first aid is not a person at all, and it is impossible to be injured because of his physical attack.

On the contrary, it was his violent movements that made his figure suddenly rise several meters into the air.

Seeing that he was so close to Huang Quan suddenly, the panic in his heart became even more intense.

"Zi Xiaoyao, stop, we have nothing to say, if you really kill this old man, the whole ruthless dynasty will no longer have a place for you, you have to think about it!" Zhen Wuqing was really scared.

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