Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5086: Yan family master Yan Sanzhan

"Is this the little friend who saved the child's life?"

When Qin Shaofeng was still observing the decorations in the entire hall, he heard a sound that seemed to be a little compliment.

Look at the sound.

I saw that the original things in the entire hall seemed to have been removed.

Even on the ground at the end of the hall, there was only a faint trace of the throne, but nothing existed except what the banquet hall should have.

What a big battle!

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Could it be that the ancestor of the Yan family has already noticed the existence of Qi Cai?

I thought about it a little bit.

Immediately, quit.

Anyway, his true identity is not exposed, whether he is seen through?

If that half-step eternal Yan family ancestor really dared to do anything, the big deal is to call out the song and beat him together.

The powerhouse of half-step eternal realm is no longer in the eyes of him who is huge in the background.

Looking back, it's ironic.

Before entering the starry sky world, he was just a stranger, and even countless people depended on him for their lives.

Even if you are really tired, you have to find a way to support them.

Now I can also feel the feeling of being in the shade with the back of a big tree.

Looking around for a moment.

A middle-aged man walked over from behind with a middle-aged woman holding his arm.

The middle-aged man looked at him for a moment.

Qin Shaofeng clearly felt the doubtful color flashing in his eyes.

I just don't know, what he doubts is his own cultivation, why he can kill Xilong with one knife, or because of colorful reasons.

Anyway, a decision has been made, so he is not polite at all, nodding carelessly.

This fearless appearance gives people a feeling of not understanding the world.

"The owner of the Yan family, Yan Sanzhan, the name of the old man is also interesting. When the old man was born, my old father experienced three battles in one day and won all three battles. He brought me such a name on a whim. ." Yan Sanzhan introduced himself with a big smile.

Looking at it like that, it seems that there is no half-snack machine.

Qin Shaofeng did not dare to underestimate the Yan family head.

Without relying on the half-step eternal ancestor, he can make the Yan family what it is now, even if he knows that there are people behind him, not ordinary people can do it.

"Good name, hehe."

Qin Shaofeng nodded, but his eyes kept looking at the dim sum on the tables on both sides, as if he didn't want to waste his time with Yan Sanzhan.

Yan Sanzhan reported himself to his family, of course, to reciprocate.

But he didn't want Qin Shaofeng to not accept the move at all, but instead made such a gesture, he had to ask with a smile: "I still don't know the name of Xiaoyou Gao, who is the teacher, and what kind of gods are you practicing, ordinary gods can't be To kill Xilong with one knife."

"Purple flames."

Qin Shaofeng reported a pseudonym at will.

It's just that if his pseudonym spreads out, Luo Yan might vomit blood.

It's been a long time since I haven't seen her, and my name has been added with a surname to use it as a pseudonym?

And how good is my name Luo Yan?

You even gave me a purple one?

Also violet?

Thinking about it, you feel a chill?

"It turned out to be little friend Zi, I don't know little friend..."

Before Yan Sanzhan's words were finished, Qin Shaofeng had already turned around and moved towards his father at the table on both sides.

Just grab a snack and put it in your mouth.

"It's not as delicious as that soup, but it's not bad. It's much better than the barbecue that the old man made." Qin Shaofeng murmured to himself, and even started to eat with both hands.

Yan Sanzhan's old face suddenly turned blue and purple.

As an old fritter who can take care of the Yan family to the present level, he obviously will not be so polite to a martial cultivator whose origin is unknown and whose cultivation is only at the peak of the Little Hongmeng True Monarch.

Everything had to start when Qin Shaofeng and others entered the castle.

The existence of the ancestors of the Yan family is indeed only known to a limited number of people, and Yan Sanzhan, the head of the Yan family, is naturally one of them.

At that time, he was still listening to his subordinates reporting on the business progress of the recent period.

Suddenly interrupted by the ancestor's consciousness.

Let those subordinates retreat first, and I heard the voice of the ancestors in my ears: "Your second son brought back a strange boy. He only has the peak cultivation of the True Monarch of Hongmeng, but let the old man investigate the truth."

"In addition, this old man has a feeling of extreme danger. If he can win over, try to win over him as much as possible. Even if it cannot be used by us, it must not be offended. Otherwise, this old man would rather watch you bloodline descendants cut off."

With the words of the ancestor, Yan Sanzhan almost fell to the ground in fright.

Would you rather watch the bloodline descendants cut off?

This is not to say casually.

He knew very well what kind of existence this ancestor of the Yan family was. Rather than being unwilling to let the Yan family know, it would be better to say that he did not dare.

Because when this old ancestor had reached the half-step eternity level, he really thought that the world was invincible, but he actually crossed the ruthless river, and finally offended the ruthless dynasty.

Under the pursuit of the ruthless dynasty, they had to hide and hide. It was not until thousands of years later that the Yan family completely collapsed into a family that could be destroyed at any time.

It took thousands of years for the Yan family to develop to this level in his hands.

Others really don't have the right to know.

He was fortunate enough to have seen the old ancestor a few times with his own eyes. The old ancestor was flashing purple light everywhere. According to the old ancestor, it was the brand of the ruthless Divine Mark.

The powerhouses of the Ruthless Dynasty were obviously able to track him down with this.

Even if he suppresses with all his strength all the time, he is afraid that he will not be able to truly make the ruthless dynasty powerhouses unable to perceive.

It's just that since he chose to cheat death and let the development of the family never take action, there seems to be no difference between life and death, so that the strong men of the ruthless dynasty are too lazy to pay attention to him.

Once he dares to make a move with all his strength, his aura will fluctuate, and he will definitely make the Ruthless Dynasty think of him again.

If he got to that point, he would surely die.

Don't look at the current Yan family's appearance, but the old ancestor gave guidance and help as much as possible.

Before the existence of the next sage realm or above in the Yan family, the fall of the ancestor will mean that the Yan family will also be destroyed.

The more he knew, the more Yan Sanzhan was afraid of Qin Shaofeng who had never met.

Now I finally see it with my own eyes.

Rao is Qin Shaofeng's name, 70% of which may be fake, he didn't dare to expose it, and he didn't dare to be dissatisfied because of Qin Shaofeng's disrespect.

"Don't eat like this, little friend, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

Yan Sanzhan laughed a few times, as if he really liked Qin Shaofeng very much.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng looking back, for fear that Qin Shaofeng would be wrong, he quickly explained: "This is just a small snack. Although the taste is very strange, it is only suitable for appetizers. The taste is much worse than that of a dinner. If you're full now, you won't be able to eat when the main meal comes."

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