Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5084: Yan family

"Walk around, I'm not full yet."

Qin Shaofeng's attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees, making Yan Heng dumbfounded.

This one is so childish!

It's really cool to be able to turn it around with a plate of delicacies.

If only the powerful people I meet in the future are as easy to coax as he is, then no matter how expensive I am, I must hire a royal chef at a high price.

Yan Heng's thoughts turned around, and the group had already embarked on the road to Yan's house.

along the way.

Through the explanations of Yan Heng and others, he understood where he was now.

Repair the magic domain.

This is completely two different worlds from Xiu Mo Ling.

The Demon Cultivation Domain can be regarded as a free land belonging to the Demon Cultivation Territory, and it is still the domain of the Ruthless Dynasty in name.

To put it simply, Wuqingjiang is the dividing line between the sphere of influence of the Demon Cultivator and the sphere of influence of the Ruthless Dynasty.

To the east of the Wuqingjiang River, there is a huge mountain range between the north and the south.

The south of the mountain range is the sphere of influence of the Demon Cultivator.

In the north of the mountain range, it is the sphere of influence of the gods.

The point where it is now can be regarded as the area between Xiu Mo Ling and Wuqingjiang.

This really can be regarded as a three-in-one zone.

Moreover, due to the reason of cultivating the demons, this area has always been filled with demonic fog, and in the sphere of influence of the gods in the north, it is because of the existence of the gods that there is no such problem.

In addition, he also learned the difference between the repairing demon domain and the ordinary land.

Here can be described in one word, that is: chaos!

There is no order at all in Xiu Moyu, all strength is respected, and there is no strong enough strength, even if it is in the city in front of the city guard of the main building, or killing people in front of the military parade pavilion, no one will care.

It was the first time he had heard of such a chaotic area.

It would be fine without the Military Parade Pavilion and the City Lord's Mansion.

It is even possible to kill people in front of the military parade pavilion and the city lord's mansion, and it is impossible to ignore it just to maintain face.

After thinking for a moment, he stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, the more mixed and chaotic here, the more benefit it will be to him.

on the way.

He quietly sent a signal to everyone in the ghost mansion that they were safe and did not need to worry. Only then did he truly transform into a little white and followed the group towards Yan's house.

Perhaps it is their group, the strength is not bad.

Even if it is a useless chariot or the like, there is no danger along the way.

Of course, there were quite a few common worms and beasts, but they didn't dare to approach for some reason. This was one of the reasons why they went so smoothly.

Yan family.

Looks like an old family.

This family seems to be built around a small river, but no worms and beasts dare to approach.

And that terrifying courtyard wall is more like a palace wall, tall, solemn and simple.

The daytime of the Ruthless Dynasty was not a peaceful time either.

Not to mention such a family, even some cities with slightly lower combat power need to be on guard at all times and be cautious.

However, the Yan family's door was open, and there were only two soldiers in armor guarding the door.

The cultivation of the two is not profound, but it is the peak cultivation of True Monarch Hongmeng.

The specific strength may be stronger, but it should not reach the level of the emperor list.

Think about this.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but be suspicious again.

According to what Yan Heng said before, his father should be the head of the Yan family.

If this is the case, the Yan family's strength cannot reach this level?

Doubts abounded in my mind.

Anyway, he's just a kid who doesn't understand anything now, so he asked directly: "Wow! Is this the Yan family? So stylish!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

When Yan Heng heard the words, he coughed again and again.

This series of dry coughs made Qin Shaofeng look back in confusion.

"This is indeed our Yan family, but it can't be counted in the same way. This place was originally the site of an ancient family. Later, due to some reasons, that family was destroyed. Several families including our Yan family took care of this place. There was a fight."

"Afterwards, each of them moved out their trump cards, and our Yan family only got the support of a big man with the support of one million gods a year, and thus temporarily owned this place."

No wonder he looked so weird after hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, and there was such a thing in it.

One million a year, just for a place to live.

It seems that this place is not as simple as he imagined, and the true voice of the Yan family is also not as simple as he imagined.

"Boy, you'd better be careful, I just felt a strong man's investigation, that man's strength is only above Mo Ziqi, and his state is very strange, he should not be aware of my existence, but your cultivation Because of the situation, he was investigated upside down." Qi Cai's voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

A half-step eternal powerhouse, and a more powerful existence than the mysterious powerhouses like Mo Ziqi.

I didn't expect that I had just thought of this possibility, and it would be confirmed.

From this point of view, the Yan family is far from simple.

"Let's go, let's go home, and then I'll ask my father to arrange the best dinner for you, eldest brother." Yan Heng smiled and took his hand as if he was very familiar with him.

Qin Shaofeng did not refute either.

Anyway, his real enemies are on the other side of Wuqingjiang. According to the situation of Xiu Moyu, it is unlikely that the enemies over there will come to track him down.

As for the threats in this castle, he didn't take it too seriously.

It's just a half-step eternity, and it's not worth the fuss.

The song really can not be shot casually.

But after confirming the situation of Qicai, even if Qicai said that it was impossible to help him casually, it greatly increased his real confidence.

If possible, it is the best thing to take advantage of this place to hide for a year and a half, and let him cultivate both the Body Refinement Divine Rune and the Ruthless Divine Rune to the extreme.

Seeing that he did not refuse, Yan Heng immediately became more attentive.

The two soldiers guarding the gate bowed respectfully, and Qin Shaofeng followed them through the gate with strides. After walking through two long streets, he stopped in front of an attic in the very center of the fort.

Yan Heng immediately arranged for him to live in the most luxurious room in this attic.

Then he asked Qin Shaofeng to wait for a while and went to meet the Yan family head in person.

Qin Shaofeng took a look at his spiritual sense.

After making sure that no one was exploring himself, he sat on the bed, immersed his consciousness in the Void Starry Sky Realm, and rummaged through the harvest of the Magic Sea Magic Cave.

At that time, I just glanced at it casually, but I didn't know much about the specific harvest.

After doing this, he was really shocked.

Among them, there are more than 30 sets of simple and complete sets of gods, and there are actually a full set of body-refining gods, one set of ruthless gods, and the other top ten gods of the Ruthless Dynasty actually have as many as thirteen sets.

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