Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5073: surprise

"I have no foothold? Ha ha ha ..."

Qin little wind could not help laughing a few times, he controlled their lives for the road, but did not speak because of the emergence of a half minutes slow.

Crazy catharsis of the origin of the force, so that the suction lives on the road is getting bigger.

Chen is ruthless under this and other suction, Panic sentiment is growing.

Qin want to attack little wind.

Nonetheless, he has come to hundreds of feet into the air.

Appears way their lives, making this the golden dome of a temple have disappeared, only to see the rise did not know how high in altitude, which roads terror of their lives river.

"Purple Happy, the seat did not deceive you, you really kill old lady, you definitely will not be any good, let me, I promise to leave immediately with three Royal Highness Prince How?" Chen is still relentless in large loud shouted.

He has been to Qin little wind unlikely to let him go.

Whether or not may be able to survive, he must try to do our best job.

Finally practice to this and other state of repair.

But also because of their own reasons, he was placed beside his assistant ruthless Majesty the three princes of His Highness.

If the three princes Highness, can really become yellow at the ruthless dynasty, and his identity will be rapid growth.

Really go to that time, they are in this vein, because he will be the emergence of each other to heaven.

How many years of effort and commitment and finally let him have today's identity and status.

Really die here, he really would have nothing.

Can not do this, I absolutely can not die here.

Chen seems to have ruthless kind of hard to go into verbal obsession.

If he can know, the more the more so when it desperately needed, as only a chance to see it, I do not know what he will face.

The more he afraid of death, not shot more attacks.

Land of the Dead Road itself attractive, Qin crazy little wind input at all costs, plus those flying out of their lives in the soul of their lives pushing.

Zhen relentless body is constantly moving close to their lives.

Feet, Hachijo, seven feet ...

"What a Shura family of the little guy, even practicing this evil power, etc., do not come quickly to stop, or blame the big bullying the small old lady!"

Seeing Chen ruthless when their lives are about to enter, a voice full of awe-inspiring Lengheng murderous, came over from afar.

"Philip Gabriel!"

Qin little wind frown, could not help but looked back.

I saw the other side of the battlefield seems to be moving slowly towards the side, obviously do not want to burst into song all the fighting force.

Colorful fierce attack, although, in the face of eternal after all, is a strong, apparently unable to end the fighting in a short time.

Little glances, he could not help but sneer.

Philip Gabriel apparently did not have time to catch up and rescue, will be heard in that case, I tried to quell their own words.


I want to use a word to scare myself, the eternal strong apparently wrong.

"Eternal strong indeed powerful, but you better not forget their current situation, even to protect themselves are not able to, actually also came to threaten me, you can really personal thing, hey!"

"If you want to save him, then you could have shot himself."

Qin sneer a little wind, again focused on their own thing.

"Boy, you better not from wrong, the old lady really no way to save him before he died, and then kill him if you can, the wife will certainly let you give him buried!" Jun Tian Hong furious messenger over.

An eternal threat of the strong.

If done the vast majority of people experience, really scared people will not recklessly.

Unfortunately, he now faces is less Qin wind.

Dynasty has a whole summer as a backup, how will he care about a strong eternity?

Mouth appear faint sneer, no answer.

The output of the origin of his power, not only did not slow down because of each other's words and, but has become more rapid up.

Chen Jun Tian Hong ruthless hear the same voice.

His heart had just risen to survive hope, my mind can not help the emergence of anger.

Purple Happy!

Sage barely able to reach a realm of ants, even dare to take advantage of their own injuries, will force myself to this and other Jedi.

As long as I can die, the old lady would someday that **** thing not survive, Qiusibuneng!

Chen grew more and more ruthless gas, the more you want revenge.

Can quickly, he noticed the wrong child.

Gabriel Hong voice, he still has sixty-seven meters distance from their lives, how much more now have only a meter?

He, he did not intend to stop there? !

Chen ruthless suddenly wake up, look at the past and hurried toward the ground direction.

I saw little wind Qin sneer of the pupil of the eye full color.

Dense sneer, as if in response to his mind just to think.

Chen ruthless suddenly felt cold sweat wet back.

Is this guy just noticed I could not help showing to the hatred?

Impolitic, unwise ah!

Chen remorse extremely ruthless, hurried loudly shouted:?? "Purple Happy, you do not hear Philip Gabriel commands adults do not hurry the old lady down as long as you are willing to close hand, the old lady on behalf of the guarantee, will not It was revenge you! "

Horrified emotions that he repeatedly shouted.

Even these words, he himself will not believe.

"Retaliation? Oh, really funny, you do not really think the old guy, the son is afraid of your revenge, right?"

Qin little wind Closer look at their lives from the figure, can not help laughing laughed: "You have to mention an afterthought revenge, even if, as you say, the son did not intend to let you leave alive, ha ha ha ..."

"Death Road, cited!"

A burst of wild laughter, interrupted Chen directly relentless all thoughts.

And less wind in the Qin and soon burst under the drink.

Suction way their lives suddenly become more intense, ruthless no longer make the slightest resistance Zhen, the people were being sucked into the terror of their lives, with their lives rapidly rotating, bursts of shrill screams resounded through the world.

"Prompted: Congratulations Qin players with little wind beheaded Sage peak enemies, get the value of 50 million × 2 stars, 10000 × 2 soul value, 1000 × 2 Wu body value."

This time the system sounds resounded, almost let Qin little wind eyes widened.

Just a half-step beheaded eternal strong, even he will be able to increase the property so much?

Fifty million stars and then doubled the value'd still be expected.

Wu body and soul value value, but it is far beyond his imagination.

In the past beheaded there is a high level when the two data indeed will follow growth, but the growth trend is too limited, making the system rarely heard voice prompts.

This time, could have increased so much.

Beheaded powerful enemy, you can get the harvest is too rich and abundant.

He was very generous to let incredible degree.

"Darn thing, how dare you defy the will of the seat!"

Qin little wind pleasantly surprised at the time, an angry roar from far away.

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