Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5085: banquet

After Qin Shaofeng counted the harvest of this trip, he couldn't help but start to ponder.

The Magical Sea Devil Cave is indeed the place where the Ruthless Dynasty once treasured. Although the number of resources is not too many, it is the top-level resource.

More than 30 sets of the entire ruthless dynasty can be regarded as the ultimate **** pattern.

There are more than 70 real top-level spirit fruits and spirit medicines.

These more than 70 spirit fruit and elixir are not comparable to anything casually.

At least.

As the third prince, the resources that Rui Ruqing once took out, even if they were added up and multiplied several times, they would not be able to exchange for any spiritual fruit and elixir.

More importantly, after hundreds of thousands of years, not only did not decay, but absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the medicinal power contained in it became more terrifying.

Under such circumstances, the elixir became even more precious.

There are more than 100 Divine Runes for offense and defense. Although they have not tried it yet, according to Qi Cai, any of those Divine Runes has the ability to kill a sage's peak realm powerhouse.

Even if it encounters a half-step eternal powerhouse.

The Divine Rune cannot break through the power of eternity and directly obliterate the opponent, but it can also inflict heavy damage. At most, three or five Divine Runes can be thrown out without money, and the opponent will surely die.

Finally, there are various weapons and armors.

Tens of thousands of sets of weapons and armors are all sealed in the two gods. Although their value is extremely high, they cannot be compared with those in front.

After Qin Shaofeng glanced at it casually, he casually threw it aside.

There are many good things though.

There are very few that he can really use.

After some thought.

He finally made a decision, leaving only seven top-grade spirit fruits of the recovery category and three top-grade spirit fruits of the healing category, and the rest will be distributed to everyone.

Instead of keeping it in your own hands to get moldy, or selling it for useless ruthless patterns, it is more effective to help your own people improve their cultivation.

As for the armor and weapons of the gods, he asked Ge to send a message to Xue Ji and others.

Anyway, things are in the Void Starry Sky Realm. If they see something useful, they can use it, and he will distribute the rest.

But he took out the hundreds of offensive and defensive divine marks together with ten spirit fruits and placed them in three space rings.

He really doesn't need to be afraid of sages or half-step eternal powerhouses now.

Being able to have these things in hand is also a guarantee for him, after all, no one knows when it will play a role.

Only by being well prepared can he escape death time and time again.

He is also very concerned about this.

Just figured out what to do with it.

The colorful voice sounded in his heart: "That kid is here, it seems that he wants to take you to meet someone."

Qin Shaofeng heard the words and swept away the consciousness.

Soon, Yan Heng, who was running towards him excitedly, was detected.


The door was knocked 'bang bang bang'.

"Brother, have you rested? My father has already arranged for someone to prepare food. Let me take you to drink tea and have some snacks. By the way, I will let you see what materials are suitable for you in the warehouse and make a tailor-made one for you. Take the weapon." Yan Heng said excitedly.

so good?

Qin Shaofeng was stunned for a moment, and immediately, a feeling of suspicion emerged.

What he is showing now is only a martial cultivator at the peak of True Monarch Hongmeng.

Even if he really has the power to surpass the power of the emperor, he can even kill Xilong with one blade, and even save Yan Heng's life.

The Yan family head, who had never met before, shouldn't have been so kind to him.

No matter what, he is just an outsider!

"Qicai, when he went to see his father just now, did you find anything?" Qin Shaofeng hurriedly passed the sound transmission.

"No, after all, there is a half-step eternal powerhouse here. If I use my spiritual sense to probe in my current state, there is no way for the other party to be unable to find it, just like when he probed you, he couldn't escape my induction. "The colorful voice sounded.

Something must have happened.

Qin Shaofeng immediately thought.

Immediately, a black crack appeared in the sleeve of the left hand, and a small tower the size of a thumb jumped out of it.

Qin Shaofeng hung the small pagoda on himself like an ornament before walking towards the door.

The moment the door opened, that ignorant color appeared on his face again.

"Tasting tea? What do you do with tea? That thing is too bitter and unpalatable, but are there any desserts, are they all as delicious as that plate of soup?" Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with anticipation.

These words made Yan Heng roll his eyes for a while.

Do you dare to speak more loudly than a lion?

It's really infuriating to open your mouth to decide on the same level of delicacy as that plate.

"It can't be compared like that."

Yan Heng quickly reacted, and Dun Dun taught: "That plate belongs to soup, it's not the same thing as dim sum at all, brother, you stay in the mountains all the year round, maybe you still don't understand, come with me, just like me I'll tell you the same."

"it is good."

Qin Shaofeng followed excitedly.

Just listening to Yan Heng just turned around to lead the way, he has already told: "We normal people eat with rice, vegetables, and soup, and in some families, we have to add snacks, desserts, fruits, and wine... "

The two walked all the way, and Yan Heng actually told the whole way.

He really gave a thorough account of the way of eating like a nobleman.

What left Qin Shaofeng speechless the most was that this kid was able to classify each type.

For example, what should be eaten and when, roughly what it tastes like, how much to eat, and what it means, it can all be said.

Although Qin Shaofeng has enjoyed a lot, he can't compare to what he said.

Eating is eating.

As long as the food is delicious, it is a serious business to rush to practice after eating. Where can I waste time as he said?

There is really no sense of crisis at all!

It is no wonder that many people in the Yan family do not know that the Yan family has the existence of the ancestor who is half-step eternal.

I'm afraid it's the strong man who doesn't bother to deal with them like this at all, right?

If you get caught in their vices, your life will be ruined.

Qin Shaofeng followed Yan Heng all the way to this castle, in front of the only building similar to a palace.

As soon as he came to the door, he saw that the building had been properly arranged.

In the entire room, apart from a huge table in the center, there were actually two rows of long bracelets placed on both sides.

At this time, many servants brought various fruit snacks, which were constantly placed on the tables on both sides.

If Qin Shaofeng is not sure, they are just entertaining themselves, I am afraid they will be surprised what they are doing.

He is just a small person, shouldn't there be too many people in the Yan family to support him?

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