Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5078: space collapse

"Heavenly Holy Shield for me!"

"The ruthless holy emperor chain, get up!"

"The Ruthless Imperial God Mark, get up!"

"Eternal Holy Armor, now!"

Jun Tianhong didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng's sword could hit him hard, but he wouldn't just wait to be slashed.

Even if this sword is really just a false shot.

He also has to resist.

If he was really injured because of a carelessness, he really couldn't leave alive today.

I have to admit that no one who can cultivate to eternity and realm is a fool, especially a person with rich combat experience like Jun Tianhong.

No matter how powerful Qin Shaofeng's sword is, he will indeed underestimate the opponent psychologically, but he will not be careless when he starts.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Whether Qin Shaofeng's attack or Jun Tianhong's defense, they all passed between lightning and flint.

The Divine Comedy Sword has already slashed onto the defensive holy shield displayed by Jun Tianhong in the first time.

The roar was deafening.

Heaven and earth trembled violently in the collision between the two, and space cracks appeared one after another.

The terrifying energy of heaven and earth appeared, causing the surrounding temples to begin to shatter a little.

The collapse of the Divine Rune blockbuster.

It is the ground that is not known how hard it is, and cracks begin to appear.

An apocalyptic scene emerges.

With the combination of the Divine Comedy controlled by Ya'er's eternal power and the Emperor Sword cast by Qin Shaofeng, the power is far more than that.

Another bang.

The holy shield displayed by Jun Tianhong suddenly shattered.

The power of the Divine Comedy is undiminished.

Another terrifying roar resounded.

The attack of the Divine Comedy landed on the strange chain, and countless divine patterns suddenly appeared brightly. It seemed that there was a strange divine pattern in this chain.

The existence of this divine pattern wanted to forcibly contain his Emperor Sword.

Jun Tianhong used this chain to be lower than his attack, and obviously had this expectation.


The Emperor Sword's attack is obviously not so simple to resolve.

The chain's defense was only an instant, and it had already collapsed and shattered.


Another roar resounded.

The Emperor Sword fell on a huge divine pattern.

In the blink of an eye, cracks appeared in the divine pattern.

"This, how is this possible?!"

"You are just a little Hongmeng True Monarch. Even if you have Nirvana, you can't really control the power of Nirvana. Why is your attack able to achieve such a level?"

Jun Tianhong was really frightened by Qin Shaofeng's knife.

His heart was beating wildly, and he shouted out the biggest question in his heart.

At the same time as the voice sounded.

The Divine Rune has completely collapsed, and the sword edge really descended on Jun Tianhong's head, but was once again resisted by the helmet of his armor.

The helmet didn't shatter the first time.

But Jun Tianhong was smashed down after taking Qin Shaofeng's sword.

The Divine Comedy didn't mean to stop at all, and it also followed him down.


Another loud noise came out.

Where Jun Tianhong landed, there was already a terrifying pothole with a diameter of a thousand feet and a depth of several hundred feet.

Every time the Emperor Sword bombarded the defensive treasure that Jun Tianhong took out, the world would shatter like crazy.

When Jun Tianhong was smashed into the ground, the entire palace complex was completely torn to shreds in the continuous space fragmentation.

The appearance of this scene.

Qin Shaofeng, the initiator, was shocked for a long while.

Just when I wanted to take a closer look at Jun Tianhong's situation, I heard Ge anxiously shouting: "Don't you have a way to get out of here? Hurry up and put them all away, let Qicai protect you, and leave here immediately! "

leave now?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

He had always been in the battle before, but he didn't think too much. At this moment, he finally realized the problem.

The complete shattering of this sky obviously made the great hall over there no longer exist.

Can the altar and the things in those jade boxes still exist?

Quickly look back.

I saw that Mie Sanxian and the others had rushed to the front.

Not far behind them, a blood-colored mist rushed towards them.

It has really spread here.

Not daring to hesitate any more, I quickly took out the God-destroying spear, flooded with the power of the source, and stabbed the God-destroying spear towards nothingness.

The world here has long since been torn apart in battle.

The God-destroying Spear is also a top-level weapon for breaking space. This stab directly tears the space apart.

The gate of the ghost house opened at the same time.

Without his orders, several people rushed in quickly.

Ge's figure flashed and disappeared in front of the gate of the ghost mansion.


Qin Shaofeng hurriedly shouted under the pothole.

If the Emperor Sword was not integrated with the Divine Comedy, he would not need to be afraid, but now it is not the case.

When the Emperor Sword General's final battle strength is really allowed to explode, he can't guarantee that after he leaves, the Divine Comedy will return to his original martial arts as the Emperor Sword dissipates.

Ya'er is clearly aware of the current situation.

Without much hesitation.

Even with a little more force, Jun Tianhong can be beheaded, and he will ignore it and dissipate between heaven and earth in an instant.

It was the first time Qin Shaofeng saw such a scene.

He also believed that Ya'er's intelligence would never waste time. True Monarch Starry Sky's abilities unfolded and stepped into the cracks of space.

As soon as he stepped in, he felt a slight sinking on his shoulders, as if something transparent fell on his shoulders.

This thing is very light, but it actually has a slight weight.

"Kid, don't read any more, that blood fog is very strange, the body I seized belongs to one of the existences in that place, and I can feel the threat of death from that blood fog, you If you waste any more time, maybe the blood mist will rush in through the passage you opened." A colorful voice came from his shoulders.

The weight I just felt seemed to be this old guy.

"It's really you, I didn't expect your current body to have weight." Qin Shaofeng exerted his ability as a true master of space and hurried away to an unknown distance.


Seeing him move again, Qicai snorted coldly and said, "My body, but the top refining master of the Moon Worship Dynasty and the Ruthless Dynasty, used that piece of scorpion's broken bone to refine, how could it be without any weight? ?"

"I see."

Qin Shaofeng nodded clearly.

The consciousness was always watching behind him, and he was sure that there was no mutation. After he folded and opened the space again, he was completely relieved.

At this point, he is also in the mood to chat.

"Senior, you used to belong to the Xia Dynasty?" Qin Shaofeng asked tentatively.

There are too many secrets in Qi Cai, and he has long wanted to find out.

Since it was safe, he naturally wouldn't waste time.

This kind of question can't be asked casually in a crowded place.

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