Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5083: follow me

"Brother, look at these."

Yan Heng walked towards Qin Shaofeng, and one thing after another kept appearing in his hands.

"This is a top-quality healing spiritual fruit. It is a life-saving thing given by my father. The value of this thing is at least worth three clear dragon crystal cores."

"This is the fiery explosion of the gods. Although it is only a one-time attack on the gods, it can burst out the peak blow of the emperor's powerhouse. Although it is not as good as your full-strength sword, it is also a rare good thing, and its value is the same. Above the crystal core of the clear dragon."

"This is the Su Luo Baoyi, the defense is also very good, the most important thing is that she is very beautiful, if brother, if you want to marry in the future, give this treasure to the other party, it will definitely impress the other party's heart, but I spend I bought it for a big price and I plan to use it myself in the future.”

"This is…"

"This is…"

Yan Heng spoke incessantly.

For Qin Shaofeng, quality is similar to garbage.

But for a young son of a small family, something that is really a treasure was constantly stuffed into his hands by Yan Heng, and he was still telling him about the role.

I took out a dozen things.

When he found that there was no more, he was not in a hurry to end it, but thought for a moment, and said, "Brother, I heard you say that you seem to need a good knife, just as I heard my father say that there is a treasure house in my family. There is a top-quality magic knife, the quality of the knife is absolutely nothing, but it is too heavy and no one can use it."

"If eldest brother needs a good knife, you can go back with me and have a look. As long as eldest brother can see it and can use it, I will find a way to exchange it from the family and give it to eldest brother."

"Brother, you saved our lives after all. These things are really not enough, but I only have these things now."

"By the way, my family recently got half of the beast meat at the peak of the Venerable Realm, and my father also paid a lot of money to invite a top chef. If the big brother is willing, I will invite the big brother to eat meat, okay?"

Yan Heng's speech made Qin Shaofeng stunned.

The plain-clothed woman not far away also widened her mouth in astonishment.

She finally knew why the two youngest girls in the Yan family had the best relationship with Yan Heng.

Even their parents are hard to compare.

This guy really has a unique talent in coaxing children.

Child, where can there be any bad thoughts?

They are the purest existence in this world. If you treat him well, he will naturally treat you well.

Yan Heng's remarks, no matter how true, are enough to represent his heart.

Especially that sentence, I gave you all my good things.

If you are an old and mature person, you may believe less than 10%, but a child will believe 100%, and will think that he is a good person.

Not to mention that after Yan Heng, he even proposed to invite Qin Shaofeng to eat delicious food.

As long as it is a normal child, it is difficult to refuse.

"Ferocious beast meat in the realm of Venerable?"

None of them could have imagined that Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and said with a look of disdain: "That thing is not good at all except that it is more nutritious, especially those guys' meat is too hard, almost a few times. Knock out my teeth."


The four of them were all messed up in the wind.

The Yan family did get half of the beast meat of the Venerable Realm, but they didn't kill them, but picked up cheap, best crystal cores and other things, all of which were killed by the powerful man who killed the Venerable Realm beasts. take away.

A strong man in their Yan family and the head of another family shared the meat equally.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him is obviously an existence who has eaten a lot of such realms.

Yan Heng was only shocked for a moment, and he had already reacted.

If you want to win Qin Shaofeng, you can't let Qin Shaofeng see that his knowledge is not good.

Dare not have the slightest hesitation.

He hurriedly said: "That's different, no matter what ingredients, you need the best chef to do it. The chef my father hired is the best chef within a radius of ten thousand miles. Animal meat is a delicacy in the world."


Qin Shaofeng was still skeptical.

"Of course it's true."

Yan Heng nodded firmly, and immediately, he took it out with pain in his eyes and handed it to Qin Shaofeng.

It was a soup plate sealed with ice.

There is a thick layer of ice outside, and the strange thing is that the soup in the soup plate has no trace of freezing.

"Brother, try this first, this is the delicious food made by the chef invited by our family, and it is also made from the meat of the emperor realm beast. The ones that come out will definitely taste better." Yan Heng's eyes were still full of pain.


Qin Shaofeng shattered the ice crystals suspiciously, brought the soup plate to his mouth, and drank it with great gulps.

Seeing this, Yan Heng couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

The two girls who didn't get close also looked like they were swallowing their saliva. They seemed to want to rush up and grab Qin Shaofeng.

As soon as the soup entered, Qin Shaofeng understood how Yan Heng planned to recruit him.

This plate of soup is probably not as simple as he said.

Even if he has eaten countless good things, this can definitely be regarded as the top existence.

I believe that even people with good minds will be full of expectations for the dishes made by the chef Yan Heng said after drinking this plate of soup.

"Delicious, delicious, tsk tsk tsk."

Qin Shaofeng praised again and again like a child, and even smacking his lips after drinking it again and again, almost made Yan Heng and others drool directly to the ground.

Omg! Can I not know how delicious it is?

This is the top delicacy that I paid a lot of money to buy at the auction. It was originally intended to honor the powerful existence behind the family, so that the powerful existence can teach me both.

You have eaten all the top things in the world, can you not eat it?


Qin Shaofeng drank the whole pot of soup.


He could actually feel a warm feeling in his body, and the sound of the system kept appearing.

Just such a pot of soup actually made him increase his soul value by more than 300 points.

"Delicious, delicious, delicious."

Qin Shaofeng swallowed and asked anxiously, "Can that cook in your family really cook something better than this?"

"Of course it can, the chef we hired has sworn to guarantee it!"

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng was finally moved, Yan Heng said quickly.

His words are very skillful.

Putting all the responsibility directly on the chef, if the chef's work is really too different from this, he at least has something to say, right?

He often coaxes children, but he knows it clearly.

As long as the chefs hired by his family are not too bad at cooking, plus their time on the road, they will definitely be able to attract Qin Shaofeng's stomach.

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