Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5077: The power of the imperial sword

Jun Tianhong's angry gaze didn't last long.

When he glared at Song for a moment again, still thinking in his mind, what kind of attack should be used to break through her defense, a terrifying power suddenly came.

Jun Tianhong's expression changed suddenly.

He clearly saw the Emperor Sword that was constantly forming in the sky.

The terrifying power of the Emperor Sword, even he felt inconceivable, as if the Emperor Sword attacked, even with his cultivation level, it would never be able to withstand a blow.

Anxiety suddenly appeared.

But when he looked at Qin Shaofeng again and tried to attack, he found sadly that he still had no way to break through Song's defense.

The previous battle was not long, but he had already fully understood how terrifying Song's defense was.

In this situation now.

He believes that no matter how he breaks out, Song will use stronger means to stop himself.

And even Qi Cai turned the momentum of the attack into a defense.

This made him even more unable to find the opportunity to shoot.

Hatred kept rising.

He felt the approach of death more clearly.

Just a song, let him do nothing.

Not to mention that Qicai has never slackened, and now there is another strange Qin Shaofeng, which suddenly made the fear in his heart to the extreme.

It was as if death was already approaching.

No matter how much, even if you really can't beat it, you can't be scared to death, right?

Thoughts flashed in Jun Tianhong's mind.

He rushed towards Qin Shaofeng again.

His speed is indeed fast, and the speed of Qi Cai, who is always preparing to attack, is even faster.

Almost at the same time he shot, the colorful attack had already come.

After all, Qicai is no longer a true eternal powerhouse. It is obviously impossible to attack with attack, but every time he makes a shot, it is closer to a sneak attack.

Just this kind of attack, when he got close to the song, the momentum of the attack was cut by half.

The two swords in the singer picked gently.

Deciphering his attack with ease, the figure spun and kicked him out of nowhere with a kick from nowhere.

It fell back into the midair where it had been suspended.

Jun Tianhong's complexion has become extremely difficult to see.

Although he had already guessed that he could not really attack Qin Shaofeng, he never imagined that he would be so easily blown back with his own strength.

His surprise was not over yet.

A burst of shouting sounded.

"Emperor Sword! Slash!"

This is Qin Shaofeng's voice.

Although the display of the Emperor Sword was extremely difficult, Qin Shaofeng also relied on his understanding of the Emperor Sword to condense the Emperor Sword completely.

After the Emperor Sword was completely formed in the air, it did not look like an ethereal long sword, but a real long sword.

The long sword spun around in the air with phantoms.

A delicate female voice resounded from the long sword.

"Divine Comedy, Destroy the Spirit!"

It was Ya'er's voice.

The voices of the two of them were almost superimposed, causing the Divine Comedy and the real Emperor Sword to slash towards Jun Tianhong at almost the same time.

"This is…"

Jun Tianhong's expression changed suddenly.

From his appearance to the present, this was the first time that he felt a threat to his life. The pretty face that originally looked like a handsome young man suddenly became hideous.

"This attack is so powerful!"

Originally, Qin Shaofeng's attack was not really regarded as one thing, but it was determined that Jun Tianhong could not escape, and he wanted to see the power of Qin Shaofeng's ultimate move.

On the other hand, seeing Qin Shaofeng so confident and able to ensure Qin Shaofeng's safety, she naturally didn't want to interrupt Qin Shaofeng's interest.

But I never thought that Qin Shaofeng's big move was so terrifying.

Even if all the directions of her cultivation are defense, facing such an attack, she has no confidence in her heart.

Maybe at the real peak, can you safely block this move?

As for now, if you are really hit, you will at least be slightly injured, or even seriously injured.

"Don't let that guy escape, stop him!"

The song was excited, and at the same time as she shouted, she actually moved for the first time.

In a flash, the figure has appeared near Jun Tianhong.

The charming figure constantly revolved around Jun Tianhong, like a beautiful dance, but every moment of her attack, at least hundreds of swords, directly made the hair on Jun Tianhong's body rise.

How can it be?

How could her attack be so terrifying?

until this moment.

Jun Tianhong finally understood why Ge never took him seriously.

From the swordsmanship that Ge has not displayed much power now, he can see that if Ge really does not hesitate to expose, it will take a few breaths to kill him at most.

In front of this seemingly inconspicuous little girl, he couldn't even hold a few breaths.

The violent blow almost made him vomit blood.

at the same time.

The colorful attack also came again, and it really stuck all the corners he evaded.

If you want to dodge Qin Shaofeng's attack, you must endure their successive attacks.

The final result is, either to take Qin Shaofeng's sword hard, or to rush out of Ge and Qi Cai's attack block at any cost.

When such an idea appeared, he suddenly felt his scalp tingle.

Neither of these two options really is a good choice!

The song called Qi Cai to shoot together, obviously taking this into consideration.

Offense can be different from defense.

If he really dared to attack the two of them, he would at least be seriously injured.

As for Qin Shaofeng's sword.

On the contrary, he didn't know the truth, after all, Qin Shaofeng was only able to display the cultivation of the sage's realm reluctantly.

Even if the power of eternity is used, it can never be compared with the real eternal powerhouse.

So, is his terrifying sword a false shot?

He wasn't sure about that at all.

The power of Qin Shaofeng's sword was so terrifying that it made him feel extremely dangerous.

A real dilemma!

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng's sword move was about to slash down.

Jun Tianhong's expression suddenly became firm.

He has made a choice.

The power of Qin Shaofeng's sword really made him feel the emotion of fear.

By comparison.

He would rather bet on Qin Shaofeng's sword.

Song and Qicai are both real eternal powerhouses. Although Qin Shaofeng's sword is equally powerful, he still prefers to bet that Qin Shaofeng's sword is just Xu Huang's shot.

Even if it is not true, he does not believe that a small martial cultivator in the late stage of the True Monarch Hongmeng, with the power of nirvana that he reluctantly exerted by means of various means, can have the ability to severely injure him after the fusion of two air masses of eternal power. .

Eternity and sage are the difference between heaven and earth.

What's more, Eternal and True Monarch Hongmeng, this is simply the difference between the gods in the sky and the ants on the ground, and they can't be compared together at all.

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